10 Best Customer Analytics Tools and Software in 2024

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Andrew Chornyy

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.

SEO Analytics User Experience (UX)

Unlock the power of data with the 10 Best Customer Analytics Tools of 2024! Accurate analytics are indispensable for customer-centric business strategies. Navigating through data noise can be challenging, but the right tool amplifies the signal, delivering actionable insights for incredible results. From tracking user behavior to predicting purchasing patterns, these top-tier tools make it a cinch to fine-tune your approach for maximum ROI.

What’s Inside:

  • Precision-Focused AI Algorithms
  • Real-Time Data Visualization
  • Multi-Channel Data Aggregation
  • Behavior-Pattern Identification

Don’t settle for superficial metrics; dig deeper to uncover invaluable customer intelligence. Each tool on our list has unique features tailored to diverse business needs, from startups to multinational corporations.

Eager to kick-start your conversion rate optimization and user experience enhancements? Don’t bypass Plerdy! This innovative tool is crafted for CRO & UX perfection, making it a stellar choice for businesses committed to exceeding customer expectations. Click here to supercharge your analytics journey with Plerdy today!

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What is Customer Analytics?

Customer analytics isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a critical tool that gives businesses the insights they need to thrive. Customer analytics involves gathering, analyzing, and interpreting customer behavior data. This goes beyond mere numbers; we’re talking about a rich tapestry of insights that can revolutionize how you connect with your audience.

Key Aspects of Customer Analytics:

  • Behavioral Analysis: Understanding how customers interact with your website or app—whether they abandon carts or complete purchases.
  • Demographic Insights: Identifying age, location, and other factors that distinguish one customer group from another.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Assessing customer feedback to gauge their satisfaction level and emotional response.
  • Lifetime Value Predictions: Calculate individual customers’ long-term worth so that you can invest resources wisely.

For instance, let’s say you’re in the organic beauty niche. Customer analytics can help you pinpoint which skincare lines are most popular among women aged 30-40. This data empowers you to tailor your marketing strategies, making them as effective as a perfectly blended serum.

In the ultra-competitive landscape of eCommerce, retailers in the fashion industry often use this tool to identify trending styles based on real-time customer behavior. Similarly, those in the gourmet food sector can determine which exotic ingredients their patrons are keen on exploring.

Many businesses turn to specialized software to fully leverage customer analytics. These tools use social media, customer reviews, and sales transactions to generate a complete customer journey. This invaluable intelligence catalyzes companies to craft more engaging experiences, optimize marketing ROI, and build lasting relationships with their customer base.

Customer analytics drives your decision-making, helping you increase profitability and customer pleasure by optimizing email marketing and brand stories.

Why Customer Analytics Matter?

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In today’s hyper-connected marketplace, customer analytics are the jet fuel propelling businesses into the stratosphere of success. This indispensable tool equips you with razor-sharp insights, giving you the ability not only to meet but also exceed customer expectations.

Reasons Customer Analytics Are a Must-Have:

  • Targeted Marketing: Sharpen your ads like a laser, zeroing in on demographics that convert.
  • Resource Allocation: Know where to invest your time and money for maximum impact.
  • Churn Reduction: Identify at-risk customers and swoop in with retention strategies.
  • Up-Selling and Cross-Selling: Utilize analytics to recommend relevant products and services, bumping up transaction values.

Consider a niche like pet supplies. Customer analytics can divulge which dog breeds’ owners are most likely to splurge on premium toys. Or, if you’re in the renewable energy sector, analytics can reveal what finally convinces homeowners to switch to solar power. With such detailed data, you can devise campaigns that strike gold.

The hospitality industry, for example, thrives on return guests. Leveraging customer analytics, a savvy hotel manager can discern why some travelers become repeat customers—the rooftop bar, the plush bedding, or the five-star customer service. Armed with this data, the manager can enhance those amenities and ditch less important ones, effectively boosting revenue while trimming costs.

Opting for specialized customer analytics tools amplifies your capabilities. These platforms aggregate data from myriad touchpoints—in-store interactions, online behavior, or social media engagement. This consolidated view lets you hone in on consumer patterns, making data-backed decisions that positively influence customer relationships and your bottom line.

