How to Do a Competitive Analysis?

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Andrew Chornyy

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.

Digital marketing Blog SEO Analytics

In today’s digital age, thriving in the bustling market hinges on understanding the moves and grooves of your competitors. Unveiling the nuts and bolts of how to nail a competitor analysis, this article gears you up to delve deep, equipping you with tactics to outshine the competition. Here’s a sneak peek:

  • Spotting Competitor Trends: Sniff out what’s hot and what’s not.
  • Harnessing Marketing Strategies: Decode and adapt competitor approaches for your advantage.
  • Analysis in Action: Pinpoint strengths and pitfalls in competitor marketing campaigns.

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For those eager to elevate their game, taking competitor analysis up a notch becomes vital. 🎯 And speaking of top-tier tools, don’t sidestep Plerdy, a stellar tool dedicated to CRO & UX. Dive in, analyze with precision, and gear up to revolutionize your marketing strategies. With comprehensive analysis at your fingertips, navigating the competitive waters becomes a thrilling voyage. Welcome aboard! 🌊

What is a Competitive Analysis?

Dive deep into the vibrant landscape of business, and you’ll quickly unearth the significance of competitor analysis. At its core, a competitive analysis is a strategic assessment where a business identifies key competitors and meticulously evaluates their strategies. This thorough analysis reveals niche strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats.

Consider a high-end coffee shop. To stand out, the owner would scrutinize competitor cafes—their branding, pricing, customer loyalty programs, and more. By doing this, our coffee mogul can differentiate their brand and serve java lovers something unique.

Why it Matters:

  • Business Insights: A thorough analysis helps businesses pinpoint gaps in the market and capitalize on competitor weaknesses.
  • Strategic Decisions: By understanding competitor moves, businesses can better position their products or services.
  • Risk Mitigation: Recognizing competitor strategies can assist businesses in preemptively addressing potential challenges.

For instance, in the e-commerce niche, understanding competitor website design, user experience, and product range can give one business the edge over another. Or, in the tech industry, knowing a competitor’s software features can drive your team to innovate beyond the status quo.

In the dance of business, competitor analysis isn’t just a step—it’s a leap towards success. So, roll up those sleeves, delve into the data, and let your business stand out with confidence.

Why Competitive Analysis is Crucial

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In the pulsating heart of business, the role of competitor analysis often emerges as the linchpin of success. When navigating the dynamic market landscape, businesses must zero in on competitor strategies to stand tall amidst the competition. A robust competitive analysis provides that pivotal edge.

Take the fashion industry, for example. A brand that dives deep into competitor designs, promotional tactics, and customer reviews can craft collections that not only resonate with trends but also highlight unique selling points.

Benefits reaped from competitive analysis include:

  • Tailored Strategy Development: Businesses can map out tactics that directly combat competitor strengths while exploiting their weak spots.
  • Informed Decision Making: Analysis insights streamline decisions, from product launches to marketing campaigns.
  • Future-Proofing: By monitoring competitors, organizations may predict market trends and adapt.

In the hospitality sector, hotels can get ahead by studying competitor pricing, guest experiences, and online reviews. Or, for a SaaS startup, understanding a competitor’s software integrations and customer service approach can pave the way for stronger user retention.

Every business, regardless of its niche, thrives on information. And competitor analysis serves up the most relevant, actionable data on a silver platter. It makes sure your business shines in the complex market dance.

10+ Steps to Do a Competitive Analysis

Navigating the marketing landscape without a robust competitive analysis is like setting sail without a compass—it’s risky business. The “10+ Steps to Do a Competitive Analysis” is a goldmine, shedding light on the intricacies of sizing up competitors and devising a plan that hits the mark. By poring over each step, you’ll be leagues ahead, transforming raw competitor data into marketing gold.

Identifying Your Objectives

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In the bustling ecosystem of business, charting a clear course hinges on defining robust objectives. Every business thrives when it drills down on its goals, leveraging analysis to navigate competitor challenges and seize opportunities.

