How to Find Long-Tail Keywords?

Article by:
Oliver Maximovich

Digital marketing Blog SEO Blog SEO Tools

⚡ Welcome to your ultimate guide on “How to Find Long-Tail Keywords”. In this comprehensive article, we’ll unlock the secrets of discovering these hidden gems of SEO. Long-tail keywords, those specific, less common phrases, are crucial in driving targeted traffic to your site, enhancing your visibility, and boosting conversions. We’ll delve into the tactics and strategies that will empower you to unearth these valuable keywords, from understanding your audience’s intent to leveraging the right tools. Our goal? To equip you with the knowledge and skills to optimize your content effectively and climb the search engine rankings. Ready to revolutionize your SEO game? Give Plerdy a try! This powerful tool can be your secret weapon in your long-tail keyword discovery journey. Let’s dive in and start finding those golden keywords! ⚡

What are long-tail keywords?

Long-tail keywords — they’re the unsung heroes of the SEO landscape. These are highly specific search phrases that typically contain three or more words. Unlike broad, generic keywords, long-tail keywords are designed to capture the precise intent of online searchers.

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Consider the following examples:

  • “Vintage leather boots for women”
  • “Organic baby food delivery service”
  • “Affordable online yoga classes for beginners”

Each of these phrases is a long-tail keyword. They’re not just about ‘boots’, ‘baby food’, or ‘yoga classes’. They’re about vintage leather boots for women, organic baby food delivery, and affordable online yoga classes for beginners.

Here’s why they matter:

  • Targeted Traffic: Long-tail keywords attract visitors looking for exactly what you offer. This leads to higher conversion rates.
  • Less Competition: These keywords are less competitive, making ranking higher in search results easier.
  • Better for Voice Search: As voice search becomes more prevalent, long-tail keywords are increasingly important. People tend to use more specific phrases when speaking than when typing.

In the realm of SEO, long-tail keywords are your pathway to connecting with your audience on a deeper level. They allow you to meet your customers exactly where they are, delivering the content they seek. Harness the power of long-tail keywords, and watch your online presence flourish.

Why is it important to use long-tail keywords?

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Even though short keywords seem attractive, they won’t generate many leads. People who type two or three general words don’t know what they are looking for and only browse the web.

On the other hand, long-tail keywords precisely state the intent. They may contain the full name and model of the product, location, types of services, etc. If your offer meets the expectations of the user typing the long phrase, the chances they will become your customer are very high.

Summing up, you should use long-tail keywords for the following reasons:

  • Precise targeting. You can reach a specific audience interested in your product.
  • Variety of topics. Since long-tail searches dominate Google and other engines, you have more topics for blog posts to consider. It also benefits the quality of your publications as you can offer something fresh every time and avoid repeating yourself.
  • Less competition. Due to the many long-tail keywords available, the competition is weaker. This benefit is particularly significant to companies that only start promoting their brand.

How to find long-tail keywords?

The algorithm for finding long-tail keywords will vary depending on your tool. This article refers to Ahrefs as one of the most popular solutions. Yet, the steps and tips described here are universal, so you can follow them regardless of the software you leverage.

Know your audience and unique selling proposition

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Before starting keyword research, you need to complete some preparatory work. Be sure to formulate who you want to reach, what makes your product unique, and what these people will likely search for. Write down these ideas and keep them at hand at the initial stages of the research. These findings will help you develop topics for your blog posts that may attract users’ attention.

If you have a large marketing team, SEO specialists should closely cooperate with marketers to develop a single content strategy.

Narrow down the topic

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Long-tail keywords demand precision. Hence, you need to understand what you’re going to write about. For example, if you offer website development services and your target audience is startups, the topic “web development for startups” may be just for you.

Pick the tool you like

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We’ll talk about the best tools for keyword analysis in more detail below, but here are some tips:

  • Don’t obsess with Google Autosuggest. Some SEO specialists advise sourcing long-tail keywords by entering the main word followed by different letters in Google. This way, you can see popular long-tail queries, but the competition is too high, and they are not always relevant to your brand. Besides, searching through Autosuggest is tedious.
  • Consider Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer instead. Use Keywords Explorer or any quality alternatives that don’t require much manual work and generate suitable long-tail keyword options. You must only type a word representing your niche and segment the offered keywords with various filters.

