The 20 Best Ways to Increase Online Presence

Andrew Chornyy - 001
Andrew Chornyy

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.

Digital marketing Blog

Get ready for an engrossing journey across digital space! Your manual? A perceptive analysis of the “20 Best Ways to Boost Your Online Presence”. You are going to learn tactics designed especially for people who work in eCommerce, blogging, and influencer marketing, but also for everyone.

Just a taste of what you’ll learn is this:

  • Social media strategies pioneered
  • Brilliant content marketing techniques
  • Interesting advice on personal branding

You will also learn how important tools for improving online presence are Plerdy, a jewel for UX and Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). Keep checking in and discover your unrealized digital potential!

This is a special guide, not like others. Consider it as a thorough, straight-forward road map that combines the best tactics to increase your online profile. Concrete examples from blogging, eCommerce, and influencer marketing enhance each part and convert abstract ideas into useful knowledge. Let us therefore begin this thrilling adventure!

Knowing Your Target Market

The foundation of any attempt to improve your online presence is understanding your target audience. These customers, companies, and stakeholders back your brand and make money off of your goods and services. This knowledge enables companies to customize their plans, optimize the use of the digital channels at their disposal, and so raise the visibility of their online brand.

Following are some important actions you should take:

  • Starting with who they are, demographics, location, way of life, and purchasing patterns provide insightful information.
  • Once you have identified your target, put yourself in their shoes; it is essential to know their preferences, problems, and driving forces.
  • Follow their online activity; you can effectively target your efforts by seeing what sites they use, what they buy online, and what kind of material they consume.

A strong LinkedIn strategy might be appropriate for a tech start-up that, for example, targets young professionals who are at ease with technology. On the other hand, Instagram and Pinterest are perfect venues for presenting the products of an organic food company, which may find its market among health-conscious consumers.

This kind of customization of your approach guarantees that the appropriate people will hear your message. Delivering what your audience wants helps you build trust and loyalty, which increases traffic and important interaction and improves your online visibility. A good approach to increase your internet presence is based on this focused attention on audience understanding.

Creating a Strong and Unique Brand Identity

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A powerful brand identity can draw visitors to your website. Beyond a tagline or logo, your brand identity is the values and commitments made to clients by your business. Your unique selling proposition in the digital sphere is your strong brand identification.

Examining how to create a powerful brand identity:

  • The core principles of your brand direct your operations. One sustainable fashion firm might give ethical sourcing and environmental responsibility top priority.
  • Create a unified visual identity including aspects of color, typeface, and photography. Consider Apple; their understated design language conveys elegance and creativity right away.
  • Write a gripping brand narrative; this is the core of your company. Customers all around the world have come to love TOMS Shoes because of its social responsibility tale.
  • Make sure all mediums are consistent; consistent messaging improves brand recognition. The brand voice should be the same in your website content, email marketing, and social media postings.

In the cluttered digital ocean, a strong brand identity guides consumers to your products. It increases your web presence, creates confidence, and encourages client loyalty. You compete on brand identities in the digital space as much as on goods and services. For this reason, forging a powerful brand identity is a guaranteed method to make an impression online.

Building a Professional Website

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Your internet presence is based mostly on the development of a polished website. It is the complete online portrayal of your brand, your internet storefront. A great website encourages interaction and conversion by drawing in as well as keeping users.

Developing a professional website should consider the following important factors:

  • Convenient layout – Give navigation ease of use top priority, and make sure pertinent information is easily available. For instance, the website of Amazon is highly praised for its user-friendly layout.
  • Good stuff with interest Put new, informative, and interesting stuff on your website.
  • Mobile optimization — A mobile-friendly design is essential given the increase in smartphone use. Starbucks’ responsive website allows easy device browsing.
  • Quick loading times – Web sites that load slowly discourage users. Half a second longer load times cost Google, allegedly, 20% of its traffic.
  • Surfing safely For your website to guarantee data security and foster visitor confidence, use HTTPS.

