
💣 General recommendations for usability

  • Slogan describing the website next to the logo
    website-ux-design-mistakes-5Usability testing proves that the logo should briefly inform the user about the content and topics of the eCommerce website, thereby enhancing the user experience.
  • Quality marks and Certifications
    website-ux-design-mistakes-6According to the usability testing on conversion, for good UX the website should contain quality certificates, if any.
  • Information about the eCommerce website and the history of the brand
    website-ux-design-mistakes-7According to usability testing, this information is required to improve the confidence factor and user experience.
  • Geo-targeting
    website-ux-design-mistakes-8An eCommerce website must be optimized for geo-targeting: information must be presented in the appropriate language (or offer a language selection). In addition, the data must be presented in the usual metric system.
  • Choosing a language on the website
    website-ux-design-mistakes-9If the website involves several languages, then the language selection must be in a conspicuous place (in the header)
  • Intuitive icons
    website-ux-design-mistakes-10Usability testing shows that all text items on the website should have icons if possible. It improves UX.
  • eCommerce Website Interface uniformity
    website-design-mistakes-1Usability testing indicates that a website's layout, including the header, footer, and main menu, should remain consistent across all pages, with possible exceptions for the basket and checkout pages.
  • Uniqueness and clarity of the eCommerce website design
    website-ux-design-mistakes-11Entering the website, the user understands the theme of a website in 3 seconds: the slogan and the images in the header, page title, etc.
  • Ease of interaction with ecommerce website logo
    website-ux-design-mistakes-12The website logo should be clickable and display on the main page, but should not update it if it is already on it.
  • Unique favicon
    website-ux-design-mistakes-13 The website's favicon should align with the logo for easy recognition. Usability testing shows a distinctive favicon makes it quicker to locate the site among multiple open browser tabs.
  • Clear terminology
    website-ux-design-mistakes-14Menu items, buttons, and links should not use obscure terms or language.
  • Ability to see a company representative
    website-ux-design-mistakes-15 Include an "About Us" page on the website, featuring detailed information about your company. This should encompass interior and exterior photos of the office, images of staff engaging with clients, and insights into the production or work processes.
  • The principle of nonviolence
    website-ux-design-mistakes-16 Media, such as music or video, should not autoplay on the website. Usability testing reveals that unsolicited media playback can annoy visitors, prompting them to leave the site, negatively affecting user experience. If you use this technique for whatever reason, make sure that the stop button of playback is in a prominent place. If the design of your website provides pop-up Windows, they must also have a visible close button (it was close, but not navigate to another page). Thus, the visitor will not waste time finding it. He will close the tab with your website.
  • User-friendly design
    website-ux-design-mistakes-17 The design of an eCommerce website should present a minimum of difficulties. The visitor is invited to execute only needed steps: a. all that can be done in software is done programmatically (for example, populated with the delivery address, based on the user's location); b. the action queries of the visitor and choices change dynamically depending on the parameters of the product, the visitor data, etc. for example, if the dress is only available in one color, the user is not forced to choose the color.
  • The explanation for deactivated items
    website-ux-design-mistakes-18When you hover over an inactive button or link, a brief explanation should appear why the button/link is inactive.
  • Honest buttons
    website-ux-design-mistakes-19The standard functionality of any button is to launch an action, not go to another page unless the button clearly suggests this.
  • User-friendly buttons
    website-design-mistakes-2A button is clickable, not the text on it. You can also make a small space close to it clickable (but not if another button is located next to it).
  • Thought-out delete buttons and clean forms
    website-ux-design-mistakes-20 Buttons that cancel actions, or clear completed data, are located at a sufficient distance from the Send or Confirm buttons, and differ from them. This is necessary so that the visitor does not click on them by mistake.
  • Standardization of interaction
    website-ux-design-mistakes-21 The design of all links should be familiar - blue, underlined, the cursor changes to clickable (hand icon) when hovering over the link. After a click, the link changes its color (the standard is purple).
  • Clear and relevant H1
    website-ux-design-mistakes-22 According to usability testing, all pages of an eCommerce website should include a heading that is entirely consistent with its content for good UX. That is H1, not the title, because, with many open tabs in the browser, the title is not visible.
  • Standardization
    website-ux-design-mistakes-23 Following usability testing, the names of menu items should be familiar to the visitor ("don't make me think") – "Contacts," "About Us," "shipping," and so on, without much creativity. This provides a good UX.
  • Convenient posting search
    website-ux-design-mistakes-24 Usability testing proves that the design of the website must be familiar. For example, the search box should be in a conspicuous place – the top left or top center of the page. This provides good UX.
  • The ability to quickly and easily interact
    website-design-mistakes-3 According to usability testing for better UX, a commercial website must provide the ability for users to leave feedback (comments) to the product, services, articles, best, without registration. In addition, the text is saved if the user incorrectly entered the captcha before sending it or accidentally close the page.
  • Authorization using social networks
    website-design-mistakes-4 Those who would not register in a separate form will only encourage still to check in on your website.
  • Spam protection
    website-design-mistakes-5 Protects automatic and manual spam comments and input (captcha, moderator pre - or postprimary reviews, check third-party links in comments, etc.). Otherwise, words can turn into a cesspool where the visitor will find it difficult to find helpful information.
  • No empty sections in the website design
    For a good UX, if there are currently no products in the category, it is temporarily hidden.
  • Noticeable Apply button
    website-design-mistakes-6" This is relevant when using a delayed filter when the visitor activates the filter only after selecting all the parameters he needs."
  • Privacy policy
    website-design-mistakes-7 The client notices that all personal data he enters in the and payment process is protected (icons of the applied security technologies, relevant explanations to the fields). At the same time, the process doesn't come into an examination, not to damage the user experience.
  • Opening in a new tab
    website-design-mistakes-8 Optional - the design of the current page provides detailed instructions for payment, and the page of the payment system opens in a new tab. Thus, the client has not been left alone with a possibly unfamiliar payment system, which positively affects the user experience.
  • No points in title and content
    website-design-mistakes-9Question marks, exclamation points, and ellipsis are only allowed.
  • Images quality
    website-design-mistakes-10 All images on the website are of high quality, clear, free of defects, and third-party watermarks. This contributes to a good user experience on the website.
  • Reason for the use of images
    website-design-mistakes-10All images are informative, not just decorative, do not "overcolor" the website.

