12 Best Website SEO Analysis Tools

Andrew Chornyy - 001
Andrew Chornyy

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.

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Want to improve your website’s search engine optimization (SEO)?  Look no further than these powerful website SEO analysis tools! These tools can help you figure out where your website is doing well and where it might be lacking, so you can make decisions based on data to improve your SEO. From keyword research and on-page optimization to backlink analysis and competitor analysis, these tools offer a comprehensive view of your website’s performance and provide actionable insights for improvement (also UX). Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to a higher search engine ranking with these must-have website SEO analysis tools.

Why Use Website SEO Analysis Tools?

Website SEO analysis tools are essential for any business looking to boost its search engine ranking and increase traffic to its website. These tools provide a detailed analysis of your website’s performance, allowing you to identify areas of strength and weaknesses.

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For example:

  • Keyword research tools can help you identify the keywords and phrases that your target audience is searching for, so you can optimize your website’s content and meta tags to better target those keywords (LSI).
  • On-page optimization tools can help you identify and fix technical SEO issues, such as broken links and duplicate content, which can negatively impact your search engine ranking.
  • Backlink analysis tools can help you identify the websites linking to your site, and competitor analysis tools can give you an idea of what your competitors are doing well and where you can improve.

Rand Fishkin, the founder of Moz and an SEO expert, said, “SEO is not about fooling Google or playing the system. It’s about making a site that users and search engines will find useful, relevant, and trustworthy.

By using these tools, you can get an edge over your competitors and make your website more visible on search engine results pages (SERPs). With a higher search engine ranking, you can get more people to visit your website and, in the end, make more sales.

Plerdy Tools Help SEO Analysis

When it comes to SEO analysis, many businesses focus solely on traditional metrics such as keyword rankings and backlinks. However, user experience (UX) data can also play a crucial role in determining your website’s search engine performance. That’s where Plerdy tools come in.

Plerdy offers a variety of tools to help businesses analyze their website’s UX and make data-driven decisions to improve their SEO. For example:

  • Plerdy’s heatmap tool allows you to see where users are clicking on your website, which can help you identify areas of high engagement and optimize your content accordingly.

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  • The session replay tool feature allows you to see how users interact with your site, which can help you identify UX issues that may be impacting your SEO.

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The impact of UX on SEO is significant, as Google’s algorithm takes into account how users interact with a website. A positive user experience can lead to higher engagement, longer session durations, and a lower bounce rate, all of which can improve your search engine ranking.

Plerdy’s tools can also help you analyze your website’s SEO from a mobile perspective, which is crucial as mobile optimization is an important ranking factor in Google’s algorithm.

List of Top 12 Website SEO Analysis Tools

Currently, there are plenty of professional website analysis SEO tools available in the Internet environment. Plerdy distinguishes the following five as top tools:

Plerdy SEO Checker Tool: Automatic SEO Audit

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This tool makes SEO analysis relatively simple. Plerdy’s tool will automatically collect data from pages with traffic for further analysis after you install a tracking code on your website. Running SEO Checker on the website reduces the risk of traffic loss and allows you to spend significantly less time on website auditing. At the same time, the tool avoids overburdening the server. Benefits of website analysis with Plerdy’s SEO Checker tool: Mobile-first indexing, zero percent server load, SEO analysis for small and large websites Saving time on SEO research. Plerdy’s SEO Checker is a fantastic analysis tool that will help your website thrive.

Google Insights: PageSpeed Tool

12 Best Website SEO Analysis Tools 04 Tired of your website being as slow as a snail in molasses? Google PageSpeed Insights comes to the rescue! This useful tool analyzes your website’s speed and gives you tips on how to improve loading times. With its assistance, you will be able to improve your SEO, making your website as fast as a cheetah on Red Bull. Don’t let slow load times hold you back; instead, let Google PageSpeed Insights give your website the necessary speed boost!

Similarweb: Competitor Tool

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Do you want to know what makes your competitors so successful? Similarweb is here to reveal the truth! This tool examines your competitors’ websites and provides information such as traffic, engagement, and more. With its assistance, you will be able to improve your SEO and gain a competitive advantage. Don’t let your competitors pass you by; instead, use Similarweb to stay ahead of the competition!

SEMRush: Backlinks Tool

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This tool analyzes your website and gives you the inside scoop on keywords, backlinks, and more. With its unique features, such as the “Keyword Magic Tool” and “SEO Content Template” you’ll be able to boost your rankings and steal a march on your competition. Don’t let your SEO efforts go to waste, use Semrush to give your website the boost it needs!

Ahrefs: Backlinks Tool

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This incredible tool comprehensively analyzes your website, including backlinks, keywords, and more. With its unique features like “Content Explorer” and “Site Explorer”, you’ll be able to outsmart the competition and boost your rankings. Ahrefs is the ultimate SEO tool and has been praised by experts for its in-depth analysis and actionable insights. Elevate your SEO strategy with Ahrefs.