Ignoring customer analytics is like sailing a ship without a compass—you might move, but you’ll drift aimlessly, missing the valuable ports teeming with opportunity and revenue. On the other hand, incorporating customer analytics into your strategy ensures a course plotted for long-term prosperity and customer loyalty.

How to Choose the Right Customer Analytics Tool?

The right customer analytics tool is crucial for enhancing your business strategy. Just like using a wrench to hammer a nail is ineffective, opting for an unsuitable analytics tool can negatively impact your business goals.

Key Aspects to Consider When Selecting a Customer Analytics Tool:

  • User-Friendliness: An intricate tool is less appealing. Seek out a customer analytics tool that is straightforward to use.
  • Integration Abilities: Ensure the analytics tool integrates seamlessly with your existing infrastructure, such as CRM systems and sales databases.
  • Customizability: A valuable customer analytics tool allows you to customize dashboards and reports to fit your unique needs.
  • Scalability: Choosing a customer analytics solution that can scale with your business and accommodating increasingly complex scenarios as you grow is essential.

For instance, if your specialty lies in premium audio systems, a detailed customer analytics tool is needed to distinguish between ordinary buyers and serious audiophiles ready to invest in superior sound systems. Through effective customer analytics, you can segment these groups accurately, enabling the creation of targeted promotional efforts.

Similarly, if you’re immersed in the competitive online education field, the appropriate customer analytics tool can help monitor engagement metrics or pinpoint which educational content most engages learners. This insight allows you to amplify what’s working best.

While many firms may lean towards well-known platforms such as Adobe Analytics or Google Analytics, don’t overlook specialized solutions designed for your industry. The essence lies in choosing a customer analytics tool that provides actionable insights, refines your marketing strategies, and, ultimately, promotes sustainable business growth.

Navigating the selection of a customer analytics tool in a dense market can be challenging. By carefully evaluating a tool’s ease of use, integration capabilities, customizability, and scalability, you’ll find a solution that integrates flawlessly with your business framework, ensuring your customer, analytics, and tool needs are comprehensively met.

List of Best 10 Customer Analytics Tools

Dive headfirst into our meticulously curated roundup of the 10 Best Customer Analytics Tools for 2024. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill list; we’ve left no stone unturned to ensure each analytics tool highlighted offers a unique blend of features that hit the nail on the head in customer intelligence. With this list at your fingertips, consider yourself armed and ready to zero in on the ideal solution for scaling your customer analytics endeavors to new heights.

Plerdy: Streamlining Your Path to Success with Integrated Customer Analytics Tools

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When decoding the enigma of customer behavior, Plerdy stands out as a next-level customer analytics tool. Plerdy goes deep into data, providing insights to optimize user experience and boost income.

Plerdy’s Standout Features:

  • Heatmaps: Visualize where your visitors click and linger, serving as your guide to interface improvements.
  • Sales Performance: Gain a bird’s-eye view of your funnel, spotting snags that might deter conversions.
  • SEO Checker: Audit your pages and uncover hidden opportunities to scale the ranks of search engine results.
  • Event Tracking: Follow every move users make on your site, giving you the data you need to enhance engagement strategies.

Imagine you’re operating in the home improvement niche, selling everything from eco-friendly paint to ergonomic furniture. Plerdy can clue you in on which product categories are getting the most love and which might need a promotional push. Learn which blog posts drive visitors to check out your eco-friendly paint selection and revamp your content strategy accordingly.

Where Plerdy truly shines is in its adaptability. This plugin works with WordPress, Shopify, and other platforms to provide a pleasant user experience. When you tap into Plerdy’s analytical might, you’re arming yourself with a sophisticated instrument that pivots as nimbly as a ballerina, adapting to your ever-changing business landscape.

Companies of all sizes are reaping the benefits. From niche e-commerce sites to sprawling digital empires, Plerdy helps businesses harness data to create a customer experience that’s as close to perfection as you can get. Whether overhauling your site’s design or refining your SEO strategy, Plerdy is your analytics co-pilot, steering you toward data-driven success with precision and agility.

