Heat Map Analysis to Improve UX


Hi there!

My name is Marta, I am a Marketing Manager, and in this, we will learn how to analyze UX based on the heat maps.

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So basically, heat maps can help you collect data on how people interact with your website, so you can use those insights to improve UX and the metrics that matter to your business.

Let’s explore how to do it on a real example:

Open the heat map tab and go to clicks.

First of all we can:

  1. Check Desktop/mobile
  2. Check sessions without clicks (if many sessions with no clicks it is dangerous, need to check why it happens)
  3. Check sessions that were only on one page (also bad, it is bounce rate. Need to check the reasons)

Then, we can open and analyze specific pages. I will start will the Home Page.

We need to find two groups of elements:

  • Where users click don’t click but we want them to do so
  • Where users click but we don’t want them to click there (it is a sign that some elements remind users of sth clickable but it is not)

On this page for example:

  1. We see that users click on News/Exclusive page. But these elements are not clickable. So it is good to add pages on the website where we have all new items or all exclusive items collected.
  2. Next thing, Add to wish list and Add to cart. Those elements are visible only when we hover an arrow on them. Thus the click rate is low. Those elements must be visible from the beginning, not only on hover.
  3. Next – the filter button. It is not standard, so we should check how many people clicked on it. If the number is small, we should probably move it somewhere else or add a CTA to make it clear what this button is for. The same inside.
  4. If we scroll down, there are, of course, some elements which are not so relevant, especially in the footer, like the social media button; however, the subscription form is highly relevant and important because it is our instrument for nurturing customers and we want them to subscribe to it. Here we see that there are no clicks, so the form is not effective in this place.
  5. Let’s now enable the scroll depth. We see that only __% of users scroll to the bottom of the page. But we have a banner placed here. We need to move it higher.

Lets now check one more page: Unity

  1. We see a really big banner that takes a lot of space, but there is no call to action. This is a big mistake. Depending on the page type, we can add a possibility to book a call, register, and request a quote. The image itself doesn’t provide any value. Moreover, on mobile, it will look really bad. The user will see just a part of the image.
  2. Other elements look good, interesting, but what’s next? How can we get to know more? This page doesn’t make user continue their journey. There are no buttons, no CTAs
  3. When we scrolled down, here is a CTA and a button, but it is unclear what it is for? Additionally, if we enable the scroll depth, we see how few users scroll down till this part and can see it.

One more: Eyewear

  1. Elements are clickable, we see some CTAs
  2. We move to the elements. Here we see this plus button, but we need to understand that this won’t work on mobile because hovering on mobile isn’t possible.
  3. There is no add to cart. Add to wishlist. It is a good practice for any online store
  4. “Learn more” is not the best CTA for checking more products. We should better write “Browse more item” “Check more item” because we are not learning anything new
  5. Same with subscription – it is more visible than on the other pages, it is not in the footer, but again we need to analyze how many subscriptions we are getting from it
  6. The last important thing on this page – the ratings, like Trustpilot, are important for an online store. It builds credibility, so don’t hide it in the footer, where no one can see it

In the same way, we analyze other pages of the online store: home page, product listing, cart, etc.

Remember that you can also filter the data based on the source of traffic or user groups, for example. This can give you an even better understanding of certain behaviors.

That is all for now. I hope you enjoyed the video and subscribed to our channel to learn more!

Take care, bye!

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