⚙️ Check the usability of the product page

  • Delivery information
    website-ux-design-mistakes-60 A detailed and precise description of delivery terms and conditions, which can be immediately found on the website, will help the buyer understand that the chosen product will be delivered at a specific time and for a specific price. This greatly enhances the user experience, especially when the goods are shipped only after prepayment.
  • Photo Zoom
    website-ux-design-mistakes-61Using the zoom function for photos improves product perception and UX according to usability testing.
  • Product Image Gallery
    website-ux-design-mistakes-62The product card provides gallery feature
  • Return information on the product page for a better user experience
    website-ux-design-mistakes-63According to consumer law, the user has the right to return the goods within 14 days after purchase. Indicate this on the product page. This positively affects the user experience and increases conversion.
  • The optimal amount of goods
    website-design-mistakes-97The category page of the eCommerce website displays 10-15 products by default.
  • Ease of presentation
    website-design-mistakes-98 The design of an eCommerce website should allow the user to change the number of displayed items on the page or show all items on one page. The category page should suggest a choice of presentation: advanced (showcase, table, tiles), optimal (list), and minimum (price list). The advanced option works for users who want to see as much information as possible about the product directly on the catalog page. The minimum option works for visitors who are interested in price and availability. The optimal is an average option. This contributes to a good user experience.
  • Focus on the real situation
    website-design-mistakes-99 If the visitor can search for any product in different categories, the website design should display various categories. For example, visitors often confuse the terms "access point" and "wifi router", so you can put the same model in both categories.
  • Full product information
    website-design-mistakes-100"According to the results of usability testing, each product on the catalog page of an eCommerce website should contain the following information:
    • photo;
    • name;
    • price;
    • promo, sale, new product, bestseller, etc. label - if it is included in these categories;
    • buy button.
  • An extended list of characteristics
    website-design-mistakes-101 Optional: the category page also provides information about the main characteristics in a pop-up window when the cursor is on the product, expanding by clicking on the "show more," etc. You can provide this functionality for the extended presentation of goods in the catalog (showcase).
  • Actual quantity of goods
    website-design-mistakes-102Optional: the category page shows the exact or approximate quantity of the product in stock.
  • Noticeable price tag
    website-design-mistakes-103For good UX, the price is noticeable, written in large size, or marked differently.
  • Currency indication
    website-design-mistakes-103 If the website accepts multiple currencies, for good UX, the currency switch must be placed in a conspicuous place (in the header) and on the category page
  • Explanation of non-pricing
    website-design-mistakes-104 If the price is not indicated, then the reason for non-pricing is reported ("The product is discontinued," "Unknown price") or a recommendation to clarify the value with the Manager. In this case, the Manager's contacts or a link to them are indicated.
  • Different angles
    website-design-mistakes-105 An eCommerce website should provide several product photos on the product pages, from a different angle - so that a user can see all the features of the design (if it's hardware), tailoring (if its clothes), etc. Thus, it provides a good user experience.
  • Examples of application/usage/serving
    website-design-mistakes-106 In some cases, it makes sense to post a photo of the product in use, work, interior, etc.
  • Video unpacking / inspection
    website-design-mistakes-107Detailed video; high resolution is desirable
  • The relative uniformity of characteristics
    website-design-mistakes-85 According to usability testing results, the same features in different products should be called and presented the same way – in the same units of measurement, metric system, etc. This will help the user compare other product models and provide a good user experience.
  • Clues to non-obvious characteristics/terms, etc.
    website-design-mistakes-108 When hovering over the parameter name or clicking on the question mark icon next to it, the pop-up window displays all the information.
  • Information about the warranty period for the product
    website-design-mistakes-109 The eCommerce website should contain detailed information about the possibility of returning the product (optional).
  • Information about the item package
    website-design-mistakes-110 Usability testing proves that for good UX, you must specify all items of product that come standard in the package.
  • Information on the country of manufacturer
    website-design-mistakes-111This feature is optional.
  • Important data only
    website-design-mistakes-112 According to usability testing results, the product page (item card) must not contain information and advertisements that distract the visitor from exploring the product.
  • Additional information
    website-design-mistakes-113 For good UX, the product page should contain a clear and useful product description - reviews, social networks (not for all topics), rating the product. Rating is possible in one click.
  • Viewing blocks of information
    website-design-mistakes-113 The product description, specifications, reviews, and other information are placed horizontally on the page, in tabs, so that the visitor does not have to scroll down the page.
  • Similar suggestions
    website-design-mistakes-114If the product is discontinued or not available, the website should offer links to the analogs. This provides good UX.
  • Uniform image galleries
    website-design-mistakes-115Preview and large photos are the same for all product pages; The sizes of the preview in the catalog are the same for all catalogs/product categories
  • Ability to scale photos
    website-design-mistakes-116 The user can view each of the product's photos in high resolution (for example, by clicking on the preview) to see all the details. In addition, an online magnifier can be used. This is especially true for images with delicate details - screenshots, etc.
  • Ability to customize the video
    website-design-mistakes-117 This includes scaling the video, adjusting or completely mute the sound, and pausing the video.

