How to Calculate The Conversion Rate?

Andrew Chornyy - 001
Andrew Chornyy

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.

Digital marketing Blog

The conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action on your website. This action could be anything from making a purchase, filling out a form, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading an eBook. It is calculated using the formula:

Conversion Rate = (Number of Conversions / Total Visitors) × 100

For example, if your website had 1,000 visitors and 50 of them made a purchase, your conversion rate would be 5%. Understanding and optimizing your conversion rate is crucial because it directly impacts your business’s revenue and growth. A higher conversion rate means you are effectively meeting your visitors’ needs, leading to more sales and engagement. Monitoring this metric helps identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to enhance overall performance.

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Why is Conversion Rate Important?

Understanding the performance of your website or marketing effort is mostly dependent on the conversion rate. A website that converts well suggests both good marketing and an easy-to-use design. More people completing the intended action—buying, subscribing to a newsletter, or completing a contact form—means more people are visiting. On the other side, a poor conversion rate raises the possibility that your user experience, website design, or marketing plan are flawed.

The main advantages of keeping an eye on conversion rate

  1. Better ROI: Better returns on investment follow from higher conversion rates.
  2. Educated Decisions: Strategic decisions are aided by data-driven insights.
  3. Improvement of User Experience: Finding bottlenecks can improve user experience.
  4. Targeted marketing: Refine marketing efforts by knowing which programs convert the best.

Methods of Conversion Rate Calculation

  • Set Your Objectives: Clearly define what, in your company, is a conversion. Sales, registrations, downloads, etc., might all count as this.
  • Log Conversions: Monitor website conversions with programs like Plerdy, Google Analytics, or other monitoring software.
  • Calculate Total Visitors: Note down all of the visitors for the time frame under analysis. Analytics tools may be used to monitor this as well.
  • Using the Formula: Your conversion rate percentage is obtained by entering the figures into the conversion rate calculation.

Tools to Track Conversion Rate

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1. Google Analytics

Robust tool for monitoring and evaluating website traffic is Google Analytics. It provides thorough information about user behavior, conversions, and other topics.

2. Plerdy

Plerdy gives you heatmap and conversion tracking tools to see how people are using your website. It makes opportunities for development to increase conversions easier to see.

3. Hotjar

In order to examine user behavior and streamline the conversion process, Hotjar provides heatmaps, session records, and conversion funnels.

Conversion Rate Affecting Factors

  1. Website Design: Conversions are encouraged and user experience is improved by a simple, understandable design.
  2. Loading Speed: Lower bounce rates and greater conversions follow from faster loading times.
  3. The CTA, or call to action: Conversion rates are raised when users are directed to the intended action by effective CTAs.
  4. User Experience, or UX: Visitors are kept interested and more likely to convert with a smooth, user-friendly experience.
  5. Highest caliber of content: Visitors can be convinced to act via excellent, pertinent information.
  6. Trust Elements: Conversion rates rise and confidence is increased via security badges, endorsements, and reviews.

Boosting Conversion Rate

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  1. A/B Testing: Check out several landing page or website variants to determine which works better.
  2. Optimise for Mobile: Considering that mobile devices account for a sizable portion of traffic, make sure your website is mobile-friendly.
  3. Simplify Forms: Form fields should be fewer to facilitate user conversion.
  4. Enhance Images: Inspire visitors with excellent photos and videos.
  5. Take Advantage of Social Proof: For credibility, highlight client endorsements and comments.
  6. Give Rewards: Encourage conversions with bonuses, free trials, or discounts.

Conversion Rate Improvement Case Study

A/B tests helped a tiny online retailer increase its conversion rate by 20%. They included client endorsements, streamed their checkout process, and tested several CTAs. Sales and consumer involvement thus increased dramatically.


Any internet firm must know how to calculate and interpret their conversion rate. Your marketing efforts and website performance can be improved with well-informed decisions made by monitoring conversions and evaluating the data. Get statistics and put plans into action to raise your conversion rate with programs like Google Analytics, Plerdy, and Hotjar. Higher conversion rates and improved user experiences will result from routinely testing and tweaking different aspects of your website.

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