Google Analytics: Unleash the Power of Customer Data with Advanced Analytic Tools

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In the bustling landscape of customer analytics tools, Google Analytics stands as a veritable titan. This juggernaut doesn’t just measure your traffic—it peels back the layers of user behavior, offering a goldmine of insights that can transform your strategy from guesswork to a precision operation.

Key Features to Leverage:

  • Real-Time Monitoring: Know instantly who’s on your site and what’s catching their eye.
  • Demographic Breakdown: Segment your audience by age, location, and interests for targeted campaigns.
  • Conversion Tracking: Follow your customers through the funnel to pinpoint where you’re losing them—and how to win them back.
  • Custom Dashboards: Curate your metrics into a one-stop shop for all the KPIs that matter most to you.

Let’s say you’re in the health and wellness niche, offering a blend of organic supplements and virtual yoga classes. Google Analytics can tell you how many visitors clicked on your ‘Organic Supplements’ tab and what led them there. Was it your latest blog on natural immunity or a well-placed social media ad? Then, drill down into conversion rates—how many window shoppers turned into customers? With this data, you can tweak your offers and landing pages to entice the hesitant and reward the loyal.

Boasting an enviable suite of analytics capabilities, Google Analytics integrates effortlessly with various platforms and tools. It lets you tailor it to your business needs rather than forcing you to use a single solution.

With Google Analytics, you’re not just throwing darts in the dark; you’re armed with a roadmap to navigate the labyrinthine corridors of consumer behavior. Businesses that harness their potential are not merely surviving—they’re thriving, capturing market share while others grope for direction.

Adobe Analytics: Crafting Superior Customer Experiences with Professional Analytic Tools

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Let’s chase: Adobe Analytics isn’t your run-of-the-mill customer analytics tool. Think of it as the Swiss Army knife of data analysis—equipped to dissect customer behavior with surgical precision. This powerhouse lets you dive deep into a treasure trove of metrics, giving you unparalleled control over customer interactions.

Stellar Features to Make the Most Of:

  • Multi-Channel Data: Pull data from social, mobile, and offline sources for a 360-degree customer view.
  • Advanced Segmentation: Sift through data subsets to glean hyper-targeted insights.
  • Predictive Analytics: Get a jump on future consumer trends.
  • Flow Exploration: Uncover user navigation patterns to streamline their journey.

Imagine running a gourmet food delivery service. With Adobe Analytics, you can track the popular cuisine choices and break down when and why those choices resonate. Discover how frequently your seasonal pumpkin spice menu drives users to make purchases and which marketing channels—email or influencers—were the catalysts. Then, pivot to explore the abandoned carts—what turned eager browsers into hesitant non-buyers? The robust predictive analytics function could even allow you to forecast the appeal of upcoming cuisine based on past behavior.

Adobe Analytics’ ability to integrate into Adobe’s ecosystem makes it more than a tool—it’s a complete marketing machine. From its customizable dashboards to its razor-sharp predictive algorithms, Adobe Analytics serves as your in-house data scientist, prepped and ready to churn out actionable insights on demand.

Suppose you’re in the market for a customer analytics tool beyond surface-level metrics to offer deep-dive capabilities. In that case, Adobe Analytics is your ticket to a data-driven future. No more stumbling in the dark; it’s time to illuminate your path to customer-centric success.

Mixpanel: Revolutionizing Customer Insights with Precision Analytic Tools

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Meet Mixpanel—the analytics powerhouse that doesn’t just track your customer data but lets you act on it. This tool is your back-pocket strategist, engineered to distill mountains of data into actionable insights. Where other platforms skate over the basics, Mixpanel drills down into the nitty-gritty.

Key Features You Need to Know:

  • Event-based Tracking: Follow specific customer actions, not just page views.
  • User Journeys: Map out your customers’ steps from first contact to conversion.
  • Retention Analysis: Spot the elements that keep your users engaged over time.
  • A/B Testing: Roll out incremental changes and measure their impact without sweat.