Professionally created websites can greatly increase your online visibility and serve as a central location for your digital marketing efforts. By concentrating your information, goods, and services, your website may build trust and interaction. Recall that an engaging website combines form and purpose, usability and originality, and data security and top-notch performance.

Expanding Your SEO Approach

Refinement of your SEO plan is like building a road to your internet entrance. You may make more potential clients aware of your company and reach them online by putting into practice clever, targeted, and all-encompassing SEO strategies.

Think on these calculated actions to improve your SEO game:

  • Optimize your keywords by including them into your meta descriptions, URLs, titles, and content. One bakery might target terms like “artisan bread,” “organic pastries,” or “gluten-free bakery in [city name].”
  • Good backlinks: Look for links from well-known websites in your field. An environmentally friendly apparel company, for example, would look for backlinks from magazines that promote sustainable living or fashion bloggers.
  • Make your website speedy and simple to use. Search engine rankings can be raised and bounce rates lowered with a simplified, delightful user experience.
  • Latest, worthwhile stuff Add material to your website often that will benefit your visitors. A personal trainer might, for instance, frequently offer diet, exercise, or fitness recommendations.
  • Mobile optimization – Considering the significant share of mobile web traffic, cater to mobile consumers to increase search ranks. Travel blogs have to be readable on mobile devices.

Said another way, enhancing your SEO plan is like turning on a digital flashlight; it illuminates your company in the huge digital space. A thorough, current, and targeted SEO strategy will grow your website, your online presence, and your company.

Utilizing Social Media Platforms

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Social networking sites provide a humming online market place for companies to increase their online presence. You may increase website traffic, share your brand story, and engage with clients through these platforms.

Think on these tactics to maximize social media:

  • Maintaining a consistent brand image means that your messaging and images should match on all of your platforms. Consider Coca-Cola. Its red and white color scheme is easily identifiable, and themes of happiness and community are recurrent in their advertising.
  • Frequently post interesting stuff that speaks to your readers. If your brand is about fitness, for instance, post inspirational sayings, dietary guidance, or exercise instruction.
  • User interaction: To communicate with your followers, reply to comments, re-share user-generated material, or hold live conversations. On their Instagram account, for example, fashion company Zara frequently posts pictures of its customers.
  • Work with influencers Join forces with influencers that share your values. A cosmetics brand could work with beauty influencers to provide tutorials or product reviews.
  • Analytics: To learn what material works effectively, use platform analytics and adjust your approach.

Social media allows your company to interact with clients directly and increase its web presence.

Your brand recognition and loyalty can be increased by producing interesting material, communicating with followers, and tracking results. As such, making wise use of social media is essential to increasing your internet profile and promoting company expansion.

Maximizing the Benefits from Content Marketing

A powerful force in the digital sphere, content marketing increases traffic, establishes brand trust, and promotes online expansion. Delivering worthwhile, interesting material helps companies draw in and keep a certain audience, which eventually results in profitable consumer action.

  • Boost your content marketing using these strategies:
  • Make worthwhile, practical, and fascinating stuff.A software corporation might, for example, produce comprehensive user manuals.
  • Format diversification of content – To meet the varying tastes of your audience, combine blog entries, videos, infographics, podcasts, and webcasts. Recipes could be found in blog articles, yoga instruction videos, and mindfulness podcasts from a health and wellness brand.
  • Storytelling – Telling the story of your brand or client success stories will captivate your audience. Through sharing how customer purchases support charity causes, the shoe company TOMS skillfully use storytelling.
  • Regular updating of your content will keep your audience interested and coming back for more. A digital marketing business might, for instance, publish blog entries every week on industry news and advice.
  • Promotion of content — Increase your audience using email newsletters, social media, or guest posting on websites specialised to your field.

Companies that actively create and distribute excellent content can increase their internet presence and engage with potential clients.

Good content marketing can be the wave that lifts your online presence in a very competitive digital environment, attracting your audience and building enduring relationships.