Look at your competitors

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Use the Site Explorer feature to enter the URL of your competitors and see what they rank for. After analyzing 5-10 competitor websites, you should see what keywords produce positive results and find some blank spaces.

See what people ask about on Reddit, Quora, and forums

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Questions are a common category of long-tail keywords. Hence, you can get ideas on forums and websites that people visit to find answers. Once you come across relevant questions, use them for keyword analysis, and consider including them in your articles.

Best 5 Tools to search long-tail Keywords

Here are the services you can use for research. These apps are particularly convenient if you need long-tail keywords.


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Ahrefs is a web tool for professional SEO analysis. Its features are suitable both for small companies that only enter the market and large enterprises. The subscription plans vary from 99 to 999 USD/month.

You have a dashboard where you can track the achievements of your website and existing keywords. There is also a search bar for keyword and competitor analysis. Here, you enter a word that is the most relevant to your topic to see all the related options. Since Ahrefs has advanced filtering and segmentation, you can select the length, difficulty, and other characteristics.


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The CTA posted on the homepage describes the purpose of AnswerThePublic. Here you can learn what people are asking about online. This tool may be a good solution for companies that want to enrich their content with question-based keywords.

AnswerThePublic lets you type in any general word to see common questions related to it. For example, if you enter “potato,” you will be surprised to learn that some users want to know why the potato is used in osmosis experiments or when it is ready to harvest.


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Would you like to try something for beginners? KWFinder has an intuitive interface and a 10-day free trial.

You can generate long-tail options by entering a keyword or domain. Be sure to specify the location and language to guide the search. The offered options will have a difficulty score to show whether it’s worth competing for them.

WordStream Free Keyword Tool

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WordStream Free Keyword Tool displays all suitable options with monthly volume, top-of-page bid (low range/high range), and competition. You will be able to download the report after quick registration. Use this tool to break down keywords by industry. You can enter your options and then pick the industry and state.

The lack of filtering features is probably one of the primary drawbacks of this solution.


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HubSpot, a renowned inbound marketing, sales, and service platform, takes the spotlight when crafting a long-tail keyword strategy that drives results. Its cutting-edge CRM, paired with a suite of marketing tools, provides users with an unparalleled edge in the rat race. When focusing on niche markets like organic dog food or artisanal coffee blends, long-tail keywords such as “organic grain-free dog food” or “single-origin Colombian coffee beans” are golden nuggets. HubSpot allows you to:

  • Research and identify high-value long-tail keywords.
  • Create magnetic content with SEO recommendations.
  • Analyze traffic and monitor how keywords are performing.

You can use HubSpot to optimize your website, blog articles, and other material to correspond with the long-tail keywords that people in your target market use to find you online.


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The next powerhouse, Semrush, makes headway as an all-in-one marketing toolkit, streamlining the process of uncovering long-tail keywords. Semrush has an intuitive Keyword Magic Tool that’s literally like striking gold. Its extensive keyword database is an arsenal for marketers seeking to carve out a niche – be it handmade candles or 3D-printed jewelry.

For instance, if you’re in the handmade candles niche, you can fish out long-tail keywords like “hand-poured soy candles with essential oils”. This enables your brand to gain traction among consumers who have a specific penchant for what you offer. Semrush’s Position Tracking tool lets you keep tabs on your rankings and make necessary adjustments to outmaneuver the competition.


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Now let’s talk GrowthBar – a full Chrome extension that’s a wellspring for SEO insights and long-tail keywords. GrowthBar is your compass in the labyrinth of keyword planning. It’s clever at helping you find long-tail keywords that are less competitive but have a substantial search volume, such as “gluten-free protein bars for athletes” if you are in the health food niche.

What sets GrowthBar apart is its seamless integration with Google Search. It empowers you to:

  • Obtain critical data straight from SERP.
  • Deep dive into backlinks and keyword rankings.
  • Unearth Facebook ads for inspiration.

Imagine you’re in the eco-friendly cleaning products niche. GrowthBar will enable you to unearth long-tail keywords like “non-toxic cleaning products for baby utensils”. Your website will rise to the top of the search engine results page heap if you use the clarity and insights you acquire to develop content that resonates with your audience.