Suppose you run an online fitness platform. Mixpanel doesn’t merely tell you someone accessed your “Home Workout” section. It tracks how they interacted with it—whether they watched a video, shared it with friends, or skipped another category. Get granular by analyzing how your new “Nutrition Tips” blog post impacts user engagement. Identify sticking points, like a sign-up form where prospects bail, and act on this intel to smooth out the wrinkles.

What sets Mixpanel apart is its laser focus on custom metrics that genuinely influence business outcomes. It seamlessly integrates with your existing tools, forming an analytics cockpit from which you can confidently pilot your customer relations strategy.

Mixpanel gives you the reins to keep pace and lead the pack in a landscape where customer behaviors shift at breakneck speeds. It’s the lens through which you’ll witness your business metrics not as mere numbers but as a rich tapestry of user behaviors and preferences. And it’s about time your analytics tool did more than scratch the surface.

Kissmetrics: Unlocking Customer Behavior Secrets with Targeted Analytic Tools

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Kissmetrics—when you hear this name, think surgical precision in customer analytics. This powerhouse tool sharpens your focus, allowing you to slice through the fog of generic data and target the insights that matter. But don’t be fooled by its sophistication; Kissmetrics rolls out the red carpet for user-friendly navigation.

Unbeatable Features to Boost Your Business

  • Behavioral Triggers: Craft personalized experiences by setting up alerts for key customer actions.
  • Cohort Analysis: Pinpoint customer behavior patterns segmented by specific categories.
  • Multi-Channel Data: Bring all your data under one roof, from web to mobile to third-party apps.
  • A/B Testing: Eliminate the guesswork by pitting two strategies against each other to see which performs better.

Imagine you run an e-commerce site selling eco-friendly home goods. With Kissmetrics, you can dig deep into the customer journey—from when they click on an organic bamboo toothbrush to when they finally make a purchase. You can then take that data and run a hyper-targeted email campaign, encouraging those who abandoned their carts to complete the purchase, for example.

The true value of Kissmetrics resides in its commitment to continual improvement. The platform’s dashboards adapt, molding themselves around your ever-evolving business landscape. They’re your cockpit for overseeing customer trends; you don’t need a PhD in analytics to interpret them.

In summary, Kissmetrics isn’t another analytics tool. It’s a robust, agile partner that pushes you to drive your customer relations strategy like a seasoned pro. Say goodbye to skimming the surface; it’s time to dive into a well of nuanced, actionable customer data that powers your next business triumph.

Woopra: Transforming Customer Data into Action with Innovative Analytic Tools

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In the crowded space of analytics tools, Woopra stands out as a beacon for those who want to dive deep into customer behavior without drowning in data. This tool clears up the murky waters of customer analytics, offering you crisp insights in a clean, easy-to-grasp format.

Key Features of Woopra:

  • Real-time Analytics: Instant updates give you the pulse of your customer engagement.
  • Customer Profiles: Drill down into individual behavior, not just generic user data.
  • Journey Reports: Map out the entire customer journey from start to finish.
  • Actionable Metrics: Beyond simple numbers, get insights that you can immediately put to work.

For instance, consider you run a digital marketing agency. With Woopra, you can precisely track which pieces of content resonate most with your audience. Let’s say a new client signs on for a social media strategy. You can dissect the journey that led them to choose your services—was it an informative blog post, a targeted Facebook ad, or a compelling customer testimonial?

By dissecting the data with Woopra, you can replicate successful customer journeys, scaling up what works and discarding what doesn’t. This lets you focus on crafting killer content strategies rather than sifting through spreadsheets.

Woopra gives you the upper hand in customer-centric strategy by breaking down complex behavioral patterns into digestible insights. It sets the gold standard in analytics tools, steering you through the labyrinth of customer interactions with a steady hand and an eagle eye. This tool isn’t about information overload—it’s about fine-tuned, razor-sharp customer intelligence that catalyzes growth and fortifies loyalty.