Using Video Marketing to Your Advantage

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Businesses may enthrall viewers and greatly increase their online presence with the help of the interesting instrument of video marketing. Customers might be engaged by visually appealing stories told by businesses.

Explore these video marketing tactics:

  • Use of the product: Showcase your product in use to enable prospective buyers to see its advantages. GoPro, for example, posts heart-pounding videos captured with their cameras.
  • Video from behind the scenes: Give viewers an insight into the production process, team, or culture of your business. Your audience will come to trust your brand and it will become human.
  • Webinar hosting As a thought leader, present your knowledge or lead industry discussions.
  • Making instruction videos Give helpful advice on your good or service. A gardening business might provide videos on how to look after particular plants.
  • ntelling client tales — To give your offering more legitimacy, including case studies or testimonials in video form.

Higher engagement rates and a more distinctive brand in the congested digital market can be achieved with videos. As companies look for methods to improve their online presence, video marketing becomes an attractive approach. Use it to propel interaction, improve the narrative of your brand, and provide doors for company expansion.

Harnessing the Power of Influencer Marketing

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Influencer marketing offers companies a way to increase brand visibility and engage new audiences online. Businesses can reach and influence communities who are interested in their good or service by collaborating with people who have sizable online followings.

Let us examine practical ways to use influencer marketing:

  • Work together to create material — Produce material that reflects the principles of your business in conjunction with influencers. To create exercise films using its equipment, a fitness brand can, for instance, cooperate with fitness influencers.
  • Get influencers to include your products in their blogs by doing sponsored posts. Influencers in fashion frequently present apparel companies in this manner.
  • Start brand ambassador initiatives – Build enduring relationships in which influential people frequently recommend your company.
  • Organise competitions or giveaways – Work with influencers to organise competitions that will draw in viewers and raise awareness of your business.

Influencer marketing gives companies a practical approach to improve their web presence. Building a real connection with influencers allows companies to reach their huge followings and hence boost brand visibility. By means of tactical influencer alliances, companies can expand their online presence and interact with potential clients. Influencer marketing provides adaptable tactics to boost your company’s online presence and promote growth, from sponsored posts to brand ambassador programs. Marketing using influencers can increase your online visibility.

Online Advertising Paid

One of the most important business moves is to increase your internet presence, and paid internet advertising is essential to this effort. Using focused advertising, your brand can increase its internet presence, draw in customers, and promote company expansion. Investing in internet advertising expands the audience and chances for consumer engagement of your business.

I’ll outline a few strategies for using paid internet advertising:

  • A priceless resource is Google Ads: The top of search results can be a neighborhood restaurant thanks to Google Ads.
  • Advertise on social media: LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook all have advertising platforms. Instagram advertisements might be used by a clothing company to highlight its newest collection to certain audiences.
  • Display advertisements: Found on a variety of websites, these advertisements can be quite helpful in raising brand recognition. Display advertising are one way an online education platform may contact students searching for remote learning options.
  • Campaigns for remarketing: These let you get in touch with those who have previously visited your website but did not convert. One IT company might remind past clients of its software offerings.

Businesses looking to increase their online presence can benefit much from paid internet advertising. It gives businesses the tools they need to connect with more people, which boosts site traffic and promotes deeper interactions with consumers. These tactics will help you improve your internet business presence significantly.

Starting a Blog on Your Website

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Taking up blogging is a powerful way to extend the internet presence of your company. To increase audience interaction, show off your expertise, and subtly promote your goods or services, start a blog on your website.

Let’s get right into how to start a successful blog for your company:

  • Create a well considered content strategy. One way a home décor store may combine product advertising with useful advise is to offer decorating ideas and home-styling help.
  • Regular posting will help to keep your audience interested and coming back for more.
  • Premium Content: Give producing material of the highest caliber first priority. A nutritionist’s website, for example, might highlight reliable and educational articles about eating well.
  • Visual Appeal: Add interesting photos to your blog entries. An adventure travel company might combine compelling stories with stunning pictures of far-off places.
  • Engage Readers: Answer comments and engage with your readers. Community and loyalty are fostered by this.