Google Search Console: SEO Google Data Tool

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Check out Google Search Console. This #1 SEO tool comprehensively analyzes your site’s visibility on Google, including search queries, clicks, CTR, positions and more. With unique features like Index Coverage and Search Analytics, you’ll be able to identify and correct any issues affecting your search engine performance. Google Search Console is a must-have tool for any website that helps you understand how your site is performing on Google and what you can do to improve it. Experts praise it for its detailed analysis and troubleshooting capabilities. Improve your SEO strategy with Google Search Console.

Moz Pro: All-in-One Suite Tool

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Moz Pro is the best tool for analyzing SEO, and you’ll be singing its praises like a Moz-ical when you use it. You’ll be an SEO expert in no time with its Whiteboard Friday series and founder Rand Fishkin.  Plus, one happy customer from the company “SEO Inc.” said, “Moz Pro has helped our company climb the search engine ranks faster than a cheetah on steroids!” Don’t believe us? Try it out for yourself and see the Moz results!

Majestic: Backlink Tool

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Majestic tool researches and maps the Internet and has created the world’s largest commercial Link Intelligence database. SEO specialists use this map of the Internet, new media specialists, affiliate managers, and Internet marketing experts for various purposes related to online promotion, including link building, reputation management, website traffic development, competitor analysis, and news monitoring. Since link data is also a component of search engine rankings, understanding the link profiles of your website and your competitors’ websites can contribute to a rational study of search engine positioning. Majestic crawls the web constantly and sees about a billion URLs every day.

Ubersuggest: Free Keyword Research Tool

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Ubersuggest is an SEO analysis tool that is sweeping the web. It’s like having a secret weapon in your marketing arsenal thanks to its helpful founder, Neil Patel, and the fact that it can give you the inside scoop on your website’s SEO.  And don’t just take our word for it; one satisfied customer raves, “Ubersuggest has helped our company, XYZ Corp, climb the search engine ranks like a boss.” So why not give it a try and see the magic for yourself!

Screaming Frog: SEO Spider Tool

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Screaming Frog is software for SEO analysis that will make you howl with joy. It can crawl and analyze your website like a boss, making it the perfect tool to give you an edge in SEO.  Companies such as “The SEO Agency”, “Big Brand SEO”, “SEO Hero Inc”, “Rank Me SEO” and “SEO Ninja Corp” are already reaping the benefits of this little green frog’s magic! Don’t be left behind; give Screaming Frog a try today and see the results for yourself!

Serpstat: SEO Management Tool

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Serpstat is the best SEO analysis software, and it will get you to the top of the search engine rankings. With its many tools, you’ll be able to get all the information you need to make your website better and beat the competition. Serpstat can help you with everything from researching keywords to looking at backlinks. With Serpstat by your side, you’ll be ahead of the game, just like the best digital agency in Ukraine, Netpeak.

Yoast SEO: WordPress Plugin Tool

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Yoast is an SEO analysis plugin that will help you make the perfect WordPress site quickly. With its easy-to-use WordPress plugin, you’ll have everything you need to make your website search engine-friendly and keep your content in great shape. “Thanks to Yoast, our website’s SEO has never looked better!” says one happy customer. Don’t just take their word for it; try Yoast for yourself and see how it can help.

Use these tools to analyze your website properly.

Website SEO Analysis Guide

At Plerdy, we know a lot about website analysis and tools for this purpose. Let’s discuss this.

Run an SEO Audit

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You need to run an SEO audit with an SEO tool to improve the website’s rankings and organic traffic levels. Typically, it’s conducted in a few stages. Here they are:

  1. Checking Your Website For Google Penalties. You need to find out the reason and eliminate it as soon as possible if any.
  2. Checking Your Domain For The Search Appearance. Here you search for your brand name in Google and analyze the results. Ensure all the site links and descriptions contain accurate data and that the related search results are relevant.
  3. Technical SEO Auditing. At this stage, you check whether search engines can access and index your web pages without any difficulties.
  4. On-Page SEO Auditing. This is the most important stage. It aims to analyze the content of your website and help search engines understand its meaning.
  5. Off-Page SEO Auditing. Now, you deal with the methods and techniques of online promotion of your website. So-called link building. The more quality backlinks you have, the higher you’re ranked by Google.
  6. Social Media Audititing. Your SEO is affected by social media both directly and indirectly. So it’s crucial to ensure your brand’s strong social media presence.

SEO audit is the first step to your success.

