10 SEO Best Practices by 2024

Andrew Chornyy - 001
Andrew Chornyy

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.

SEO Blog

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is always changing, and in 2024 new methods and approaches to raise website visibility will be available. The 10 finest SEO techniques for 2024 are listed in this post, with an emphasis on the most recent developments and modifications in search engines.

What are fundamentals of SEO?

Search engine optimization success is mostly dependent on the fundamental ideas and methods known as SEO fundamentals. Advanced SEO techniques are built on top of these.

Main Elements of SEO Foundations

  1. Keyword research is the study of search phrases entered by users into search engines.
    • Keywords are what link user queries to your content.
    • Tools: SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Google Keyword Planner.
  2. On-Page SEO is improving specific web pages to improve their ranking.
    • Title tags, meta descriptions, and headings should all be optimized with main keywords.
  3. Technical SEO is making sure search engines can read your website.
    • Speed of the website, mobile optimization, and crawlability are its components.
  4. Content Quality means producing worthwhile, pertinent, and regular material.
    • Three guiding principles are creativity, involvement, and relevance.
  5. Building links is getting links from other websites.
    • Strategies include outreaching material, creating broken links, and guest blogging.

Gaining a solid SEO basis by knowing these principles guarantees increased rankings and visibility.

1. Put Mobile-First Indexing First

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Definition of Mobile-First Indexing

When a content is mobile-first indexed, Google mostly indexes and ranks it using its mobile version. By 2024, mobile-optimization will be required rather than a choice.

How to Use Indexing for Mobile First

  • Making sure your website adjusts smoothly to different screen sizes is known as responsive design.
  • AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) and image optimization can help load times go faster.
  • User-Friendly navigating: Make mobile visitors’ navigating of your website easier.

The Reasons It Matters

Of all searches, almost 60% are done on mobile devices. Rankings increase and user experience are enhanced by mobile-friendly websites (source: Google).

2. Pay Attention to UX Why UX is Essential for SEO

User experience is now given great weight by Google’s algorithm, which affects website ranking. Important considerations are page performance, mobile usability, and interaction.

Upgrading User Experience

  • Page Speed Watch and improve load times with tools like Google PageSpeed Insights.
  • Visual Stability: Make sure nothing on the page moves out of the blue (a cumulative layout movement).
  • Interactivity: Including clickable infographics, polls, and quizzes can increase user involvement.

Case Research

Higher UX score websites experience a 32% increase in organic traffic, according to a SEMrush study.

3. Make Voice Search Ready

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The Ascent of Spoken Search

As smart speakers and virtual assistants proliferate, voice search is growing in popularity.

  • The Art of Conversational Keyword Optimization Write naturally and with long-tail keywords.
  • Featured Snippets: Try to land the snippet spot by succinctly responding to often asked questions.
  • As many voice searches are location-specific, optimize for local queries.

Case Study

55% of youth and 41% of adults use voice search on a daily basis, claims Google.

4. Utilise Machine Learning and AI

Justification of AI

With their more effective data analysis, AI tools can provide insights that improve your SEO plan.

  • AI Tools for Producing Content for SEO Search engine optimized material can be produced with the use of tools like Jarvis.ai.
  • Use AI-powered tools like Clearscope to find high-impact keywords.
  • SEO Audits: SEMrush and Ahrefs are two sites that employ AI to do thorough SEO audits.


HubSpot reports that search rankings for businesses using AI for SEO have increased by 25%.

5. Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness, or E-A-T

Describe E-A-T

E-A-T is a quality-focused idea from Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines.

  • Developing E-A-T Expert Writers Make sure professionals write or evaluate the content.
  • Author Biographies: To build credibility, include thorough biographies of the writers.
  • Get high-quality backlinks from reliable websites.

Strong E-A-T scores indicate stronger impact content, particularly for YMYL (Your Money Your Life) subjects (source: Moz).

6. Make Place for Local SEO

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Value of Local SEO

Businesses aiming at particular geographic regions need to focus on local SEO.

Fundamental Techniques

  • My Business on Google Maintain current, correct information on your profile.
  • Local Keywords: Incorporate terms particular to your area into your writing.
  • Reviews & Ratings: Urge clients to write good reviews.


Companies that have their local SEO strategy improved notice a 58% rise in local search exposure (source: BrightLocal).

7. Use Schema Markup and Structured Data

What is data with structure?

Better understanding of your pages’ content by search engines is made possible by structured data.

  • Techniques for Using Scheme Markup Make structured data implementations with schema.org.
  • Rich Extracts Improve SERP visibility by optimizing for rich snippets.
  • Using JSON-LD format, implement structured data.

For instance

Search Engine Journal reports that websites with structured data have a 20–30% higher CTR.

8. The King is Still Content

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Content Matters for Reasons

Search engine algorithms continue to be satisfied and users are given value by high-quality content.

  • Developing High-Quality Content Complete Guides: Create thorough instruction and manuals.
  • Continual Updates Maintain material current and interesting via frequent updates.
  • Images, videos, and infographics can all be used to enhance content.

Case Study

Companies who blog get 97% more links to their website, claims HubSpot.

9. Link Building Techniques

Value of Links

Increasing domain authority needs backlinks from reliable websites.

Workable Approaches

  • Post as a guest on reputable websites in your area.
  • Discover broken links on other websites and offer your own as a substitute.
  • Content Outreach: Get natural backlinks by promoting your excellent content.

About the result

A research by Ahrefs demonstrates a clear relationship between more backlinks and improved search results.

10. Regular SEO Audits: Why They’re Important

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Frequent audits of your website’s SEO help find and resolve problems that could be affecting its performance.

Performing an SEO Audit

  • Tech SEO: Look for broken links, crawl mistakes, and XML sitemap problems.
  • Optimize headings, meta descriptions, and title tags for on-page SEO.
  • Examine the performance and quality of your content using a content audit.

Auditing Tools

Get thorough audits with tools like Google Search Console, Ahrefs, Plerdy and SEMrush.


By quickly resolving errors, routine audits support search rankings maintenance and improvement.


These ten SEO best practices for 2024 will enable you to keep one step ahead of the competitors. These tactics when put into practice can greatly increase the search engine results performance and visibility of your website. Remain current with SEO trends and algorithm updates for ongoing success.

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