Investing heavily in your internet business involves starting a blog. It increases presence, intensifies audience participation, establishes confidence, and accelerates company expansion.

High caliber writing, reader interaction, and regularity are hallmarks of a successful blog. Make excellent use of these concepts to run your blog.

Webinar or Live Stream Hosting

Organizing webinars or live broadcasts has become an attractive approach to improve the internet presence of your company. Real-time interaction with your audience made possible by this strategy results in deeper and more lasting interactions.

Let us dissect how to use live streams and webinars to expand your business:

  • Select subjects that will speak to your audience. You might do a live stream on “Gardening Tips for Spring” if you are a gardener.
  • Advisory Opinions Give detailed advice and information to become known as the go-to person. One cybersecurity company might, for instance, hold webinars on the most recent safety procedures.
  • Product Presentations To highlight the advantages of your products, put them to use. One kitchen appliance firm, for example, might live stream culinary demos utilizing their products.
  • Take Part Actively: During your live sessions, invite viewers to join in conversations, offer comments, or pose questions.
  • Promotion Done Right Promote your live streams or seminars using your website, social media accounts, and email list.

Online company growth is accelerated by webinars and live broadcasting.

Real-time provision of interesting and worthwhile material will draw in a devoted following. Recall that making live contact with your audience establishes a two-way communication channel.

You’re set up to maximize this exciting digital channel with these tactics.

Implementing Email Marketing Campaigns

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Your internet business exposure can be much increased by an email marketing strategy that is well-designed. By means of such deliberate implementations, you create a direct channel of communication with prospective clients, therefore increasing the influence of your brand.

To get the most from your email marketing, think about the following strategy:

  • Personalization: Adapt material to suit the tastes of the reader. If you offer fitness equipment, for example, divide your email list according to interests in different activities so that yoga aficionados get material about yoga and so forth.
  • Emails should be scheduled to provide regular contact points with your audience. Overdoing it, though, will only land you in the spam folder!
  • Don’t just drive sales; add value. Rather, to interest subscribers, offer useful information like industry news or professional advice. An organic meal delivery business might, for example, provide recipes that are in season.
  • Interactive Components Including interactive elements like polls or tests will help to engage readers.
  • Strong CTAs: Whether it’s reading a blog article, looking at a deal, or investigating a new product, create engaging call-to-actions to encourage interaction.

Customer loyalty is fostered by well planned email marketing efforts, which help strengthen your online business profile. Directly delivering customized, worthwhile information to your audience can help you to increase your internet presence, build client relationships, and eventually promote expansion. The secret, as ever, is to stay customer-centric by knowing what they want and providing pertinent, relevant information.

Participating in Discussion Forums and Online Communities

One active way to increase your online company visibility is to participate in forums and communities. These sites are rich ground for companies to strengthen customer relationships and increase engagement since they encourage real interactions and meaningful talks.

Using these four steps will help you take advantage of the chance these forums offer:

  • Find the communities where the people you want to sell to hang around. Your first choice if you work in the home renovation sector could be DIY discussion boards or home decor subreddits.
  • Make no hard sales. Put something worthwhile into conversations instead. A computer store might, for example, provide advice on PC configurations.
  • Building a Reputation Join in often to position your company as a reliable voice. For credibility if you own a pet store, offer regular pet care tips.
  • Synergistic Connections: Work together to create events or give aways with community influencers.

One humane approach to increase the online visibility of your company is to cultivate relationships in online forums. Your brand is aligned with knowledge and dependability when you provide insightful commentary and participate in productive conversation. With time, this online networking creates a recognition ripple effect: when community members respect your opinions, they will probably tell their networks about your company. In the end, participating actively in these groups includes your company in more general conversations, which broadens your audience and supports steady expansion.

Leverage Local SEO and Google My Business

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Strong tools that companies can use to improve their internet presence are Google My Business (GMB). Regional searches might lead local customers to your company.