🗂 Product filtering is an important influence on usability

  • Advanced filter
    website-design-mistakes-68 Suppose your customer's current choice of office not only by location but by other criteria – work schedule, range, work with legal entities or individuals. In that case, a commercial website must provide a possibility for such filtering.
  • Delayed filter
    website-design-mistakes-69When a user is redirected to a page with filtered results immediately after selecting one filter, an instant filter is less preferable, because the visitor is forced to wait for the page to load and again set the next filter he needs on the page.
  • The minimum time to synchronize dependent filters
    Synchronization starts without reloading the page. If this requires some time, a message or a progress bar informing the user is displayed.
  • The required minimum values
    website-design-mistakes-70 For good UX, the filter is not overloaded with choices. Instead, charges are standardized or, if there are too many options - combined into ranges.
  • The number of filtered items
    website-design-mistakes-71The design of the selection filter displays the number of positions on the filter. The same message can be used as a button/link to use the filter.
  • Ready URL for results
    website-design-mistakes-72URL of the page changes when setting the filters, so the visitor can share the page with friends or keep it in bookmarks.
  • Quick filter cleaning
    For good UX, after resetting the filter, the catalog page returns to the initial state.
  • Clarity
    website-design-mistakes-73 The user can see that a product is added to the comparison. For example, animation of the movement of goods to contrast can show the visitor where he can see the final comparison. It is proved to be good for UX.
  • Dynamic
    website-design-mistakes-74 The link text changes after the product are added to comparison so that the visitor sees which products he has already selected for comparison. In addition, the ability to add a product to the comparison is available both on the catalog pages and on the product page, and you can remove the product from the comparison in the catalog. There is a quick button (link) to remove the product from the list on the product comparison page.
  • Visibility
    website-design-mistakes-75 For a good UX, the link's location to compare products is conspicuous, for example, near the basket.
  • Adaptability
    website-design-mistakes-76The design of the product comparison page is optimized for the maximum number of displayed products, in various browsers and at different display resolutions. If this amount is exceeded, the goods are not added to the comparison, and the corresponding message is issued to the visitor.
  • Focus on popular products
    website-design-mistakes-77 Products in categories are sorted so that the most popular, best-selling products, products with high ratings, are placed first. This helps the user make a choice when he does not know precisely what he needs and prefers to focus on the choice of the majority. And the goods discontinued are at the very end of the list of goods in the category. This improves UX.
  • Custom sorting
    website-design-mistakes-78"If necessary, the website design should provide sorting based on the needs of the target audience and the characteristics of the product. Standard options:
    • from cheap to expensive;
    • from expensive to cheap;
    • alphabetically;
    • by rating;
    • the availability of discounts;
    • availability on stock.
  • The selection of the applied filters
    website-design-mistakes-79 For good UX, the user is provided with the information of what sorting criteria are currently applied. Thus, the sorting field contains the corresponding value next to the arrow or triangle field, indicating sorting from larger to smaller or from smaller to larger.