Keyword Tool Dominator

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Unlock the power of Keyword Tool Dominator to skyrocket your SEO efforts by snagging long-tail keywords that pack a punch. With its nimble-fingered capabilities, it lets you sift through many keywords and zero in on the long-tail variants your audience is hooked on. Take, for instance, the niche of eco-friendly office supplies. You can latch onto long-tail keywords like “recycled paper notepads for office” using Keyword Tool Dominator.

What’s the buzz about Keyword Tool Dominator? Let’s shed light on its striking features:

  • Real-time Data: It taps into the pulse of search engines and dishes out real-time data.
  • Long-Tail Keyword Ranking: This tool puts on the crown as it ranks long-tail keywords based on popularity.
  • Agile User Experience: The streamlined interface ensures you finish the job without hiccups.

Not to mention, Keyword Tool Dominator teems with specialty keyword tools for Amazon, eBay, and Etsy, making it a treasure trove for e-commerce aficionados. So, if you are peddling handmade soap on Etsy, Keyword Tool Dominator helps you unlock long-tail keywords like “organic lavender goat milk soap”.


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Shift gears and embrace Wordtracker, a trailblazer in unearthing long-tail keywords that your competitors are oblivious to. Wordtracker’s prowess lies in its knack for wading through oceans of data and reeling in long-tail keywords that strike the perfect balance between search volume and competition. For those carving out a niche in customized tech accessories, Wordtracker might help you discover a gem like “leather laptop sleeves with initials”.

It’s time to roll up your sleeves and get down to the nitty-gritty:

  • In-Depth Insights: Wordtracker goes the extra mile to fetch crucial insights like search volume, competition, and related keywords.
  • Competitor Analysis: Keep your friends close and your competitors closer. Wordtracker lets you peek into your competitors’ keyword strategies.
  • Tailored Keyword Niches: Drill down into tailored keyword niches, fine-tuning your campaign.

Using Wordtracker is akin to having a well-oiled machine at your disposal. Whether you are cultivating a following in the travel blogging sector with long-tail keywords like “hidden mountain getaways in Vermont” or building an online fitness empire with “home workouts for postpartum moms”, Wordtracker is your co-pilot steering you towards success.

Google Autocomplete

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Autocomplete is not a separate tool but a feature implemented to facilitate browsing within Google. It adds suggestions as you type a query.

Even though we have mentioned that Google Autocomplete takes too much manual effort, it can be helpful for initial research. Besides, it is 100% free if it matters to you.


In wrapping up this conversation on “How to Find Long-Tail Keywords?”, let’s dive into why focusing on long-tail keywords is indispensable. When playing in the business’s advertising hub, picking the right keyword mix – think “sushi recipes” or “blueberry pancakes” – is akin to nailing the perfect recipe. You’re measuring ingredients, cutting through the fat, and adding spices to stand out.

However, the advertising scene is crowded – with businesses fighting for a slice of the pie. This is where long-tail keywords come into play. They’re like the pancake toppings that elevate the flavor – they don’t just satisfy hunger but also delight the taste buds. When building an SEO plan, consider long-tail keywords as your pancake toppings.

Long-tail keywords offer several benefits:

  • They cater to niche audiences like “vegan sushi rolls” or “gluten-free pancakes”.
  • They are highly likely to convert – viewers looking for “the best vegan sushi rolls recipe” are closer to deciding for those just seeking “sushi”.
  • They’re less competitive, meaning your advertising dollars work harder.

But wait, there’s a cherry on top! Utilizing tools like Plerdy helps you effectively track and optimize your long-tail keywords. This is like having a kitchen assistant who suggests what ingredients to use and keeps an eye on the pancake so it doesn’t burn. Plerdy’s suite of tools offers an analytics pancake stack – with heat maps, SEO checkers, and user session recordings.

Long-tail keywords are not just an SEO tactic but an indispensable ingredient in your marketing recipe. Mix them with delicious content and services with a dash of Plerdy tools – and you’ve got a delightful SEO feast.

Now get cracking! Head over to Plerdy, sign up, and start spicing your SEO strategy with long-tail keywords. Let’s get the kitchen fires burning!

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