Consider the digital marketing niche. A firm that sharpens its objectives can efficiently allocate resources—be it in battling competitor ad campaigns or in identifying untapped market segments.

Laying out your objectives involves:

  • Market Positioning: Understand where your business stands in comparison to competitors, then carve out a distinct niche.
  • Performance Metrics: Use analysis to determine key performance indicators that align with business growth.
  • Competitor Benchmarking: Regularly gauge your business prowess against competitor achievements, ensuring you’re always one step ahead.

For a retail store, zooming in on sales data, customer feedback, and competitor store layouts can optimize store footfall and boost sales. Alternatively, a health app startup might delve into competitor app features and user reviews to enhance user experience and retention.

In essence, honing in on your objectives through meticulous analysis empowers your business. It’s like setting the sails in the right direction, ensuring smoother sailing amidst the turbulent waters of competitor pressures and market demands.

Identifying Competitors

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In the high-octane sphere of business, understanding who you’re up against is fundamental. Zeroing in on competitors isn’t just about naming names—it’s about using analysis to unravel their strategies and foresee their next moves. By tapping into this knowledge, your business gears up to craft strategies that truly resonate.

Take the world of gourmet chocolates. A chocolatier, intent on crafting the finest confections, must stay abreast of competitor innovations—from bean origins to packaging nuances.

Spotting competitors involves:

  • Industry Publications: Dive into trade magazines and reports. They often spotlight emerging competitors and their strategies.
  • Customer Feedback: Loyal customers often shed light on competitor products they’ve tried or heard about.
  • Online Analysis Tools: Use digital platforms to unearth competitor website traffic, engagement rates, and more.

In the realm of mobile apps, a developer might keep tabs on similar apps in the app store, taking note of their features, updates, and user ratings. Meanwhile, a boutique fitness center might attend industry conventions or workshops to pick up on competitor offerings and upcoming trends.

Ultimately, a crystal-clear picture of competitors, drawn from in-depth analysis, fortifies your business. Armed with this knowledge, you’re set to take on the market, sidestep competitor pitfalls, and anchor your brand firmly in the spotlight.

Primary Data vs Secondary Data

Diving into business analysis demands a clear distinction between primary and secondary data. Each holds unique merits and applications, especially when sizing up competitors.

Primary data shines as raw, firsthand information tailored to specific business queries. For example, a sneaker brand might roll out surveys to customers, gleaning insights about preferences and potential competitor influences.

Conversely, secondary data is pre-existing information, often public and aggregated from various sources. An eco-friendly detergent company might tap into market reports to gauge competitor market share and trends.

Distinguishing features include:


  • Primary data is direct, sourced by the business for a bespoke analysis.
  • Secondary data, conversely, is obtained indirectly, often from studies or reports done by others.

Cost and Time:

  • Gathering primary data often digs deeper into time and resources.
  • Secondary data, being ready-made, typically offers quicker access with minimal cost.


  • Primary data, being tailor-made, aligns closely with specific business queries.
  • Secondary data might require more filtering to extract relevant competitor insights.

Harnessing both primary and secondary data in tandem elevates analysis, arming a business with a comprehensive view. Whether mapping competitor landscapes or identifying market gaps, data-driven clarity paves the way for informed strategy and success.

Tools and Resources for Data Collection in Competitive Analysis

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To edge past competitors, businesses lean heavily on meticulous analysis. Harnessing the right tools and resources for data collection is paramount, ensuring insights are sharp, actionable, and timely. Whether you’re a tech startup gauging competitor app features or a bakery charting local taste trends, having the right arsenal makes all the difference.

Key tools and resources include:

  • Digital Analytics Platforms: Tools like Google Analytics offer insights into website traffic, user behavior, and more—giving businesses a glimpse into competitor online strategies.
  • Social Media Monitoring: Platforms such as Brandwatch or Hootsuite allow businesses to keep tabs on competitor social media activity, engagement, and sentiment.
  • Market Research Reports: Industry-specific reports overview competitors, market shares, and potential changes.
  • Feedback Tools: Harness tools like SurveyMonkey to directly gather customer perceptions, preferences, and competitor impressions.