💻 User registration

  • Minimum of fields
    website-design-mistakes-53 When registering and placing an order, the number of required fields must be minimal, name, and contact: email and/or phone. The design of each additional required field explains why we need this information. If there are many fields in the registration form, they should be visually grouped and have titles.
  • Required visibility to fill in the fields
    website-design-mistakes-54 They are marked or highlighted in the usual way for the user (asterisk).
  • The ability to see the password when entering
    website-design-mistakes-55 This works for mobile devices, where many typos are made, but also suitable for PCs.
  • One fields column
    website-design-mistakes-56Users often do not notice the fields in the second column
  • Easy form filling
    website-design-mistakes-57 Page registration (or checkout) design provides that the user sees only the application form. If you place forms for multiple options on one screen – the user may not understand that they are different and fill out all forms. The transition between the registration fields is possible using a mouse or the Tab key. When the form opens, the cursor appears in the first field; then, the filling field is visually different from other fields.
  • Use of benefits and autocomplete
    website-design-mistakes-58To improve user experience it is recommended to provide some instructions for filling forms and fields. Using AutoFill will also improve UX.
  • Simple validation of input data
    website-design-mistakes-59 A website should provide a template of the correctly specified date of birth, email addresses, etc.
  • Help when entering the phone number
    website-design-mistakes-60 The previous paragraph obliges us to help the user enter a phone number.
  • Instant check
    website-design-mistakes-61 Each field is checked for correctness, and the page does not reload.
  • User promotion
    A correctly filled field is highlighted, for example, in green.
  • Error notification
    website-design-mistakes-61 If the visitor made a mistake in entering data, he receives a notification about which field he made a mistake in (this field is also highlighted in color), why this could happen, how to fix it. The notification is located next to the error field, directly on the page, not in a separate window, where you're going to need to click the "ok" button.
  • Minimum of trouble in case of error
    website-design-mistakes-62 If one field is filled in incorrectly, correctly filled areas are not reset. Instead, the data entered by the visitor is remembered, so if the registration or placing an order was interrupted, he does not have to re-enter the information.
  • Convenient information correction
    website-design-mistakes-63 In registering or placing an order, the visitor can always go back one step and correct the data.
  • Conviction to sign up
    website-design-mistakes-64It gives the user some benefits, and information about this should be placed next to the registration button.
  • Minimum fields
    website-design-mistakes-65 We use the email address as the login by default to breed users and remove the "login" field.
  • Registration process simplification
    website-design-mistakes-66In addition to the standard registration, the user is offered authorization via social networks. It is proved to be good for UX.
  • Subscription to newsletter
    website-design-mistakes-67 When registering, the visitor has the opportunity to refuse to receive the newsletter - uncheck the appropriate box. Or, which is more respectful to the client, he can check the box and subscribe to the newsletter.
  • Background check
    It is offered automatically. The client does not need to fill out anything for it: the data from the order (name, email) is used, and the password is generated automatically.
  • Registration confirmation
    After registration is completed, the visitor receives a letter with registration data. This also applies to “background” registration.

💸 Usability analysis of the buying process

  • Credit Information
    website-ux-design-mistakes-28Informing the user about the possibility of credit card payments improves the user experience.
  • Choice of currency
    website-ux-design-mistakes-29 Usability testing shows that if the company provides sales in different currencies, it is necessary to indicate this on the website.
  • The standard algorithm of sending to trash
    website-design-mistakes-30"When adding goods to the basket:
    • the user receives a pop-up notification about adding the product to the basket;
    • the user sees the animation of sending the goods to the basket (plus he understands where the basket is if he has not noticed it before);
    • the basket icon changes visually, showing the number of items in it and the total amount.
  • Fixed list of goods on the eCommerce website
    website-design-mistakes-31The list is visible at all stages of ordering. This contributes to a good user experience.
  • Minimum actions
    website-design-mistakes-32 If the user is registered, then the address, name, telephone, and other information fill out the order form automatically so that the client does not waste time on that again. In this case, the visitor can always return to the previous stages of placing an order and then continue without entering the data again.
  • Clarity
    website-design-mistakes-33Usability testing proves that in cases where the order is made in several stages, it should be obvious to the user how many stages are left.
  • Ability to order with our without registration
    Suppose the user started entering data without registration but then decided to register – no need to force him to enter it all over again. Instead, entered data is stored, including phone, city of delivery, and pulled up to the appropriate field after registration.
  • Order confirmation
    website-design-mistakes-34After the completion of the order, the user sees thank you page and explanations for further action on both parts.
  • Personal account
    website-design-mistakes-35 If the user is registered, all orders, including completed, are stored in his account, and he can view them at any time. This improves UX.
  • Dynamic modules of purchase
    website-design-mistakes-36 If the website design involves payment and delivery options, payment options should vary depending on the chosen delivery method. For example, if pickup is selected, there's no need to offer a cash-on-delivery option. Thoughtless actions adversely affect UX.
  • Proof of payment
    website-design-mistakes-37 If the payment was successful, the visitor receives a message and a link to return to the website.
  • Minimum of actions
    website-design-mistakes-38Usability testing shows that the delivery data for the registered user must be saved so there was no need to re-enter it during the next purchase. This has a positive effect on UX.
  • Calculate the delivery cost
    website-design-mistakes-39If the website doesn't provide such, connect the link to the calculator on the carrier's website.
  • Automatic calculation of the delivery cost
    website-design-mistakes-39It is included in the total amount of the order.

