10 Landing Page Design Examples in 2024

Andrew Chornyy - 001
Andrew Chornyy

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.

Web Design

Go full bore into the digital universe, where creating the ideal landing page is a master craft. Page designs that grab and maintain attention are still being created by designers as we go into 2024. Here, we look at ten outstanding landing page designs that, in a variety of industries, represent the height of inventiveness and efficiency:

  • E-commerce is the process of simplifying shopping with user-friendly designs.
  • Tech startups: Using cutting edge visual components to pique interest.
  • Health and Wellness: Comfortable and calming tones.

Every design combines a beautiful appearance with usefulness to make sure that guests are more than just guests—they may become converts. These websites establish a standard for user experience by using strong images, well-placed call-to-action buttons, and well-considered navigation routes. Would like to improve the performance of your website? Think about Plerdy’s user behaviour analysis tool, which is necessary to increase conversion rates or improve website usability. Let us investigate how to get people to notice and remember your page.

What is Landing Page Design and Why Does It Matter?

Beyond appearance, landing page design helps turn visitors into clients. Making a website’s entry point interesting and targeted is what makes the most of initial impressions.

The Fundamental Components of Successful Landing Pages

  • Short, interesting information that appeals to the intended readership.
  • Place call-to-action (CTA) buttons strategically to direct user behavior.
  • Images that support rather than detract from the message.

How important is this strategy? Leading marketing efforts and directly affecting conversion rates is a well-designed landing page. Through optimization of the design, content, and layout of these pages, agencies may provide a user experience that not only enthralls but also persuades.

This deliberate attention to landing page design goes beyond just aesthetics. From typeface to navigation, every component is painstakingly designed to lead users toward a particular path, whether it be registration, purchase, or information request. Landing page design turns into an indispensable instrument in a digital marketer’s toolbox, not only for drawing attention but also for ensuring business results, when it is combined with the particular objectives of each campaign.

List of 10 Best Landing Page Design Examples

Unpacking the “10 Landing Page Design Examples in 2024,” each one demonstrates how flexible and dynamic design can guide users toward desired results. These pages are launching pads that skillfully combine form and function, not merely places to stop. These landing pages raise the standard for what compelling design should achieve in directing user interaction, from simplified navigation to striking images.


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One particularly good illustration of how good design can improve engagement and simplify the user experience is the landing page of Shopify. Using a simple, uncluttered design that prioritizes accessibility and usability, the page is a shining illustration of 2024 web design best practices.

Why it functions is as follows:

  • Design simplicity: The page is free of clutter, emphasizing important elements with lots of white space that moves readers easily through the material.
  • Stunning Visuals: Well chosen photos and movies show off the platform’s features and give the abstract concrete form.
  • Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Visitors are encouraged to begin a free trial by the bright and well-placed CTA buttons, which don’t overpower them with options.

More than simply looking excellent, the material on the Shopify landing page works hard:

  • Customer Testimonials: Social evidence and trust-building video testimonials from happy customers.
  • Flexible Solutions: This succinct yet thorough section emphasizes how Shopify can be adjusted to fit a wide range of business sizes.
  • Support and Resources: The blog, community forums, and help center are among the easily accessible extra resources that let users know help is on hand.

Beyond only appearances, this landing page design is about a seamless visitor-to-customer experience. The landing page on Shopify is a fantastic illustration of how landing pages could look and work in 2024. Every component on the page works together to express a single idea: Shopify improves commerce for all.

Great Jones

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The landing page of Great Jones is a design master lesson, demonstrating how a colorful and eye-catching arrangement can draw in and keep visitors interested. With vivid colours and humorous visuals, this landing page highlights their excellent cookware. Users may effortlessly navigate their offers because of the straightforward design.

Important components of the design of the landing page consist of

  • Distinctive Hero Image: The striking blue kettle on a scale draws notice right away and entices guests to investigate further.
  • Well-Ordered Layout: Scrolling around the page is made enjoyable by the clear divisions into sections like Most Popular, Bakeware, and Ingredients, each of which has a snappy headline.
  • Interesting Product Displays: Customers may easily see each product in their kitchens because it is presented with eye-catching photos that highlight the product and hint at its application.