In the fast-paced rhythm of today’s markets, data-driven insights shape the foundation of business strategies. By leveraging top-tier tools in competitor analysis, businesses not only navigate challenges but also carve out innovative paths, ensuring they remain not just players but leaders in their respective domains.

SWOT Analysis

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Peeling back the layers of any business, a SWOT analysis stands out as an indispensable tool. Diving deep into strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, it offers a panoramic view of both internal operations and external competitor landscapes. Imagine a high-end coffee shop entering a bustling market; conducting a SWOT analysis can pivot their strategy, ensuring they brew success and not just lattes.

Core components of a SWOT analysis are:

  • Strengths: These are the advantages a business possesses over competitors. It might be a patented brewing process or exclusive bean sourcing for our coffee shop example.
  • Weaknesses: Areas where the business lags behind competitors. Perhaps our coffee shop struggles with digital marketing or lacks an engaging loyalty program.
  • Opportunities: External factors that the business can capitalize on. Maybe there’s a rising trend in cold brews or a gap in the market for vegan coffee treats.
  • Threats: External challenges that could hamper business success. Think of competitor coffee chains launching aggressive promotions or sudden hikes in coffee bean prices.

A SWOT analysis serves as a beacon, guiding businesses through murky competitor waters and illuminating paths to distinction. By staying attuned to these four pillars, businesses can craft strategies that not only resonate but also differentiate them from the chorus of competitors.

Market Trends and Customer Behavior

In the fast-paced environment of modern commerce, businesses that stay ahead dive deep into market trends and understand customer behavior intricately. Harnessing the power of detailed analysis, they decipher the actions of competitors and anticipate the next wave of consumer preferences.

For instance, consider the ever-evolving world of organic cosmetics:

Business Approach:

  • Brands aren’t just peddling products but are pivoting their business models to address eco-conscious demands.

Analysis Insight:

  • Through meticulous market analysis, businesses identify emerging competitor strategies and adjust their operations seamlessly.

Competitor Landscape:

  • While one brand might focus on eco-friendly packaging, another might emphasize ethical sourcing. Businesses need to keep tabs on these varied competitor tactics to stay relevant.

Customer Preference:

  • Gone are the days when customers blindly picked up the first product they saw. Now, they lean towards brands that align with their values, making it imperative for businesses to understand and align with these shifts.

Adapting to these fluid trends, businesses not only carve out their niche but also ensure they don’t get lost in the noise of competitors. By continuously refining their strategies based on analysis, they navigate the dynamic market landscape with finesse and assurance.

Competitive Pricing Analysis

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In the intricate dance of market dynamics, businesses that stand out master the art of competitive pricing analysis. Tapping into this resource, they gain a laser-focused perspective of the competitor landscape, ensuring their offerings resonate with value-driven customers.

Take the realm of artisanal coffee, for instance:

Business Nuance:

  • Coffee shops differentiate themselves not just by flavor but by pricing models. It’s essential to strike a balance between premium offerings and affordability.

Analysis Metrics:

  • Detailed analysis delves into competitor price points, discount strategies, and loyalty programs, offering insights to guide a business’s own pricing approach.

Competitor Movements:

  • While one cafe might roll out limited-time promotions, another might bundle products. Keen observation of these competitor tactics empowers businesses to counteract swiftly.

Value Proposition:

  • By aligning pricing with perceived value, businesses can stand out, ensuring they offer customers more bang for their buck.

By staying in tune with competitive pricing analysis, businesses navigate the choppy waters of commerce with deftness. They sidestep pitfalls and anticipate shifts, placing themselves not as mere market players, but as trendsetters in their industry. Through rigorous analysis and understanding of both competitor and consumer, they ensure their pricing strategy hits the sweet spot every time.

Analyzing Competitor Marketing Strategies

Diving deep into competitor marketing strategies empowers businesses to hone their edge, standing out in crowded markets. This isn’t about mimicry but about leveraging insights to steer one’s own business strategy effectively.

