Real Estate SEO: The Ultimate Guide

Andrew Chornyy - 001
Andrew Chornyy

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.

SEO Blog

Welcome to your ultimate guide to Real Estate SEO! If you’ve been scratching your head, wondering how to increase visibility on your real estate site and draw more clients, you’ve just landed in the right spot. Grab a coffee, and let’s jump into the world of SEO—just that this time, it’s tailor-made to suit real estate professionals like yourself.

What is Real Estate SEO?

Real estate SEO is a specialized practice to increase online visibility for a real estate agency, attracting more potential buyers and sellers through organic search results. It includes the use of targeted keywords related to real estate, optimization of website content, and building a local online presence. Real estate professionals optimize their websites for search engines to build visibility in the search engine result pages (SERPs) and drive higher volumes of more targeted traffic. This specialized SEO practice ensures that when potential clients are searching for real estate options in their desired locations, your listings and services are very conspicuous, making you their go-to expert.

List of the Most Popular Tips for Real Estate SEO

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Item Description
Understanding SEO Effective SEO helps real estate websites consistently appear at the top of search results, increasing visibility and attracting more clients.
On-Page SEO On-page SEO includes optimization done on each page of your site, such as title tags, meta descriptions, and high-quality content.
Off-Page SEO Off-page SEO includes activities outside your website, such as social media involvement, local business directories, and influencer marketing.
Social Media Active presence on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn increases off-page SEO and brand visibility.
Local Business Adding your business to local directories enhances local SEO and makes it easy for clients to find you.
Technical SEO Technical SEO ensures your website works smoothly, with fast loading times, mobile-friendly design, and secure connections.

Understanding SEO in Real Estate

Have you ever wondered why some real estate websites consistently appear at the top of search results? The secret is effective SEO. SEO, or search engine optimization, is your golden ticket to getting noticed online. It’s all about tweaking your website so search engines like Google love to show it off to users. Now, let’s roll up our sleeves and get your site climbing those rankings!

What’s the Deal with Keywords?

Keywords are like the keys to the treasure chest of online visibility. In the real estate industry, for example, those keywords might be “homes for sale in [Your City]” or “best real estate agent near me.” Use those phrases naturally within your content—yes, Google knows when you’re stuffing them in awkwardly!

On-Page SEO

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On-page SEO is the optimization done on each page of your site.

Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

Title tags and meta descriptions are basically a handshake and an elevator pitch you would give someone. They tell search engines and users what each of your pages is about. So, be sure to have them with your primary keywords and also work to make users click on through. Oh, and be sure to keep them crisp and engaging!

Content Is King

Ah, the age-old dictum of SEO! High-quality, informative content will contribute to SEO and also firmly establish you as an expert in your field. From blog posts on local market trends to detailed descriptions of properties, your content should answer every potential client’s question. And hey, why not throw in a video tour of a property? Please subscribe to our channel for more awesome content like this!

Google’s EEAT Principle

On-page SEO involves the optimization carried out on each page of your site. Google’s E-A-T principle, which stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, is very pivotal when it comes to content evaluation. Be sure your content is not only informative but also shows your expertise and trust in the real estate field. It could be including detailed market analysis, expert predictions, or even case studies. This level of expertise caters not only to the preferences of Google but also acts as an establishing factor for your audience’s trust, making them come back to you as a reliable source of real estate information.

Off-Page SEO: Increase Your Visibility Outside Your Website

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On the one hand, on-page SEO has to do with the things that you do to your website, while off-page SEO has to do with what you do outside of your own property. This refers to a set of techniques that put your website out there and help it gain recognition. The following are some of the ways you can boost your off-page SEO efforts:

Social Media Involvement

Being active on social media is one of the best ways to increase your off-page SEO. Be sure to stay active on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, where potential clients will be spending time. Daily, engaging posts like interactive polls, live sessions, etc. bring more traffic to the brand and ultimately increase brand visibility and brand credibility.

Local Business Directories and Maps Listing

Add your business to local business directories and real estate listings to make sure that your real estate business is being found. Accurate and uniform information across all these directories enhances your local SEO and makes it easy for clients to find you when looking for real estate services in your area.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is also a very solid strategy to be a part of an off-page SEO campaign. Working with real estate or local business influencers is a nice way to increase your reach. These influencers are going to share your content or endorse your services, which provides a seal of credibility to your website and sends their followers back to your website. This method increases visibility and uplifts the trust and authority of your website in a niche.

By combining these off-page SEO tactics, you can raise your website authority and visibility to boost organic traffic to the website and, subsequently, more leads and sales in the competitive real estate market.

Local SEO: Be Local in Your Area

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Now, let’s get local. You need to perform local SEO for real estate professionals because most of your clients search for properties in a specific locality.

Google My Business: Your Local Lifeline

If you have not already registered on Google My Business, do it right away! Your business listing is absolutely free and enhances your visibility in the local search and on Google Maps. Imagine a potential buyer searching for “real estate agents near me.” Wouldn’t it be thrilling if your name popped up?

Reviews and Testimonials

Encourage happy clients to leave positive reviews. These will not only build credibility for you but are also great for your SEO efforts. Besides, who doesn’t love reading glowing testimonials?

Technical SEO: Don’t Let Glitches Drag You Down

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Technical SEO might sound a bit daunting, but it’s basically about making sure your website works smoothly. A fast-loading site, mobile-friendly design, and secure connection (HTTPS) are just a few things that can make a big difference. Remember, if your site frustrates users, they won’t stick around for long.

Building Links: Establish Your Authority

Link building is about getting other reputable sites to link back to yours. Think of it as a vote of confidence that tells search engines your site is a valuable resource. Try guest blogging or partnering with local businesses for events and promotions. Each quality link is a step towards a higher ranking.

While building links is essential for SEO, not all links are created equal. Poor-quality or spammy links may, in fact, harm your site’s reputation and rankings. Search engines like Google might penalize your site if it seems to be associated with deceptive practices. Concentrate on earning links from good sites through guest blogging, collaborations with industry leaders, and community events. Creating good content that others will want to link to is an excellent strategy.

Track Your Success

What’s the point of all this work if you can’t see the results? Use tools like Google Analytics to track your website’s performance. Find out what works and where you can improve. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments!

Once deep into the SEO realm, the choice of just the right tools to use for keeping track of your progress becomes of the essence. For instance, Plerdy provides the tool of heatmaps and behavior analysis; you can see how users of the site interact with your real estate site. SemRush is an all-in-one tool for keyword research and competitor analysis for SEO audits. Ahrefs is great for backlink tracking and understanding what keyword rankings drive traffic to the site. By using these tools, you can build a holistic view of your health in terms of SEO and the areas that you can improve.

Keep Your Real Estate SEO Future-Proof

SEO is not a one-time setup; it’s a process of continuous improvement. Stay updated with new trends and adapt your strategies to stay ahead of the curve. Be hungry, continue to test new ideas, and never stop optimizing.

Just like how technology evolves, so should your SEO strategies. For example, implementing virtual reality into your real estate website allows potential buyers to have a firsthand experience of the property without leaving their home. Not only will this improve user experience on your site, but it will increase the duration of time spent on it, which could improve your SEO ranking.


So, what are you waiting for? Apply these tips and watch your real estate website climb up the search rankings. Remember, every small step can lead to big results. Subscribe to our channel for more insightful guides, and hit that like button if you found this useful. Here’s to your success in the competitive world of real estate!

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