Top 11 Static Code Analysis Tools

Andrew Chornyy - 001
Andrew Chornyy

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.

SEO Analytics

Statistically, 20% of code causes 80% of problems, which creates the effect of clustering bugs in one or more related modules of an application (defect clustering). Static code analysis tools allow us to detect potential bugs before further dynamic testing occurs.

As you probably know, static code analysis tools allow you to check code without launching the program. Static analysis has been gaining popularity lately, and the static analysis market is becoming larger yearly. This is partly explained by the fact that the era of tools based only on regular expressions has gone. Code reviews are critical, designed to:

  • Make sure there are no bugs in the code.
  • Minimize the likelihood of problems.
  • Confirm that the code is adhering to the set guidelines.
  • Improve the effectiveness of the new code.

Consequently, code reviews enhance team members’ competence. While the senior developer performs the code review, the junior developer can use the feedback to improve their programming skills.

Today, the variety and capabilities of static code analysis tools are astonishing. Even the AI and machine learning hype didn’t pass static analysis tools by, and the Swiss released a product trained on open repositories. However, it should be understood that AI will not replace the classical technologies used in code analysis tools in the foreseeable future but will supplement them. So, below, you will find the top 11 static analysis tools that will ensure the quality of your code.

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What Are Code Analysis Tools?

Code analysis tools are the architects behind the scenes, meticulously crafting the blueprint of software integrity. These powerhouse utilities elevate code from merely functional to exceptionally robust and secure. By delving into the intricacies of software code analysis, these tools shed light on the vulnerabilities hidden within lines of code, paving the way for a fortified digital infrastructure.

Core Insights:

  • Software code analysis tools comprehensively examine code to ensure it adheres to quality and security standards.
  • Open source static analysis brings a collaborative approach to improving code quality, leveraging the collective expertise of the developer community.
  • The practice of static analysis in software testing is pivotal, acting as a preventative measure against potential system failures or breaches.
  • Specialized tools for C# static code analysis and those tailored for Java offer language-specific insights that enhance code reliability and performance.

In the hands of developers, code analysis tools are like a scalpel, precise and accurate in identifying areas of improvement. Whether through automated static code analysis tools for security or static source code analysis tools, these platforms enable teams to diagnose and rectify issues early in the development cycle. This streamlines the production process and significantly mitigates the risk of security vulnerabilities.

Imagine the possibilities when leveraging static program analysis tools across various development projects—from web applications powered by Java to intricate systems written in C#. The outcome is software that is not only robust and efficient but also secure from the ground up. As we navigate the complexities of modern software development, the role of code analysis tools, especially in domains requiring stringent security measures like financial services or healthcare, becomes increasingly critical. Through the lens of these tools, developers can ensure that their digital solutions stand the test of time, offering reliability, security, and excellence.

TOP 11 Static Code Analysis Tools

Here is a comparison of static code analysis tools with top static code scanning tools for your project.


  • Office: Atlanta (USA)

Raxis is one of the leading auditing IT companies in America. It offers its clients various options for code analysis like a full analysis of source code security (both manual and automated), periodic checks of the source code based on the results, and regular security checks integrated by Raxis specialists into the company’s SDLC (systems development life cycle) process. The main advantages of using Raxis services are reduced time for searching and eliminating vulnerabilities in software, cost reduction for development and compliance with regulatory requirements, and speed of software launch or time to market by preventing delays due to security issues.


  • Offices: Tokyo (Japan), Pune (India), Frankfurt (Germany)
  • Customers: Bosch, Deutsche Leasing, MAGNA, Digit, Skyroot Aerospace

Embold takes input source code and generates a well-designed AST model with semantic information. Based on the resulting model, advanced static analysis methodologies are applied: data-flow analysis, symbolic execution, method annotations, and pattern-based analysis. This static analysis tool currently operates with more than 105 diagnostic rules that allow you to detect various defects/errors in code: misprints, de-referencing a NULL pointer, unreachable code, array overflow, and so on.

SmartBear Collaborator

  • Offices: Galway (Ireland), Docklands (Australia), Somerville (USA)
  • Customers: Adobe, CISCO, Oracle, Salesforce, Citi

This tool allows you to make reports and analyze key metrics that characterize the code review performance. It is very important not just to examine all metrics once but to be able to do so at any point and over any period with minimal time spent on the entire process. Therefore, SmartBear Collaborator is considered one of the best static analysis tools in the world.


  • Office: Malmö (Sweden)
  • Customers: PHILIPS, SoundCloud, Relativity, Persistent, Tencent

This tool prioritizes technical debt based on how developers work with code and visualizes organizational factors such as team bonding and system mastery. In addition, it provides the ability to collect metrics for feedback and report to management. CodeScene supports integrations with CI/CD pipelines, issue trackers, other code analysis tools, and Slack. You can run CodeScene on your servers or use it as a cloud service. It is available for free and open source.