Consider the fashion industry:

Business Insights:

  • Brands constantly roll out campaigns. However, those dialed into competitor analysis can spot patterns – which season a competitor favors for their most aggressive promotions, or which demographics they target.

Analysis Techniques:

  • Beyond mere observation, businesses deploy sophisticated tools to dissect competitor marketing moves, from ad spends to social media engagement metrics.

Competitor Focus:

  • Some fashion labels might zero in on influencer partnerships, while others double down on sustainable messaging. Recognizing these focal points helps businesses identify gaps or areas of opportunity in their own strategies.


  •  With this analysis in hand, businesses can pivot, tweak, or overhaul their marketing to resonate more deeply with their target audience.

In the end, by analyzing competitor marketing strategies, businesses sidestep pitfalls and capitalize on market opportunities. They transition from reactive players to proactive leaders in their sector, ensuring their brand voice echoes strongest amidst the cacophony.

Quantitative and Qualitative Metrics

Diving deep into business strategies, competitor analysis shines a spotlight on paths brands should take or avoid. It’s paramount to hone in on both quantitative and qualitative metrics to extract every bit of competitor intel. Let’s break it down:

Quantitative Measures:

  • These are your hard-hitting numbers. Consider a fitness app tallying up a competitor’s active user count or daily engagement rates. This tangible data helps businesses navigate the marketplace, pinpointing where they stand.

Qualitative Insights:

  • This dives into the subjective. For a luxury hotel chain, it could involve delving into guest feedback about a competitor’s spa experience or gourmet offerings. These nuances can dictate how a business evolves its services or crafts its branding.

The Blend:

  • While quantitative insights set the foundation, qualitative data adds the color, the texture. When businesses wrap their head around both, they’re equipped to strategize, adapt, and surpass competitors with agility.

Embracing this dual approach, businesses can pivot with precision. Through thorough analysis, competitors transition from being mere market noise to invaluable learning avenues. As businesses weave together stories from numbers and narratives, they position themselves to capture markets and resonate profoundly with their desired audience. It’s this delicate dance – of fact and feeling – that propels leading brands to success.

Analyzing the Collected Data

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Data, when captured skillfully, can work wonders. In the competitive landscape of business, a meticulous analysis of this data is a goldmine of insights. Whether you’re sifting through streams of competitor behaviors or dissecting business trends, it’s essential to analyze the information methodically.


  • Start by breaking down your data. For a clothing retailer, this could mean categorizing competitor sales by season, region, or style. Recognizing these segments sharpens the focus of analysis, revealing actionable patterns.


  • Lay out the data. Dashboards, graphs, or heat maps – choose what resonates. For instance, a tech business might plot competitor app features against user ratings. This visual representation speeds up decision-making, highlighting gaps or advantages at a glance.


  • Link the data to the broader market scenario. When a beverage business notices a competitor’s dip in sales, is it tied to a recent product recall or a seasonal shift? Context deepens the analysis, providing layers to raw data.

Drilling into the data, businesses carve out strategies poised for impact. Through rigorous analysis, competitor moves transform from hurdles to stepping stones. By leaning into this synthesized intel, companies craft pathways ripe for success. Embracing the art of analyzing, businesses not only keep up but often outpace their fiercest competitors.

Making Actionable Strategies

Every thriving business stands on the backbone of a robust strategy. Derived from meticulous analysis and a deep understanding of competitor movements, these strategies are the roadmap to success. But creating a plan isn’t just about data; it’s about making the data work for you.

Dive Deep into Data:

  • Instead of skimming the surface, immerse yourself in the numbers. A skincare brand, for example, might zoom in on competitor ingredient trends, discerning what’s making waves in the industry.

Flex and Adapt:

  • Strategies aren’t set in stone. If a restaurant business notices a competitor acing a vegan menu, it might pivot to offer plant-based delicacies, capitalizing on the trend.

Leverage Strengths:

  • By analyzing their assets, a tech company could amplify its standout features. If their software outperforms a competitor in speed, that becomes a focal selling point.

