Top 18 Marketing Podcasts

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Andrew Chornyy

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.

Digital marketing Blog Ecommerce SEO Blog

Marketing podcasts – recordings of educational audio blogs and talk shows – can accompany you wherever you go. Podcasts are not limited in topics and directions. There is no specific style or clear rules: one person or several people can record a podcast with episode output and regularity depending on the podcast’s creators.

The most popular types of podcasts are:

  • Interviews with famous people: success stories, tips for beginners, and much more.
  • Podcaster monologues: a leading expert in a particular niche sharing their experience, the latest news, or answering questions from listeners.
  • Documentary stories: often recorded in express interviews with real participants from the events.
  • Conversational episodes: a popular type of podcast where the conversation is about one specific topic.
  • Performances based on works of art.

The advantage of podcasts is that there is no need for the creator to rent a recording studio – a good microphone is enough. Many free web hosting platforms allow businesses to educate their target audience and increase customer loyalty and brand awareness through podcasts.

18 Top Marketing Podcasts

The marketing industry is evolving so fast that it is easy to miss important news or changing trends. The Plerdy team has created 18 great marketing podcasts to help you reach the same level as the pros. Listen to the experts and implement your wildest marketing ideas!

SEO Marketing Podcasts

The Search Engine Journal Show

The official podcast of Search Engine Magazine works with leading experts in the digital marketing industry. Regular columnists include Brent Csutoras, Loren Baker, and Danny Goodwin.

We recommend listening to:

  • The State of SEO: Key Takeaways by Loren Baker.
  • Prioritize Technical SEO Issues by Cody Gault.
  • SEO and Content Strategy for Official Publications by Alli Berry.

By subscribing to the daily newsletter, you will be aware of any new marketing innovations.

The Recipe for SEO Success

The web platform provides courses and podcasts built on years of experience in SEO and copywriting from its founder, Kate Toon. The invited speakers are definitely interesting.

We recommend listening to:

  • Why You Need to Take Care of Your Customers by Bec Slack.
  • Keeping Up With Keyword Research by Kristal Audain.
  • Bringing SEO Back to Sustainable Fashion by Keneena Fanning.

“Hot” practical trends from podcasts by proven experts are the best way to optimize your business practices.

The Authority Hacker Podcast

The Authority Hacker teaches promotion for website owners and digital marketing tactics. In the podcast, they share skills and secrets while talking about their personal experiences.

We recommend listening to:

  • 5 Niche Ideas to Help You in 2022 by Gael Breton.
  • Earn More on Your Site: Analyzed 4 Sites by Mark Webster.
  • Is it Worth Paying for Links? Risk Versus Reward by Mark Webster.

Reputable hackers and down-to-earth talk shows – you will have a great time with this free advice.

Experts on the Wire

The platform publishes podcasts once per month and features over 100 SEO professionals who have been guest speakers.

We recommend listening to:

  • Crawl Optimization, How Google Works, SEO Revenue Research, Everything by Jori Ford.
  • Internal Large Scale SEO (Migration, Crawl Improvement & More) by Becky Westmoreland.
  • SEO Ranking Factors, A / B Testing, and Google Evolution by Will Critchlow.

Information about updates are included in the email newsletter.

SEO Podcast Unknown

Speakers on the platform share tips and tricks for optimizing and promoting sites. The podcasts are suitable for both newbies in marketing and those with experience in popularizing and promoting brands.

We recommend listening to:

  • 10 Tips to Optimize Corporate Page Load Speed ​​and Implementation Tips by Matt Bertram.
  • Enterprise SEO Content: Opportunities, Dynamic Creation, and Scaling by Lemuel Park.
  • Algorithm Cataclysm: Google Announces Search Redesign Using the MUM Engine by Roger Montti.

To deal with urgent matters, listen carefully to these podcasts to develop your business.

Marketing Scoop Podcast

Semrush offers podcasts featuring conversations with top experts with experience in running successful marketing campaigns. Primary topics include content shaping, marketing techniques, and chatbots.

We recommend listening to:

  • How to Double Your Partnerships with Agencies and Increase Leads.
  • How Repurpose House Helped its Client Triple the Volume of Leads by Repurposing Content.
  • Lessons From the Structured Data Guru Google on Doubling Rakuten Traffic.

New interviews appear every week, giving you something to think about.

Content Marketing Podcasts

This Old Marketing

The platform hosts 60-minute podcasts that contain: old-school marketing principles, the latest news in content marketing, and real-life case studies.

We recommend listening to:

  • Content Marketing Trends, PetPeeves, and the Best Business Books of All Time.
  • NFT for Marketing: Tricks and Utility.
  • Token Signature Model.

When you subscribe, you can get an exclusive e-book on content marketing.

Marketing School

The Marketing School presents a collection of ten-minute (for a cup of coffee!) podcasts about practical guidelines for business promotion from Neil Patel and Eric Siu.