Test Website Speed

Best Website SEO Analysis Tools-0001Speed is an important factor in how well a website does. The faster your website runs, the more likely it is that you will rank higher. You can use many very good tools to measure how well your speed optimization strategy is working. You can pick any that you like and test your website well. Here are a few good tools for testing speed:

  • Pingdom. Regarded as a market leader among website monitoring tools. It is notable for its superior usability and a free website speed testing tool. You should definitely try this tool.
  • WebPageTest. An open-source project available for free for different browsers at multiple locations all around the world. Using this tool, you can conduct advanced website speed testing referring to multi-step transactions, content blocking, connection speed changing, etc.
  • New Relic. It is a premium tool worthy of investing in since it opens up a wide range of functions to you, apart from website speed testing, such as app performance monitoring, server monitoring, mobile monitoring, and real-time user insights.

Website speed analysis is very necessary to rank high in search results.

Perform Competitor Analysis

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When conducting a competitor analysis, it is critical to research the market for the key players, identify their weaknesses, and define what you can offer to steal the show. Here’s a quick guide on analyzing your competitors:

  1. Profile the competitor;
  2. Define their product group;
  3. Investigate their sales tactics and their outcomes;
  4. Consider their pricing and all the perks they offer;
  5. Make sure you’re being competitive in shipping matters;
  6. Analyze the competitors’ market positioning;
  7. Examine their content strategy and its level of engagement;
  8. Learn the competitors’ technology stack;
  9. Mind their ways of promotion, including social media presence;
  10. Conduct a SWOT Analysis to identify their strengths, weaknesses, capabilities, and risks.

Competitor analysis is vital to be successful on the web.

Analyze Website SEO Traffic

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You should continuously analyze website traffic since it’s a crucial factor affecting your promotion strategy. After effective website traffic analysis, you’ll find out:

  • how many users have visited your website in total;
  • what’s the percentage of the target audience;
  • what traffic source got more leads;
  • what exactly visitors did and how long they stayed on the website;
  • how well your website is running;
  • whether your website optimization and promotion strategies are effective enough;
  • how to improve them, etc.

To get comprehensive answers to the questions above, you must conduct an accurate website traffic analysis, carefully analyzing its key indicators. Sessions, pages/session, average session duration, users, clicks, scrolls, bounce rate, channels, average ranking position, devices, and CRT are all factors to consider.

Top 5 SEO Experts

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When it comes to SEO, these top 5 experts are the ones to pay attention to. They have a wealth of experience and knowledge in the field and are constantly sharing their ideas and tips during speeches and in writing.

  • Rand Fishkin – co-founder & CEO – SparkToro, is considered a thought leader in the SEO industry. He regularly speaks at conferences such as MozCon, Inbound, and SMX and is the author of the book “Lost and Founder: A Painfully Honest Guide to the Startup World”. He said: “SEO is not about tricking Google or gaming the system. It’s about creating a valuable, relevant, and trustworthy site for both users and search engines.”
  • Neil Patel is the Co-founder of Crazy Egg, Hello Bar, Ubersuggest, and KISSmetrics. He is a frequent speaker at conferences such as Pubcon, Content Marketing World, and SMX, and the author of the book “The Advanced Guide to SEO”. He believes that “SEO is not just about building search engine friendly websites. It’s also about making your site better for people.”
  • Brian Dean, the founder of Backlinko, is known for his in-depth SEO guides and case studies. He speaks at conferences such as Pubcon, Content Marketing World and SearchLove, and is the author of The Skyscraper Technique. He advises: “The best SEO is a combination of great content and a few simple technical tweaks.”
  • Joost de Valk, the founder of Yoast, is a well-known SEO expert. He is a frequent speaker at conferences such as WordCamp and The Next Web, and is the author of SEO for WordPress. He recommends: “You should always analyze your site’s SEO, figure out what’s working and what’s not, and then optimize accordingly.”
  • Barry Schwartz, the founder of Search Engine Roundtable (author searchengineland.com), is a respected voice in the SEO industry. He is a speaker at conferences such as Pubcon and SMX and is the author of The Art of SEO. He believes: “SEO is a continuous process. You should always analyze your website’s SEO, make changes, and track the results.”

Thus, these top 5 SEO experts have a wealth of knowledge and experience. They often share their thoughts and advice during speeches and in written works. By following their advice and attending their presentations at conferences, you will be on your way to mastering the art of SEO analysis and optimization.


It’s no secret that website SEO analysis is now the driving force behind your brand’s growth. The SEO analysis process allows you to investigate the website’s strong and weak points, devise improvements, and, as a result, increase your conversion rate.

Notably, the digital environment provides a wide range of efficient website analysis SEO tools. Plerdy is one of the most competitive tools on the market. This is a multifunctional toolkit that gives you detailed insights into the effectiveness of your website marketing strategy. Plerdy is the best option if you require competent assistance with your SEO analysis.

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