Identify Gaps:

  • During analysis, businesses might spot a service a competitor isn’t offering. A fitness center could introduce evening yoga classes if local competitors only run morning sessions.

Crafting strategies is an art blended with science. As businesses interpret their analysis, the landscape shifts from a maze of numbers to a clear path forward. Outmaneuvering competitors becomes less about reactive moves and more about proactive innovation. And in this dynamic dance of business strategy, those who master the rhythm rise to the top.

Documenting Your Competitive Analysis

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Every business worth its salt understands the value of a well-documented competitor analysis. It’s the backbone, the spine that holds up the edifice of strategic planning. Diving into this process is about more than just jotting down what rivals are up to. It’s a dance – a balance of observing, analyzing, and then mapping out where your business stands.

Snapshot with Substance:

  • When an apparel brand records the fabrics a competitor uses, it’s not just data. It’s insight into sustainable trends and consumer preferences.

Trend Trajectories:

  • If a publishing business marks a spike in a competitor’s e-book sales, it paints a picture of shifting reader habits and digital inclinations.

Milestone Markers:

  • Tech firms often lay out competitor software launches, plotting their own product timelines in sync or intentionally out of step.

Value Visualization:

  • A gourmet cafe, noting a competitor’s menu and pricing, carves out its unique selling proposition, ensuring their offerings stand apart.

Documenting the journey of analysis ensures that businesses stay grounded, not just floating on assumptions. By keeping a keen eye on competitors, a business can pivot, adapt, and innovate with precision. It’s this blend of observation and action that propels businesses into growth, turning the tables in favor of those who can decode their competitive surroundings and act on those insights.

Updating and Maintaining Analysis

In the dynamic world of business, static tactics often fall by the wayside. The landscape changes rapidly, and thus, updating and maintaining your competitor analysis becomes paramount. It’s a continuous cycle – spot changes, adjust strategies, and steer your business toward success.

Consistency in Check-ups:

  • A bakery keenly observes a competitor’s gluten-free product line, tweaking their own offerings to cater to the same crowd.

Trend Tapping:

  • An e-commerce platform, keeping tabs on a competitor’s use of chatbots, might decide to roll out a more personalized customer service approach.

Feedback Focused:

  • Fitness studios, seeing competitors garner rave reviews for virtual classes, could pivot to a hybrid model, blending in-person and online sessions.

Agility in Action:

  • On observing a competitor’s seasonal ad campaigns, a skincare brand might decide to double down on creating timeless content that remains relevant all year round.

Businesses thrive when they remain nimble, able to dance to the tune of ever-changing market demands. Updating and maintaining your analysis isn’t just about watching competitors. It’s about ensuring that your business stays ahead, continuously evolves, and never gets stuck in a rut. By consistently recalibrating and realigning based on fresh data, a business crafts pathways to innovate and shine brighter in the competitive milieu.


In the bustling hub of modern marketing, mastering competitive analysis isn’t just a perk—it’s essential. It’s about navigating the entrepreneurial waters with finesse, ensuring your venture doesn’t get lost in the cross currents of competitors. Wrapping up our deep dive on “How to Do a Competitive Analysis,” it’s clear that in-depth analysis brings freedom to strategies, allowing businesses to pivot, scale, and thrive. 📈

Consider these highlights:

  • Leveraging tools like SEMrush and HubSpot can transform your marketing insights, offering a bird’s-eye view of competitor sites and keyword rankings.
  • Customizing your approach ensures you’re not just following the crowd but building unique and purpose-driven campaigns.
  • Monitoring trends and shifts in the market ensures you stay one step ahead, aligning your strategies with the current demands.

But here’s a gold nugget: don’t just rely on manual efforts. Check out Plerdy, an all-in-one tool designed for SEO & UX analysis. 🚀 This platform can streamline your marketing tasks, making it easier to manage and improve your online presence.

In conclusion, competitive analysis is not a one-time event—it’s an ongoing journey. Stay committed, utilize the right tools, and remember: in the vast sea of marketing, always sail with a well-charted map. 🗺️

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