How to Optimize eCommerce Order?

Andrew Chornyy - 001
Andrew Chornyy

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.


Hi there!

My name is Marta, I am a Marketing Manager, and in this video, we will talk about shopping carts. One of the key elements for the online store’s success.

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So cart abandonment is one of the biggest enemies for online retailers. Everyone tries to fight it so badly, and the first step in his process is understanding the reasons for the abandonment. You should understand what your customers think and how they behave after adding the product to the cart.

Heatmap is the best source of this information.

Go to Page URLs and open your website. The shopping cart, of course, will be empty because we open a live page. To understand what is going on in the shopping cart, we need to add an item and reload the shopping cart.

Only after this will we see where the users click and how deep they scroll. We can also analyze the behavior of specific groups because they all are different – those who came from organic or through paid channels, those who are on our website for the first time and those who already have been here a couple of times.

Remember also that the more products we add to the cart, the results and clicks will change. So test different options and analyze them based on them.

One more important thing here is to test desktop and mobile traffic separately because the user behavior can be completely different. As a rule, online stores get more traffic from mobile devices, so this should be your main focus, however, don’t forget about desktop and optimize the website for both groups of users.

For a more detailed analysis, you may also use session replays to track the behavior of a specific user and understand the logic behind it.

That’s it for now! I hope your abandonment rate will be as low as possible:)

Also, remember some other techniques and methods to reduce the abandonment rate, like using popups. You can check out other videos to get to know more about it.

Stay tuned!

Have a good one, bye!

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