Furthermore, the page is quite user-friendly with:

  • Simple Navigation: Cookware and Ingredients, for example, have tabs to make sure customers can quickly find what they need.
  • Bright ‘Shop Now’ buttons are positioned purposefully to draw in shoppers as prominent calls-to-action.

A compelling and eye-catching sales funnel is Great Jones’ landing page. Because it communicates the brand’s colorful aesthetic and dedication to quality and style, this landing page stands out in the 2024 landing page design.


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The homepage of Evolo exemplifies modern web design. For 2024 digital navigators looking for efficiency and simplicity, it is perfect. It is a showcase landing page with its simple design and easy use.

Features of the Evolo Landing Page:

  • Immediately Captivating Header: The page’s striking depiction of the company’s digital prowess draws visitors in.
  • “Gir deg sunlight I en digital hverdag” translates to “Gives you visibility in a digital everyday life,” which establishes a professional tone and makes the value offer extremely evident.

Design of Structured Content

  • The page is easily navigated via by the well defined sections that each have a specific function.
  • Through social evidence, a “Noen av våre kunder” section displays success stories and client testimonials, therefore boosting credibility.

Interactive Components

  • Engaging users and promoting exploration are the hover effects and interactive media on the page.
  • With words like “Les mer” or “Kontakt oss,” which entice more engagement, call-to-action (CTA) buttons are prominently positioned to encourage conversion.

Knowledgeable and Sufficient

  • Through market trend articles and insights, Evolo positions itself as industry thought leaders on its landing page.

The landing page design for Evolo deftly blends a useful arrangement with visual appeal to make every visitor’s experience both educational and entertaining. This method shows the value of landing page design done well since it improves user experience and successfully converts visitors into potential customers.


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Modern companies use cutting edge design, like the Belkins landing page, to boost income through lead creation. Carefully designed to lead prospective customers through an easy-to-navigate discovery and interaction process.

Major Points of Interest on the Belkins Landing Page

  • Targeted and Strategic Design: Belkins sets the standard for what it promises to provide with the page’s opening compelling value statement, “Close more deals with ROI-focused lead acquisition.”
  • User-friendly Design: The design makes it simple to move between the several services, including LinkedIn lead generation, commercial outreach, and appointment setting.
  • Engaging Content Structure: Visitors are encouraged to explore further by the well-organized and easily navigable information.

What Gives It Its Effectiveness

  • Everywhere on the website are clear, doable calls-to-action (CTAs), each positioned to encourage conversions.
  • Client logos and award badges are among the trust signals included into the design to increase trustworthiness.
  • Results Belkins can achieve are socially validated by the testimonials and real-life success indicators that are on show.

Aesthetics of Landing Pages

  • Important components are made to stand out by the use of contrasting hues, which also naturally direct the user’s eye across the information.
  • Modern appearance is created by minimalistic designs and icons without overpowering the main idea.

Because it highlights both their offers and lead generating skills, the Belkins landing page is an excellent model for landing page optimization in 2024.


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The RecurPost landing page is a great illustration of contemporary web design appropriate for marketers wishing to more precisely and successfully manage their social media. Creating a page that appeals to 2024 viewers needs to be both useful and beautiful.

Key Elements of RecurPost’s Landing Page:

  • With its headline, “The Complete Social Media Management Tool,” viewers are immediately drawn in by the solution it offers.
  • Visually Oriented Design Features of the program are highlighted with images and icons to assist users visualize using it.

In particular, the landing page highlights:

  • Proof Points: Projecting instantly the logos of well-known businesses and media references builds credibility and confidence.
  • Offer Interactive Demo Big call-to-action for a demo asks guests to give the software a try.

Organization of Information and Effective Navigation

  • The landing page design skillfully separates content to guide visitors through features, benefits, and user testimonials.
  • Placement of important information and endorsements strategically guarantees potential users of the tool’s effectiveness and popularity.

