What is a Scroll Map, and How Can you Use it?

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Andrew Chornyy

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.

Digital marketing Blog User Experience (UX)

Dive right into the magic of scroll maps and turn the tide on your website optimization voyage! ? A scroll map, the cartographer’s gem in the digital universe, bestows visual data on how visitors interact with your web pages. With it, you can:

  • Pinpoint hotspots – areas with sky-high engagement
  • Detect cold zones – sections your audience whizzes past
  • Streamline content layout to match visitor preferences

For instance, e-commerce maestros employ scroll maps to finesse product placement, whilst bloggers may harness the power to strategically embed links. Moreover, educational platforms unravel the treasure trove of scroll maps to tailor content density and diversity. In this comprehensive scroll map manifesto, glean insights into the nitty-gritty of crafting pixel-perfect user experiences and sharpen your website optimization acumen. ? Elevate your website’s UX to astronomical levels with the spellbinding Plerdy tool! Infused with SEO magic and UX wizardry, Plerdy can be your ultimate scroll map companion. Click here to embark on a cosmic journey with Plerdy!

What is a Scroll Map?

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Feast your eyes on the marvel that is the scroll map – an indispensable tool in the website optimizer’s arsenal. Let’s cut to the chase: a scroll map captures and flaunts how users cruise through your website pages. With dazzling hues – from red hotspots to blue abysses – it paints a picture of engagement and scrolling behavior.

Consider an online gallery of art. ?. Harnessing the might of scroll maps, the curator can discern:

  • The pieces that arrest attention
  • The artworks bypassed in a jiffy
  • The perfect spots to position up-and-coming artists

Now, flip the coin and consider digital newspapers ?. Editors utilize scroll maps to nail down:

  • News segments hogging the limelight
  • Topics that don’t make a splash
  • Ideal placements for gripping stories or ads

Simply put, the scroll map lays out the red carpet for astute, data-driven decisions that fine-tune page layouts, bolster engagement, and foster sublime user experiences.

But that’s not all – by integrating scroll maps with other analytics tools, the symphony of data sings a richer song. Web gurus craft a narrative, adapting on the fly and supercharging their website’s performance.

The scroll map serves as the North Star for navigating the murky waters of web page optimization. By decoding the riddles within its colors, one embarks on an odyssey to craft the quintessential website experience.

When and Whom is the Scroll Map Essential for?

A scroll map is an essential tool for:

  • Digital marketers;
  • Product managers;
  • SEO-specialists;
  • Content managers;
  • Web-designers.

First and foremost, the scroll map is a tool for experienced marketers that lets analyze users’ behavior on a website, conduct A/B testing, and make decisions regarding improvements.

Product managers responsible for improvements and growth of a startup can evaluate behavioral factors and work effectiveness by means of the Plerdy scroll map.

For SEO-specialists, the scroll map allows to additionally evaluate pages with texts. In particular, based on the statistics they can check effectiveness of new subheaders (H2, H3) and calls to actions. The result of such improvements is a bounce rate decrease.

The scroll map allows to identify the level of engagement with a text. Such a possibility is valuable for content managers. The point is that the total amount of time a user spends on a page does not always mean that content is viewed. Very often, an article stays open in one tab while a user is working in another.

To understand whether a text has been read completely or partially, it is necessary to check with the scroll map statistics.

The scroll map helps web-designers to identify how much users understand a design and use all available options.

How Does the Scroll Map Work?

The scroll heatmap shows data by means of colors: a warmer color shows high users’ activity in the selected part of a page. The opposite is marked with a colder color:

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To switch on the scroll heatmap, you need to access your dashboard (Ctrl+Alt+H) and turn on the appropriate function:

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Every page is divided into 5 parts (each part equals 20% of the whole page length). In the “Scroll map” section on the Plerdy dashboard you can see statistics for every page and compare them:

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Apart from the range of colors, the scroll map has its own indicator of readers’ activity which is the total amount of clicks in the particular part and its correspondence to the total amount of clicks on the whole page:

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The Difference Between Scroll Maps and Heat Maps

Unravel the art of website analytics with the dynamic duo: scroll maps and heat maps. Scroll maps are the Sherlock Holmes of scrolling patterns – they dissect how visitors sweep through your web pages. Color-coded gradients, from scorching red to icy blue, spill the beans on user engagement at varying depths.

On the flip side, heat maps act like the Watson to Sherlock, focusing on where visitors click and hover. It’s akin to peering into your audience’s thoughts – understanding their likes and pining for.

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For an e-commerce fashion store ?:

  • Scroll maps pinpoint sections where visitors spend time, which could be a mesmerizing dress or a flashy pair of shoes.
  • Heat maps reveal the items that compel visitors to click – maybe they’re smitten by a chic handbag.

For a bustling online forum ?:

  • Scroll maps shed light on the threads that get the community buzzing.
  • Heat maps unveil the buttons and links that members gravitate toward, like profile updates or private messaging.