Amplitude: Amplifying Business Growth with Dynamic Customer Analytic Tools

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Regarding customer analytics tools, Amplitude shines with its keen focus on driving growth through actionable insights. This is not just a dashboard that throws numbers at you—it’s an analytics engine designed to fuel smart decisions.

Key Features to Note:

  • Event Tracking: Zoom in on the customer interactions that truly matter.
  • User Segmentation: Break down complex data into understandable chunks.
  • Real-Time Analytics: Update your strategies on the fly with up-to-the-minute data.
  • Lifecycle Analysis: Get the scoop on the entire customer journey from start to finish.

Now, picture you as a SaaS startup co-founder. You’re rolling out a new feature, but uptake is sluggish. A common analytics tool may give you raw data, but Amplitude goes a step further. It maps out how your customers interact with the feature, allowing you to make swift, meaningful adjustments. For instance, users navigate away from the new feature after hitting a particular screen. With this insight, you can tweak the user interface to eliminate friction and instantaneously measure that change’s impact.

Amplitude seamlessly interacts with several third-party applications for a single consumer data view. The tool also boasts remarkable scalability and is equally useful for small startups or established enterprises. Say goodbye to flying blind and piece-mealing data from disparate sources. With Amplitude, you’re not just collecting data—you’re carving a strategic path to heightened customer engagement and elevated revenue streams.

Crazy Egg: Visualizing Customer Engagement with Creative Analytic Tools

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In the landscape of customer data analysis, Crazy Egg stands out as a leading consumer analytics platform, essential for businesses aiming to enhance user engagement through deep customer analytics. This tool transcends the traditional challenges of interpreting complex data, transforming it into visual narratives for actionable insights.

Key Features for Comprehensive Customer Analysis:

  • Heatmaps: This feature of the customer analytics software highlights the areas receiving the most clicks, offering a visual representation of user interest areas on your website.
  • Scroll Maps: An integral part of this customer analytics tool, scroll maps reveal how users interact with your site’s content, showing how far they scroll and where their engagement dwindles.
  • A/B Testing: Crazy Egg’s A/B testing capability, a core function of deep customer analytics software, allows you to test different page versions to identify which performs better regarding user engagement and conversion.
  • Confetti: Unique to Crazy Egg, the confetti tool in this customer analytics solution, breaks down clicks into color-coded categories based on traffic sources, giving you a detailed analysis of where your users are coming from.

Imagine overseeing an e-commerce platform. Despite decent sales, you recognize the growth potential. Utilizing the heatmap functionality of Crazy Egg, a top-rated customer analytics tool, you discover that visitors show interest in specific products but don’t complete their purchases. By adjusting your call-to-action buttons based on these insights and tracking the improvement through the confetti feature, you can directly link the increase in conversions to your modifications, showcasing the power of effective customer analytics technologies.

Crazy Egg distinguishes itself by making consumer analytics accessible and actionable. Its compatibility with numerous third-party applications enhances its utility as a comprehensive customer analytics platform, ensuring seamless integration into your existing analytics ecosystem. With its scalable capabilities, Crazy Egg adapts effortlessly, catering to burgeoning startups and established enterprises, making it a versatile choice for businesses seeking to leverage customer data analytics tools.

Crazy Egg provides an immersive experience of customer journey analytics, allowing businesses to observe and actively engage with their analytics. This convergence of data collection and interpretation capabilities establishes Crazy Egg as a foundational tool in any customer analytics strategy, empowering businesses to navigate their customer analytics endeavors confidently and precisely.

Heap: Simplifying Customer Data Analysis with Cutting-Edge Analytic Tools

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If you’re aiming for customer data that accumulates and drives your strategic decisions, Heap is an indispensable customer analytics tool. This advanced platform meticulously captures every interaction users have with your website or application, offering a treasure trove of actionable data.

Distinguished Features for Enhanced Customer Analysis:

  • Event Tracking: Heap’s customer analytics technology automatically records every action, from clicks and form submissions to page views, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of customer behavior.
  • User Behavior Flow: This feature of the customer analytics software provides a visual representation of the routes users navigate through your digital landscape, enabling a deeper understanding of their journey.
  • Custom Events: Heap allows for the customization of data collection, making it an incredibly flexible customer analytics solution tailored to your specific business needs or niche.
  • Integrations: As a versatile customer analytics tool, Heap integrates effortlessly with essential services like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Shopify, enhancing your analytics framework.