Design aesthetics

  • Bright colors combined with a straightforward, modern typeface increase readability and user attention.
  • A frictionless user experience is the outcome of the fluid information flow in the overall layout.

The creative design of RecurPost’s landing page conveys its usefulness to digital marketers trying to streamline their social media plan.

Perfect Keto

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Perfect Keto landing webpage is a fantastic example of best web design techniques for 2024. Its intriguing yet straightforward design entices visitors in. The page’s thoughtful arrangement seeks to guide potential customers through a seamless journey from discovery to purchase.

Stars of the Prime Keto Landing Page:

  • Visual Appeal: A health-conscious visitor is immediately drawn in by the page’s striking, thorough photos of a keto bar.
  • The product’s primary benefit is made very evident in the headline “The Complete Social Media Management Tool,” which also has a potent undercurrent that appeals to ketogenic diet adherents.


  • Simple displays of well-liked products make selection and locating easier.
  • The instructional content on the keto diet is valuable to visitors and helps to establish the business as a thought leader in the health and wellness sector.

Exchange of Information and Participation

  • The skillful blending of success stories and client endorsements offers both useful examples of the product’s benefits and social proof.
  • A call to join the “Internet’s largest keto newsletter” effectively collects email addresses, therefore expanding the brand’s reach.

Particular Features of the Design:

  • Writing is made easier to read and the content is highlighted by white space.
  • Calls to action like “Shop Now” or “Learn More” are naturally flowed to users by the design.

Perfect Keto landing page is used to advertise its products and convert visitors. It gives the perfect illustration of how concentrated design elements may collaborate to enhance user experience and boost conversion rates.

Twinwoods Adventure

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The Twinwoods Adventure landing page by Bluespark Digital is one great example of a web design created especially for the adventure and entertainment industry. This landing page design from our 2024 collection is particularly noteworthy for its ability to blend education with excitement.

Important Things to Look for on Twinwoods Adventure’s Landing Page

  • Dynamic images and videos on the page that eloquently capture the thrill of indoor skydiving instantly captivate visitors.
  • Highlighting the fun and safety of the experiences, Twinwoods Adventure’s offerings are made quite clear in the headline and subtext.
  • Calls to action, including “Book Now” buttons, are placed strategically to entice visitors to act without being intrusive.

Specialties within User Experience and Design:

  • A great user experience on all platforms is ensured by mobile friendliness of the design, which is necessary to attract to the modern, always on customer.
  • Easy Navigation: Visitors may easily obtain more information about specific activities, prices, and booking details thanks to the easy navigation.

Elements Pointed at Conversion

  • Visitors are encouraged to book their experiences by the authenticity and trust that come with customer evaluations and ratings.
  • Virtual tours of the facilities are one of the interactive aspects that allow potential visitors to fully experience the surroundings before they even arrive.

The Twinwoods Adventure web page has broader objectives than only selling services: creating a welcoming atmosphere that promises fun. This landing page design approach illustrates how targeted content and design can work together to boost user engagement and business growth by attracting and turning visitors into clients.


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A prime example of modern web design is the Spotify landing page. It enhances user experience by deftly fusing usefulness with aesthetically beautiful design. Simple and eye-catching in style, the landing page emphasizes Spotify’s commitment to provide a seamless music streaming experience.

Key Elements of the Spotify Landing Page Design

  • User-Focused Navigation: This page makes it easy to search among well-known artists, albums and radio stations.
  • Visual Aesthetics: Vibrant images of musicians and record covers are included into the dynamic and colorful design, which captures the essence of the vast array of musical possibilities available.

Among the components of design are:

  • The many music genres are divided into sections, such “Popular Artists” and “Top Songs,” which facilitate navigation of the vast material.
  • “Featured Charts” and “Spotify Playlists,” which enhance user interaction and discoverability, provide quick access to well selected lists and popular music.

