How to Start the Wheel of Fortune eCommerce Marketing?

Andrew Chornyy - 001
Andrew Chornyy

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.


Hi everyone!

Welcome to the Plerdy channel. My name is Marta, I am a Marketing Manager, and in this video, I will show you how to start the wheel of fortune.

Before we start – make sure you subscribe to our channel and don’t miss new videos.

Wheel of fortune is a way to make your signup forms fun. Your store visitors have probably seen quite a lot. Give them something fun and interesting that lets them remember your brand. The Wheel of Fortune gives your visitors a prize in exchange for their email addresses. All they have to do is enter their emails then they get a chance to spin the wheel to get a discount, free shipping, or whatever else you’d like to offer.

To create the wheel of fortune in your Plerdy account, open the Forms and Feedback tab, scroll down to the “Wheel of fortune,” and press build form.

So inside, we have all the standard form options: we can change the form description, add custom text, edit the form elements, the fields, the buttons, thank you for a message, icons, and background color.

But the most interesting and important part here is the Wheel of fortune – here, we can choose the color of the wheel, and there are quite a lot of options to choose the shades that match your website design.

After that, you have to provide the values – the prizes your visitors can receive. You should provide eight options, but some of them can be the same.

On the website, it will work like this – the visitor provides his email address, name, and any other information you add, like a required field. After the contact info is provided, the visitor spins the wheel of fortune and wins one of the prizes.

The information about the prize is sent to the admin panel of your account, so you will be able to track it. It is under the Leads report.

That’s all for now. Hope the video was helpful!

Wish you a great day! Bye.

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