📈 Additional elements that affect sales

  • Sales block on the website
    website-ux-design-mistakes-36Usability tests show that a sales block enhances conversion rates and user experience on ecommerce sites.
  • Shares block on the website
    website-ux-design-mistakes-37According to usability testing, the shares block on an eCommerce website improves the conversion rate and the rate of additional purchases, improving the user experience.
  • Post-purchase review incentive functionality
    website-ux-design-mistakes-38Post-purchase reviews improve engagement with the audience and provide additional product information from real users.
  • Warranty
    website-ux-design-mistakes-39Offering a warranty enhances confidentiality and user experience.
  • Section “Recently Viewed” on the website
    website-ux-design-mistakes-40 According to the usability testing results, it should be available on any page of the website, so the user could easily find previously viewed products.
  • The ability to make a quick order
    website-design-mistakes-45The design the website must provide an "order in 1 click" button, callback request, etc. According to usability testing, it is good for UX.
  • Interesting offers
    website-design-mistakes-46 To optimize user experience, include categories like 'Sale,' 'Promotions,' 'New,' and 'Popular' in the eCommerce catalog.
  • Additional categories provided in the website design
    website-design-mistakes-47 The categories of an eCommerce website should include links to popular goods that don't have their own category. For example, the routers' category refers to "Routers for home," "Routers Wi-Fi," Routers TP-Link," etc.
  • Label with interesting offers
    website-design-mistakes-48 If the product comes at a discount or is included in the categories of "New”, "Top Sales," then the product image must have a corresponding label icon.
  • Ease of calculation of the cost of delivery
    website-design-mistakes-49 We can help with that if the product characteristics include information about its weight and dimensions, ideally about the size of the package.
  • Information about delivery and payment
    website-design-mistakes-50 Usability testing proves that the website must contain methods of delivery, estimated cost, terms, or references to the relevant section for a good user experience.
  • Wish list
    website-design-mistakes-51This is an option.
  • Related products
    website-design-mistakes-52 If the product has accessories, nozzles, components that can be purchased separately, they are displayed in the "Related products" or "Frequently bought together."
  • No contrivedness!
    website-design-mistakes-52"Related products" and "Similar goods" blocks must contain actually related goods, not randomly selected.

🚀 The first touch of a potential customer

  • State Toll-Free Number
    website-ux-design-mistakes-25According to usability testing, a phone number starting at 0-800 increases call conversions. In addition, calling such a number is free for the client, which means that potential buyers are more likely to use it instead of paid numbers.
  • FAQ
    website-ux-design-mistakes-26It helps to find answers to popular questions.
  • Minimum Contacts
    website-ux-design-mistakes-27Too many contact options may prevent a visitor from making this choice at all. This negatively affects UX.
  • Pinning contacts
    website-design-mistakes-11Website design provides for the same positioning of primary contacts on all pages. This is good for UX.
  • Feedback form
    website-design-mistakes-12 Replacement with the "Contact the Director" form is possible. That won't affect UX.
  • Separate display of contacts for each point
    website-design-mistakes-13 If you have multiple offices, the website's design must provide information for each of them (use tabs, script loading after you select office from the list, etc.). Nobody wants to scroll through a huge list of addresses on a page (not all users are advanced enough to use Ctrl F).
  • Point selection from both the list and the map
    website-design-mistakes-14 The options map is particularly convenient for clients in a strange city and has no idea how one or the other street is close to their current location. But for a local, this feature is useful.
  • Feedback Form Standardization
    website-design-mistakes-15 Ensure the contact page layout is intuitive, making feedback forms for questions, complaints, or orders easily accessible.
  • Ease of use
    website-design-mistakes-15 For good UX, the feedback form is available without registration. The visitor is only required to leave his contact information (email, phone). The message's text is not lost if the visitor has incorrectly entered the captcha or accidentally closed the page.
  • LongMessages
    website-design-mistakes-16 The form allows the visitor to leave a detailed message. When you enter a large text, the form design allows looking at all the entered text quickly – for example, a scrollbar appears on the right to scroll. It is proved to be good for UX.
  • Feedback
    website-design-mistakes-17 After sending a message, the visitor receives an email stating that his message was received. The email must include information about approximate response time. For example, if the visitor left his contact phone – he gets a text message on his mobile.
  • Accessible location of consultant icon on the eCommerce website
    website-design-mistakes-18 It is located in the obvious area of the website for better UX. However, it does not cover the content either on desktop or mobile devices, does not interfere with the visitor's interaction.
  • Available 24 hours a day
    website-design-mistakes-19Usability testing shows that for good user experience the website must provide the opportunity to contact their support both in working hours and after hours. Chat must be provided for that purpose.
  • Response Timeout Information
    website-design-mistakes-19For good UX, online consultant (chat support) informs the visitor about approximate response time.
  • Feedback if no operator
    website-design-mistakes-20When sending a message, if the operator is offline, the visitor is suggested to leave his contact (email, social network, number of the messenger) so the company could contact him during working hours.
  • Real employee
    website-design-mistakes-21In chat support, the visitor sees a real photo of the operator (not the standard image from the image Bank or the company logo), his name. Scripts (automatic responses) of the online consultant are well thought to avoid any awkward answers, unpleasant experience of communicating with the bot, etc.
  • Instant interaction with managers
    website-design-mistakes-22The basket provides an opportunity to contact managers and get help if something is unclear during the purchase.
  • Quick help
    website-design-mistakes-23"Based on the results of usability testing, the client is offered assistance in placing the order at all stages :
    • title chat support/online consultant changes its caption, for example, ""Need help with placing an order?"";
    • Obvious location of the Manager's contacts and offer to call/contact for help.
  • Help when error
    website-design-mistakes-24 If an error occurred during payment, a possible reason for the failure is indicated, and a retry is offered.