Four important actions are as follows:

  • Optimizing Your Google My Business Listing: It’s essential to have an updated Google My Business page with accurate information about your company. Should you run a bookstore, make sure the contact details, hours, and address are up to date.
  • Getting User Reviews: User reviews increase credibility. A coffeehouse might, for example, give away complimentary coffee in exchange for a review.
  • Making Use of Local Keywords: Your business might be found more easily if you use keywords particular to your area. “Best bakery in Austin” might be used, for instance, by an Austin bakery in their website copy.
  • Ensure Consistent NAP: Check that all online platforms have the same name, address, and phone number (NAP) for your company.

Using these tactics, you may leverage GMB and Local SEO to increase your local visibility. This customized strategy that is relevance-focused increases client involvement and builds confidence. This approach helps you turn web traffic into actual clients in addition to expanding your online presence. For companies, becoming proficient with Local SEO and GMB is about building a local market niche and interacting with the community in addition to being visible.

Organizing and Advertising Online Giveaways and Contests

Unquestionably appealing, online contests and freebies pique the interest of potential clients and boost the online presence of your brand. They are much more potent engines for consumer interaction and brand exposure than merely virtual froth.

Craft powerful contests or giveaways by following these four steps:

  • Creating an Eye-Catching Contest: A winning prize is the foundation of a contest gone well. One sportswear company might distribute upscale running shoes.Offering a prize directly tied to your company and appealing to your target market is the secret here.
  • Using Appropriate Platforms for Promotion: Various platforms draw various audiences. Find out online where your target market spends their time. A fashion brand might find Instagram perfect, whereas a software company might find LinkedIn more appropriate.
  • User-Created Content Get your audience to provide content for the competition that relates to business.One travel operator might ask participants to list their ideal places to go. Along with increasing interaction, this tactic gives you useful material for later use.
  • Examining Results: Post-contest research offers information on what succeeded and failed. Use the results to improve next plans.

Freebies and contests held online do two things: they draw in new business and boost participation. When done well, they expand your audience, increase your online profile, and promote lively discussion. They are, in short, an entertaining, useful, and interesting approach to increase the web visibility of your company.

Continual Content Updates and Repurposing

Regularly repurposing and upgrading material should be a key component of your approach in the ever-changing world of internet business. While new, interesting material might improve your online reputation, old, stale stuff can damage it.

In order to use this strategy successfully, follow these four essential steps:

  • Examine Content Performance: Find your top-performing content with analytics tools. A yoga studio might discover, for example, that videos on particular positions get the most views.
  • Update Outdated Data Adding current trends, statistics, and data will refresh the content. The most recent details and pricing for an electronics eCommerce store should constantly be available.
  • Content Repurposing in Various Media Modify the facts you present. A bakery might create an interesting video tutorial out of a well-liked recipe blog article, reaching a variety of audience members.
  • Boost Content That Has Been Repurposed Share your revised stuff on all of your platforms. A landscaping firm ought to put an infographic they create from a blog article about garden design on social media, in their newsletter, and even in their email signature.

Giving your current material new life helps you maintain its relevancy, keep your audience interested, and make it last longer. You save time and money at the same time as you make the most of your initial content development investment. Using this tactic, your internet business can prosper and draw in both new and returning clients. Regularly revising and repurposing material is a long-term approach to improve your internet visibility and commercial success in addition to being a wise business decision.

Encouraging Customer Reviews and Testimonials

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Customer endorsements and reviews are like digital word-of-mouth in the internet-centric market of today, strengthening your brand, fostering confidence, and increasing sales. Any company looking to increase its internet presence will find both to be quite beneficial.

This four-step strategy will help you to solicit and make good use of client comments:

  • Prompt Post-Purchase Reviews: Ask your customers to discuss their experiences as a transaction is finished. Ask consumers to review their most recent purchase if you run a bookstore, for example. To preserve the good client experience, the procedure should be simple and unobtrusive.
  • Using Social Proof On your website, highlight good reviews. One way an internet clothes store can increase credibility and influence potential customers is to display endorsements about the quality of their products.
  • React to Reviews Reacting to reviewers demonstrates your appreciation of their input and helps to establish relationships. Negative reviews should be professionally and quickly addressed, along with a solution. Don’t dismiss them. Positive things can come of this openness.
  • Using Reviews in Marketing In your marketing efforts, include raving reviews. A catering business might, for instance, highlight good reviews of its cuisine and service in email newsletters and social media.