Voila! You have the lowdown on scroll maps and heat maps. With scroll maps – hone in on content depth, and with heat maps – zero in on interaction hotspots. Combining these titans, webmasters can whip up impeccable page layouts and rev up engagement without breaking a sweat.

5 Ways to Use Scroll Maps

Unleash the sorcery of scroll maps and morph your website into an engagement powerhouse! With the spellbinding colors and patterns that scroll maps offer, you’ve got a treasure trove to dig into. Here are five sterling ways to wield scroll maps like a maestro:

  1. Tweak Content Placement ?: A scroll map lays bare the engagement hotspots on your page. For online magazines, discern the articles that keep readers glued and position them in prime real estate. Suppose your tech reviews are the crowd-pullers; give them the center stage, while sidelining the lesser mortals.
  1. Streamline Navigation ?️: An efficient page demands seamless navigation. Scroll maps can be your guiding star. For instance, in e-commerce stores, understanding scrolling patterns leads to intuitive menu layouts, putting bestsellers within easy reach.
  1. Optimize Visual Elements ?: Pictures paint a thousand words, but where should they go? With scroll maps, you can suss out the spots where eyes linger. Photographers and artists can then judiciously place their pièce de résistance where it garners adulation.
  1. Refine Calls to Action ?: Scroll maps let you peek into the zones where visitors are most receptive. For digital marketers, it’s a goldmine. Position your calls to action where they resonate and rake in conversions.
  1. Balance Content Length and Diversity ?: Too short or too long – the length and diversity of content can make or break engagement. Scroll maps help ed-tech platforms strike the right chord, ensuring courses and resources are neither overbearing nor sparse.

Now let’s get down to brass tacks. Scroll maps, with their technicolor brilliance, serve as the roadmap to the visitor’s soul. When your audience scrolls down a newsletter, which section makes them pause? A scroll map spills the secrets.

For a cherry on top, intertwine the scroll map’s wisdom with other analytics tools. For example, heat maps showcase where the clicks happen. Combine this with the scroll map’s insight and you’ve got a full spectrum of user engagement at your fingertips.

Cue the drums! It’s time to revamp your website with scroll maps. Whether you’re an e-commerce mogul, a brooding artist, or a digital marketing whiz, scroll maps roll out the red carpet for you to fine-tune content, visuals, and navigation. Turn your website into a thriving metropolis where visitors stroll through the streets, enamored by the sights and sounds. Scroll maps are your architects, your town planners, and your pulse on the populace. Delve into their depths and sculpt the Eden of user engagement.

The Pros and Cons of Using Scroll Maps

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Embarking on the scroll map adventure whisks you through a labyrinth of perks and pitfalls. As you harness the power of scroll maps to revamp your website, keep an eagle eye on both sides of the coin.


  • Engagement Detective: Scroll maps are your Sherlock Holmes for user engagement. Online retailers can pinpoint where shoppers hover, thereby optimizing product placement.
  • Customization Catalyst: They propel customization in newsletters. Brands can suss out the sections that grip attention and tailor the content layout accordingly.
  • Navigation Navigator: Streamline navigation like a seasoned sailor. Educational platforms, for instance, can deploy scroll maps to ensure hassle-free access to courses and resources.


  • Overwhelm Alert: The avalanche of data can sometimes throw you overboard. Navigating through the cascade calls for precision and focus.
  • Not a Lone Ranger: Relying solely on scroll maps is like venturing into the sea with a half-baked compass. They need to be complemented with other tools for a full picture.
  • Time-Intensive: Scouring through the data and implementing tweaks isn’t a blitz. It demands time and resources.

There you have it – the scroll map compass in your hand. Use it to navigate the tempestuous waters of user engagement, but steer clear of the sirens. Integrate scroll maps into a holistic approach, fusing them with other analytics tools. Lay the foundations for a website that’s not just alluring but also intuitive and engaging. It’s a voyage of discovery, revelations, and above all – excellence.


Sailing through the riveting journey of scroll maps, we’ve uncovered a treasure trove of wisdom – from understanding the crux of scroll maps, zooming into the interplay between scroll maps and heat maps, to carving out innovative strategies and unraveling the pros and cons.

A scroll map, our trustworthy compass, illuminates the path users meander through on a webpage. It serves as the lens through which website connoisseurs zoom-in on users’ preferences and behaviors. For instance, an e-commerce website like etsy.com uses scroll maps to assess customer preferences for vintage jewelry and accessories.

Let’s talk turkey – scroll maps are the high-octane fuel that propels the craft of web optimization. They unshackle the chains that restrain engagement and inject a burst of clarity into the cryptic labyrinth of user behavior. Whether you are an online seller or a customer-centric service provider, scroll maps offer the wings to fly high in the sky of success.

?Ready to skyrocket your website to the zenith of excellence? Don’t dilly-dally. Harness the scroll map artillery with Plerdy tool’s SEO & UX analysis. Chart the waters, steer your website to uncharted territories, and build an empire that is not just gigantic but is anchored in user satisfaction. Your scroll map adventure begins now. Anchor aweigh!

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