  • Offices: Burlington (USA), London (United Kingdom)
  • Customers: Alfresco, Cox Automotive, CARFAX, Schneider Electric, Santander

Veracode provides metrics and analytics based on data collected from GitHub and GitLab. It analyzes changes to each pull request and improves developers’ experience when reviewing code. It helps development teams maximize productivity by automatically analyzing each pull request against individual project rule sets and common best practices.


  • Offices: Bethesda (USA), Ithaca (USA)
  • Customers: Micrel Medical Devices, Barclays, Aetna/CVS, T-Mobile, Crank Software, Sypris Electronics, NASA, FDA

CodeSonar from GrammaTech finds vulnerability bugs, security bugs, performance, and API issues. CodeSonar’s analysis speed allows you to analyze your code in real time. This code analysis tool supports Java, C / C ++, JavaScript, C#, and Android. There is also support for native binaries in Intel, ARM, and PowerPC instruction set architectures.


  • Offices: San Francisco (USA)
  • Customers: Ethereum, Supplyframe, Heycar, Mastodon,

DeepSource is a static code analysis tool, which makes it the best among its competitors. It takes the source code as input to build an AST model filled with semantic information. Then, modern static analysis methodologies (data flow analysis, symbolic execution, pattern matching) are applied to the already-built model. They detect bugs, code smells, and vulnerabilities.


  • Office: Geneva (Switzerland), Austin, TX (USA), Annecy (France), Bochum (Germany)
  • Customers: SIEMENS, Amadeus EDS, Agirc & Arrco, Silverpeas, Kapsch, Ford Motor Company, JFrog

One of the modern static analyzers is SonarQube. With it, you can detect errors in the code of more than 20 programming languages, including C, C++, C#, and Java. The data-flow analysis allows you to calculate the potential values of variables at various points of the program. Data-flow analysis can find errors such as array overflow, memory leaks, de-referencing a NULL pointer, etc.


  • Office: Lisbon (Portugal)
  • Customers: AutoDesk, PayPal, Toptal, Deliveroo, Delivery Hero

Codacy is a static code analysis tool that helps you automatically identify and fix security issues, duplication, style violations and pull requests directly from your Git workflow. Today, an online service automatically adds reviews and performs static code analysis for most repositories. Codacy helps identify bugs in the code and security issues with the constructs used and hints at how to fix them. You can link to Codacy analysis in code repositories and add review status and quality assessment.


  • Office: Seoul (Korea)
  • Customers: CureApp, Seneca, SAMSUNG SDS, Jooble, React Async

DeepScan can help you with JavaScript code reviews. It is best for inspecting JavaScript code because it provides advanced static analysis without noise. It works beyond conventions, uses semantic analysis for greater review results, and is adaptable and actionable. You can integrate this tool with SonarQube or CI/CD server and Visual Studio Code, Atom, Eclipse, and IntelliJ. To summarize, DeepScan provides many features that can help make the development process more efficient.


  • Office: Ottawa (Canada)
  • Customers: Klipfolio, Sonrai Security, Ariglad, FI.SPAN, CYSIV

This service allows software developers to find and fix vulnerabilities before sending the final version of their code to production. Reshift has received a lot of positive feedback. In addition to finding problems, the service also helps comply with regulatory requirements related to software development.


Diving headfirst into the digital cosmos, where code forms the backbone of our interconnected world, it’s crucial to harness the full potential of static code analysis. As a seasoned copywriter immersed in the tech niche, I’ve observed firsthand the transformative power of tools designed for software code analysis. These utilities are not just tools; they are the silent guardians of code integrity, ensuring every line we craft stands up to the rigorous demands of today’s digital infrastructure.

Essential Takeaways:

  • Open source static analysis paves the way for a more accessible, community-driven approach to code quality.
  • C# static code analysis and its counterparts across various programming languages, including Java, offer a tailored analysis experience, enhancing code safety and reliability.
  • Static analysis testing emerges as a critical step in preemptively securing applications against potential vulnerabilities.
  • Automated static code analysis tools for security represent the frontline defense in identifying and mitigating security risks before they escalate.

In an era where digital safety is paramount, static source code analysis tools serve as the linchpin in the development process. From enhancing security protocols with security code scanning tools to refining codebases with code quality inspection tools, these platforms provide an indispensable service. By integrating static analysis code techniques, developers gain the foresight needed to address issues at their nascent stage, significantly reducing the risk of costly errors down the line.

This narrative is not just about deploying automated code analysis tools; it’s about embracing a culture of continuous improvement and security mindfulness. As technology evolves at a breakneck pace, the role of code scanning software in maintaining the sanctity of our digital edifices cannot be overstated. Whether it’s navigating the complexities of modern applications or ensuring compliance with stringent regulatory standards, static program analysis tools stand ready to elevate the quality and security of software across the board.

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