Social proof can be effectively used by carefully including client endorsements and evaluations into your marketing and operations. They produce credibility and genuineness, which affects and persuades possible clients to select your company. This way, you build consumer loyalty and raise your internet presence, two essential components of long-term business success.

Maximizing Affiliate Marketing

Utilising affiliate marketing to its full potential is a successful way for companies to raise their online profile. It equates to having an army of marketers promoting your goods or services in return for a commission. Using this strategy increases your internet presence, broadens your audience, and links you with possible clients.

To maximize affiliate marketing, do these things:

  • Find Appropriate Affiliates: Look for people or companies that serve a clientele like your target market. Travel bloggers or other outdoor influencers might be partnered with by a camping equipment company.
  • Clearly State Expectations Create conditions for your affiliates, including brand rules, promotional strategies, and reward schedules. One online clothes retailer may have specific requirements for the kind of material affiliates should produce.
  • Organize Required Resources Give affiliates the resources—banners, product photos, and promotional text—they need to thrive. Software companies may find this to contain feature snapshots and video training.
  • Watch the Results: Review your affiliates’ performance often to improve your program. An eBook publisher could find that particular affiliates work better with particular genres.

Your company may enter several marketplaces and increase its web presence with a successful affiliate marketing campaign. This improves your web presence and promotes sales, which promotes company expansion. Affiliate marketing, then, is a great way to strengthen your online presence and guarantee the growth of your company in the internet space.

Implementing a Referral Program

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Putting in place a referral program is a straightforward yet effective way to boost your internet profile. Encouragement of your current clientele to tell others about your company starts a domino effect. As each satisfied client refers others, your internet presence grows.

This is a road map to guide you in creating a successful referral program:

  • State Your Objectives: What do you want to accomplish? More leads, maybe, or a higher conversion rate? An upscale skincare company, for instance, could want to promote repurchases.
  • Set Up the Rewards: Select incentives that your clients will find meaningful. A successful recommendation could result in a month of free access to a digital language study platform.
  • Simplify the Method: Help clients recommend your company with ease. One may include a “Refer a Friend” button on the checkout page of an online bookshop.
  • Advertising Your Program Boost your referral program by using all of your marketing channels. A fitness app might highlight its referral program on their blog, newsletter, and social media accounts.
  • Keep an eye on and polish Watch how well your referral campaign is working and make any required adjustments. A gourmet food delivery business might change their incentive plan in response to input and involvement from their clients.

A well-run referral programme is like having a personal recommendation from every one of your clients. It raises the profile of your company significantly online. As so, it is a crucial component of your plan to rule the internet and propel your company to previously unheard-of levels of success.


With so many energizing tips on improving online presence, this digital journey has produced priceless seeds for CEOs, freelancers, and businesses alike. With everything from clever social media techniques to the use of conversion-boosting technologies, these tactics provide a strong basis for a dominant online presence.

Gaining a strong position in the hearts and minds of your audience is just as important to mastering the digital landscape as ranking or money. Regardless matter your role—from emerging influencer to CEO of a well-established company—the tactics we’ve covered will help map out this path.

See the outcomes emerge as you test and modify these tactics to suit your particular requirements. In the digital sphere, consistency is king.

The Plerdy tool is an SEO and UX analysis gold mine. Explore it now to learn the strategies of your rival and improve your own.

As every little element can get a lot of online traction, every freelancer and entrepreneur should invest some time in optimizing their digital tactics. We do, after all, always compete for attention. Let us so make every contact worthwhile! Prepared to take center stage on the digital arena? Never forget that there is always more growth, learning, and earning ahead!

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