We recommend listening to:

  • How Web3 Will Change Marketing Forever.
  • Marketing Lessons We Learned From Our Miami Event.
  • Biggest Growth Leverage in 2022 by Patrick Campbell.

Just 10 minutes – they are great for self-education.

PPC Marketing Podcasts

The Paid Search Podcast

The platform publishes episodes every week, ranging from 35 minutes to an hour. Key guests include Chris Schaeffer (AdWords consulting business owner) and Jason Rothman (Google partner).

We recommend listening to:

  • What Happens to Phrase Matching Keywords?
  • B2B Campaigns in the B2C World.
  • Google Ads Q&A with Some Great Questions.

Taking the advice of wise businessmen has never harmed anyone.

PPC Den: Amazon PPC Advertising Mastery

The company develops Amazon PPC campaigns and talks about its own experience in the podcasts.

We recommend listening to:

  • The Complete Reference Guide to Amazon Campaign Categories by Ryan Hofacre.
  • Should I Use the New Amazon Ad Budget Rules? by Brent Zahradnik.
  • Q4 Strategy for Amazon Advertising in 2021: How to Prepare? by Michael Tejeda and Ryan Hofacre.

Join Badger’s audio blog to learn more about main niche trends.

SMM Marketing Podcasts

Social Pros Podcast

Each episode on the platform reveals the strategies and secrets of SMM from the leading marketers of successful global companies.

We recommend listening to:

  • How Can Companies Benefit From Personal Branding? by AJ Vaden.
  • How To Deal With Instagram Changes In 11 Months by Jenn Herman.
  • Advanced Facebook Ads in the Meta Age by Jon Loomer.

At the end of all of the audio – the podcast feature: “The Big Two,” where guests provide very quick answers to pressing problems.

Savvy Social Podcast

The episodes bring together the knowledge of Andréa Jones and the guests: you will learn a lot about how to promote your brand on social media.

We recommend listening to:

  • What it takes to become an agency owner – by Nicole Hamzeloo.
  • Four social media marketing trends to watch out for in 2022.
  • How to Use Social Media to Grow Your Business – From Stacy Tuschl.

Do you see your further development in the field of SMM? Turn up the volume!

Marketing Over Coffee

Stay on top of the social media trend and explore online marketing strategies with a maximum of 20 minutes a day for your podcast.

We recommend listening to:

  • Three best tactics for the end of the year.
  • Submitting the right content in the right channel at the right time – from Nancy Chen.
  • How To Get More In The Funnel – From Mike Farrell.

So, brew a cup of fresh and aromatic drink – and listen to what you can hear that’s not bound to be common in every office.

The Agents of Change

This platform offers podcasts that declassify strategic planning techniques from leading social media marketers and optimization.

We recommend listening to:

  • Putting order in marketing.
  • How to Drive Traffic with Pinterest by Lindsay Shearer.
  • Newly invented psychological tricks to get your customers to take action.

Extensive, meaningful podcast interviews have already benefited dozens of listeners.

Interesting Marketing Podcasts

Everyone Hates Marketers

The platform provides podcast interviews with reputable experts – no water or marketing bullshit.

We recommend listening to:

  • One Page Marketing Plan: Create Yours In 9 Steps – From Allan Dib.
  • How to Leverage Customer Research to Develop and Sell Better Products – From Shay Howe.
  • How to Learn to Think Like a Buyer and Be Good at Selling – by Susan Englehutt.

Numerous reviews of the podcast are replete with positive epithets.

Growth Everywhere Podcast with Eric Siu

Growth Everywhere – small audio lectures on marketing, interviews with business owners, profile specialists. Episodes come out every week and take 3 to 10 minutes of your time.

We recommend listening to:

  • How Social Tokens Will Permanently Change Eric Siu’s Marketing.
  • Marketing Course # 1: How Web3 is Reforming Marketing Permanently.
  • How Gary Vee sold a million copies of his books through NFT.

People who start profitable companies don’t teach bad things.

The Edge of the Web Podcast

The platform hosts hour-long podcasts once a week. Experts lay out new information, discuss marketing, strategies, and interview different specialists. We recommend listening to:

  • Local Search Reasons by Darren Shaw.
  • Future-Ready – Your Site Speed ​​by Victor Zhitomirsky.
  • SCRUM: Is Google Search Getting Worse?

Weekly digital marketing news will also come in handy.

The Marketing Companion

Stay up to date on marketing news with The Marketing Companion’s funniest podcast. Mark Schaefer invites a speaker every week to discuss advertising and optimization trends.

We recommend listening to:

  • How to Create a Million New Social Media Jobs.
  • Does your business need an online community?
  • How does content function in today’s world?

Download podcasts from qualified entrepreneurs and marketers, soak up concepts and get inspired.

As a result

The podcast format makes it possible to learn full-fledged new information wherever you are quick. Don’t forget the format allows for multitasking as well, giving you access to information without sacrificing your free time and hobbies: read episodes in the car, during lunchtime, or while waiting in a long line.

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