🧱 Website structure as part of usability

  • The standard layout of the key elements
    website-ux-design-mistakes-45Usability testing shows that all of the standard elements should be at the usual places (the principle of "don't make me think"): a. company logo in the upper left, b. contacts – top right, c. the search bar at the top left or top center.
  • Tuning F Scanning Patterns
    website-ux-design-mistakes-46Our gaze slides from left to right therefore the most significant content must be placed on the left.
  • Compliance with the F-scan pattern
    website-design-mistakes-82 A more advanced level is the location of the most important elements (USP, search bar, contacts, article headings) on the page in the letter F. This is how the user's view slides, according to usability testing. The most prominent place in the upper left corner.
  • Thoughtful arrangement of blocks on an eCommerce website
    website-ux-design-mistakes-47We place them on the first screen so that the visitor sees that there is also something interesting below. In this case, the visitor will scroll down the page. If, for example, you place an empty strip along the edge of the first screen, the visitor will decide that there is nothing below.
  • No wide horizontal scrolls
    website-design-mistakes-83According to usability testing, they can be perceived as a barrier and the user will not scroll through the website page.
  • Clickable breadcrumbs
    website-ux-design-mistakes-48 They help the visitor to understand which subsection of the site he is in and how to go to the higher sections in one click.
  • Well-thought-out internal link network
    To ensure a good user experience, all the pages of your website should have links to other pages – none of them should be "dead-end."
  • End-to-end website menu
    website-ux-design-mistakes-49For good UX, the main menu of an eCommerce website should include contacts, delivery, and payment, product catalog, services, or other main sections. So the visitor could find the basic required information. in 2 seconds.
  • Main Menu Availability
    website-design-mistakes-84 Usability testing proves that the main menu of an eCommerce website must be in the header or just below it and duplicated in the footer.
  • Highlight the item on the website where the user is right now
    website-ux-design-mistakes-50This item must always be highlighted and disabled (not to reload the page when clicked).
  • User-friendly main menu of the eCommerce website
    website-ux-design-mistakes-51According to usability testing, the main menu of an eCommerce website should have no more than 2 sublevels. This provides a good user experience.
  • Visibility sublevels
    website-ux-design-mistakes-52The design of the menu items that have sub-levels must differ from other items.
  • Lists and tables
    website-design-mistakes-85Characteristics that can be presented in a list or table should be formatted in this way.
  • Visual hierarchy of headings
    website-design-mistakes-9 For example, using the font-size: heading 1 level is larger than running 2 levels, the heading of the last level is larger and/or fatter than the main text.
  • Categorization of articles according to topic
    website-design-mistakes-86 Blog articles have categories that help the visitor find content on this topic. It is proved to be good for UX.
  • Placing thematic tags
    website-design-mistakes-87Blog articles have tags that help the visitor find content on this topic.
  • Block on the website with links to articles
    website-design-mistakes-88 For good UX, pages of products and product categories should have links to useful materials that will help the client choose goods.
  • Block on the website with links to the products
    website-design-mistakes-89If an article mentions a product or service available on the website, it should include a direct link to that item. In this case, the client does not have to spend time searching it.
  • Use "see also"
    website-design-mistakes-90 If the article covers other topics, an article covering this topic in more detail must be linked.

🗝 Other usability design tips

  • Well-designed functionality of the 404 error page
    website-ux-design-mistakes-1Ensure your website features a detailed 404 error page that explains the error and offers navigation aids like links to main sections, a search bar, and contact details including phone, instant messenger, and email.
  • Moderation
    website-ux-design-mistakes-2Usability tests recommend minimal use of bright colors, large colorful text, and animations in website design to enhance user experience.
  • Considering the features of color perception when creating a website design
    website-ux-design-mistakes-3 Choose button and field colors based on common perceptions: red often suggests error, while gray can imply inactivity.
  • Minimize or completely avoid using JS in website design.
    Flash is minimally or not used at all.
  • No accumulation of elements
    website-ux-design-mistakes-2 Balance website elements and blocks with empty spaces to prevent cluttered design.
  • The optimal size of clickable elements
    website-ux-design-mistakes-4Include adequately sized buttons, links, and banners in your design, ensuring they're large enough for easy clicking without being unnecessarily oversized.