What the Spotify Landing Page Does

  • Engagement: The design is meant to entice and keep visitors interested with dynamic content that changes frequently.
  • Accessibility: A well-designed user interface and readable, easily readable typefaces ensure that users of all ages and technological skill levels may use the website with comfort.

In 2024, Spotify’s home page will be remembered for its dynamic design, which encourages discovery and meets the needs of music fans everywhere. This landing page design is a perfect example of how to constantly add new and pertinent content to attract new users and keep them coming back.


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Modern web design on PayPal’s landing page streamlines bank transactions. Particularly its user support is highlighted. With careful design, the website ensures that users can quickly grasp the services and enhancements.

Important Elements of the Landing Page of PayPal:

  • Prominent Headline: At the top, “Support Ukraine” emphasizes PayPal’s efforts to assist Ukrainian users.
  • Simplified Design: The neat and simple design mainly emphasizes user-friendly navigation to enhance the user experience.

Remarkable Elements of the Landing Page Design

  • Clear Requests for Action The “Log In” and “Sign Up,” prominently placed buttons, make it simple for new or returning users to navigate the usage path.
  • Explanatory Sections: To make the page easy to understand, it is divided into sections that go over PayPal’s advantages, such waivers of Ukrainian fees.

Participation by Users and Credibility

  • Trust Indicators: The page’s security badges and emblems of trustworthy companies reassure users of PayPal’s validity and security measures.
  • Section of FAQs: A nicely integrated FAQ section reduces uncertainty and assists new users in making decisions by responding to frequently asked questions and concerns.

Styles and Accessibility:

  • Use of robust, readable typefaces ensures reading across a variety of devices and user demographics.
  • The colour scheme of PayPal offers a uniform user experience and reinforces the brand.

The landing page at top shows how clever layout and custom design can notify a localized audience of important changes and promotions. This page will be a major case study in the landing page design roundup of 2024 because it satisfies its functional purpose and aligns with more general corporate social responsibility goals.


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A fantastic example of 2024 design at its finest is the Zoom landing page. It skillfully blends utility with visual appeal to enhance user experience. The website briefly summarizes Zoom’s key message of using AI to increase office efficiency and also lists its selection of services to meet various business needs.

Principle Components of the Zoom Landing Page:

  • Simple and Direct Messaging: Zoom’s primary advantage is made clear to readers in the headline “Enhance workplace productivity with AI,” which is backed up by a little subtext that lists the features and advantages.
  • Simple Navigation and Layout: Services like Zoom Workplaces, Zoom AI, and Business Services are divided precisely in the design to facilitate the user experience across the platform.

Among the strategic design elements are:

  • Conversion points are directed to by visual cues like icons and big buttons like “Learn more” and “Contact Sales” without being intrusive.
  • Enhancing user engagement are interactive elements like the “Create a list of A/B Test Ideas” option that invite users to contribute directly from the website.

user credibility and reliability

  • Associating the landing page with the logos of reputable businesses and media outlets enhances credibility.
  • Placement of case studies and testimonials is done with intention to increase client trust and social proof.

All around Zoom Landing Page Design:

  • Makes use of a modern, simple design that enhances the corporate identity.
  • Emphasising user involvement through interactive components and basic information arrangement.

The 2024 user-centered experience this landing page design creates makes decision-making and information search easier.


As we reach to an end of our investigation of “10 Landing Page Design Examples in 2024,” it is evident how powerful a well-organized landing page can be. Top designs of this year have shown how creativity and utility work together to provide visually stunning and conversion-boosting settings. Here is what jumps out:

  • SaaS platforms: Emphasising the advantages of the product with simple layouts and clean lines.
  • E-commerce Websites: Improving purchasing experiences with vivid images and easy navigation.
  • Events: Creating striking first impressions with eye-catching graphics and obvious calls to action.

These cases provide companies trying to improve their online presence a road map. Every landing page’s excellent and compelling use of design components guarantees every visitor’s involvement. These pages, which emphasise user-centric design, show how well chosen aesthetics and clever functionality can have a big impact on how visitors behave. Recall that your landing page is your digital marketing world handshake. Justify it.

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