Consider the scenario where you manage an online health and wellness portal. You notice a pattern: users often read articles on nutrition and dieting yet rarely proceed to checkout. With Heap’s deep customer analytics software capabilities, you can trace a customer’s path from their initial visit to the moment they leave. Discovering that drop-offs frequently happen on product pages gives you a clear action point—to enhance these pages with engaging testimonials or attractive bundle deals.

Heap democratizes data, making it accessible and usable for businesses of all sizes. From startups dipping their toes into the world of analytics to sprawling enterprises seeking a unified view of data across multiple channels, Heap’s scalability and user-friendly interface empower organizations to optimize user experiences and drive revenue.

Forget the hassle of complex setups or coding. Heap embodies the pinnacle of consumer-friendly customer analytics technology, designed to make deriving insights from customer data as straightforward as possible. Embrace Heap and unlock the full potential of your customer analytics strategy, transforming your data into a strategic asset poised to elevate your business decisions.

Looker: Redefining Business Intelligence with Advanced Customer Analytic Tools

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Looker is an unrivaled customer analytics platform that propels data-centric businesses to unprecedented heights of insight and operational efficiency. With Looker, delving into the depths of data becomes not just a task but a strategic advantage.

Essential Features for In-Depth Customer Analytics:

  • Real-Time Data Dashboards: Experience up-to-the-minute updates, eliminating the lag in decision-making.
  • Custom Metrics: Design your analytics framework to reflect the specific contours of your business landscape.
  • Multi-Cloud Compatibility: Ensures seamless operation across AWS, Google Cloud, and other major cloud services.
  • Advanced Security: Protects your critical customer data with top-tier security measures.

Imagine overseeing an e-commerce platform and facing an inexplicable spike in cart abandonment. With Looker, you’re equipped with a real-time customer analytics dashboard that pinpoints exactly where customers are dropping off in the sales funnel. When you discover a critical issue at the payment gateway, you can swiftly correct it. This is the power of Looker—turning analytics into action.

Looker differentiates itself by offering customizable data blocks, empowering you to craft comprehensive reports and dashboards easily. Whether tracking user behavior, analyzing trends, or monitoring custom key performance indicators (KPIs), Looker provides a holistic view of your operation with minimal effort.

Flexible and adaptive, Looker’s data modeling capabilities ensure that your analytics can pivot as quickly as your business needs change. Regardless of your industry—retail, healthcare, or technology—Looker scales to match your growth, acting not just as a tool but as an integral analytics partner.

Discover the full potential of your customer data. Transform data points into compelling narratives and actionable strategies with Looker, your pathway to achieving a competitive edge in a data-driven world.


Navigating the labyrinth of customer analytics tools can feel like a Herculean task. Still, our comprehensive rundown of the “10 Best Customer Analytics Tools in 2024” has hopefully clarified the landscape for you. While each tool has its unique pros and cons—from Hotjar’s heatmap functionality to Qualtrics’ powerful survey capabilities—your final choice should align with your team’s specific needs and objectives. Whether you prioritize omnichannel tracking or detailed user sessions, there’s likely a tool that fits like a glove.

When it comes to getting a bang for your buck, don’t discount Plerdy. This customer analytics tool is a Swiss army knife with heatmap analytics and conversion rate optimization. Plerdy even serves up free trials, so there’s zero risk in taking it for a spin.

So, what’s the game plan? Start by identifying your team’s pain points and desired outcomes, then sift through the available options—UXCam for mobile analytics or Medallia for voice-of-customer (VoC) insights. Finally, go ahead and pull the trigger on a trial or demo. Remember, the right tool addresses today’s issues and adapts to tomorrow’s challenges. Now, quit dragging your feet—dive into Plerdy and reap the rewards of advanced customer analytics today.

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