💡 Call to action is not an integral part of usability

  • Quick access to the CTA buttons on the website
    website-ux-design-mistakes-41The opportunity to buy a product/order a service/order a call back is on every page of an eCommerce website.
  • High converting CTA
    website-ux-design-mistakes-42 The call-to-action design on the pages must be visually noticeable and obvious: the buttons are large and signed, links are highlighted.
  • High converting main CTA
    website-ux-design-mistakes-43The main call to action on each page of an eCommerce website (the Buy button, the button for moving to the next stage of placing an order, etc.) is always brighter than the others and is user-friendly. This greatly enhances the user experience on the website.
  • Clear, unambiguous CTA on an eCommerce website
    website-ux-design-mistakes-44 Button text should clearly indicate the action it triggers, ideally using an infinitive verb like 'buy', 'order', 'download', or 'register'. Ensure it's specific and unambiguous:
    • Continue (What does it mean? What will happen when the button is pressed?);
    • "Back" (Where to? The user may no longer remember what was on the previous page);
    • "Continue," "Finish," and so on."
  • Noticeable CTA button
    website-design-mistakes-80 For a good user experience, the design of the call-to-action button ("Buy," "Order," "Call me back") must contrast the primary colors of the website, be large and clickable, located on the first screen.
  • Dynamic CTA button
    website-design-mistakes-81 Optional: call-to-action button is floating, remains in view when scrolling the page. The call-to-action button changes its color and shape when hovering, and when clicked, the user sees that he pushed the button.

📝 Usability analysis of content

  • Readable text
    website-design-mistakes-91If SEO-optimized, a balance between ease of texts, consistency of content, and optimization is preserved.
  • Short text
    website-design-mistakes-91 There is no "water," lengthy introductions, unnecessary information overloaded with offers. This has a positive effect on UX.
  • Focus on the target audience
    website-design-mistakes-91 The text uses simple, familiar phrases and clear words to the target audience.
  • Simple numbers
    website-design-mistakes-92 They are represented by figures instead of words to facilitate perception of the text. The digits in the numbers are separated by spaces (example: 1 560 000).
  • Monotone fonts
    website-design-mistakes-93All of the pages use uniform fonts. Same font for elements (headers, etc) of one level.
  • Colors standardization
    website-design-mistakes-93The design and style of the website require special attention: the font color and background color must be combined. The font and the background match for a comfortable perception and reading. Preferably dark font on a light background. The color of the links is not used for plain text.
  • Optimal typographic unit size
    website-design-mistakes-94 The main text on the website uses a large font size to comfortable reading it. There are several opinions, but now the standard for plain text is 12 to 18 pixels, the larger font is the modern trend. Consider that different types of fonts may look differently in various sizes.
  • Font choice
    website-design-mistakes-95When scaling the page in the browser, the font preserves its readability.
  • Informative content
    website-design-mistakes-96 It makes it clear what the block of text is about. Even with a quick look at the text, the subheadings give the visitor information about the article's key points (product descriptions, news). .

🌐 A well-designed website is important for usability

  • Page speed site
    website-ux-design-mistakes-53Studies show that approximately 75% of users close pages that load for more than 4 seconds. About 50% of users expect a page to load in less than 2 seconds. In addition, search engines also take into account the page load speed setting.
  • Responsive Web design
    website-ux-design-mistakes-54 On July 1, 2018, a website ranking mechanism was launched based on the Mobile-first design principle. This is an entirely new search algorithm from Google. In addition, the page design automatically adjusts to the resolution of the user's device. This eliminates the need to develop a new gadget on sale strategy.
  • Usability testing for each device
    website-ux-design-mistakes-55 A convenient design for mobile devices is not always good for the desktop version. For example, a hidden main menu, which is expanded by a button in the upper left corner: on the desktop, it forces the user to make an extra click.
  • Hide unwanted scroll bars
    website-ux-design-mistakes-56 At a resolution of 1024 × 768 in all standard browsers, the horizontal scroll bar does not appear on the website.
  • Ecommerce Website Map
    website-ux-design-mistakes-57The website must have a pass-through link to the website map (the optimal location is in the footer).
  • Fast scrolling
    website-ux-design-mistakes-58 The design of long pages that take up several screens should provide a floating Back to Top button, which throws the user to the first screen.
  • Setting the cursor under “clickable / non-clickable”
    website-ux-design-mistakes-59When hovering over clickable elements, the arrow icon changes to the hand icon. When hovering over non-clickable elements - the icon does not change. This contributes to the user experience.
  • Deactivate redundant items
    website-ux-design-mistakes-18Links and buttons that are currently unavailable to the user must be inactive. However, do not hide them - this will confuse the visitor and adversely affect UX.
  • Text format
    website-design-mistakes-11 Usability testing proves that all the contacts on the website, including the header, are text, not pictures, so that the visitor can copy them for good UX.
  • No copy protection
    On eCommerce websites, ensure contact details can be copied even if other content has copy protection.

🗑 Analysis of the basket in the online store

  • Notification that the product is already in the basket
    website-design-mistakes-25 After adding items to the basket, the design of the "Buy" button must change - the color and the inscription (e.g., "Product already in the basket" or "Buy more"), or information that the product is added to the basket must appear next to it. The goal is that the buyer could see that the product is already added to the basket and at the same time had the opportunity to add one or several units. This provides good UX.
  • Easy transition to checkout
    website-design-mistakes-26 Option 1: after adding a product to the basket, a window pops up with two buttons (links): "Go to checkout" and "Continue shopping." This saves the user's time and provides a good user experience.
  • No extra information
    website-design-mistakes-27According to usability testing and to improve UX, the basket should not contain distracting elements:
    • catalog, shop windows;
    • advertising, animation;
    • news or links to blog articles.
  • Full information on the order
    website-design-mistakes-28"Based on the results of usability testing, the shopping basket shows::
    • a large image of products that the user understood what it is
    • the name of the goods;
    • optional – brief description of the goods;
    • the number of items of each item;
    • the total amount of the goods;
    • the total amount including delivery (optional).""
  • Click-through rate of the items
    website-design-mistakes-28The image and product name is clickable to improve UX and lead to the product page.
  • Easy wholesale purchasing
    website-design-mistakes-28When you add a product to the basket the user can immediately select the number of added products rather than clicking the " buy " button several times. This provides a good user experience.
  • Easy operation in the basket
    • Basket allows you to increase or decrease the quantity of the item and remove an item;
    • When you remove the item from your cart page is not reloaded, but the order total is automatically recalculated;
    • The visitor has the opportunity to add other goods at any stage of your order, with already filled fields are not cleared. This contributes to a good UX.
  • Easy trash empty
    • After removing all items from the basket, the user is notified that the basket is empty. This provides a good UX;
    • After the completion of processing of the goods, the basket is emptied.

🔎 Search on the website

  • Search on the eCommerce website
    website-ux-design-mistakes-34 The website's design should include the Search bar but don't shift the navigation tasks. The search bar on an eCommerce website does not solve navigation problems. According to usability testing, users prefer to search for products on their own using sections and filters and only then use the search bar.
  • Single search field
    website-design-mistakes-41 Don't make users think: "Why the second? Which one is more important?" and stuck at this moment. Usability testing shows that it is wrong for UX.
  • Convenient search interaction
    website-ux-design-mistakes-35 The search is started by pressing the button next to the query input field or Enter key. Automatic correction of types in user,” requests, spelling errors, incorrect keyboard layout (or corrections are offered). Search results are selected, including synonyms. Although the visual length of the search field is at least 30 characters, the actual length of the request is not limited. Simple editing of the request is provided (without going somewhere and additional clicks).
  • Using Live Search
    website-design-mistakes-42 Usability testing shows that when the user types the query in the search field, a relevant list of results must be displayed—the list changes as the user types. If a live search does not find suitable options when completing a query, the list is not cleared, and the last relevant values ​​remain.
  • Detailed Search Results
    website-ux-design-mistakes-35"According to usability testing, for good user experience, the visitor should see:
    • number of results found;
    • sorting of search results (with the ability to change this sorting);
    • basic brief information about each product/article found.
  • Help with no results
    website-design-mistakes-43 If nothing is found, for good UX, we do not show the visitor "No results were found according to your request" page, instead:
    • the client is offered several options for products or sections of the site closest to his request, where, perhaps, there is what he is looking for;
    • the client is advised how to edit the request so that it is more relevant;
    • optional: it is suggested to use the advanced search.
  • Advanced Search (optional)
    website-design-mistakes-44eCommerce websites should offer advanced search options, allowing users to refine their searches with multiple criteria.

📃 Internal linking on the website

  • Honest Links
    website-ux-design-mistakes-30 The standard functionality of a regular link is to go to another page or open another page in a new tab but not launch any action.
  • Noticeable differences in “special” links on an eCommerce website
    website-ux-design-mistakes-31 If the link involves the unfolding, but not the transition to another page/reloading the existing one, it must be dotted underlined. Add a triangle icon next to it. The download link must be different from regular links. It should include the word "download,” file size, and format.
  • Anchor or human-friendly link
    website-ux-design-mistakes-32Link text must clearly state where it leads (name of the article, product) so the user knows precisely what it opens. This contributes to a better user experience on your website.
  • User-friendly links
    website-ux-design-mistakes-33The link text must be long enough that the visitor could easily click on it (for example, a link with the anchor "here" is no good).
  • Return button on the website
    website-design-mistakes-40 Browser's button "Back" should work on all pages of the eCommerce website. Item 38 b tells us there must be no such button on the website. However, the browser has it to interact with it correctly: to return the user to the previously viewed page, saving all custom settings, sorting, or filtering. This contributes to the user experience.