Free Website Heatmap Tool

Andrew Chornyy - 001
Andrew Chornyy

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.

Digital marketing Blog SEO Tools User Experience (UX)

Launching a convenient and UX-focused website requires free and subscription-based heatmap tools. You may have tested website usability yourself. Thus, interface assessment involves several assumptions. We often trust our own experience and assume others see the information the same way. Therefore, understanding website users’ behavior is challenging. Why do most people disregard a large free offer banner? Why do some potential consumers quit the website without a compelling CTA? Start with a free Plerdy heatmap to understand visitor behavior. It lets you experience the website as a user. Let’s explain how to use a free heatmap tool for your website.
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Why Do You Need a Website Heatmap Tool?

Free and subscription-based heatmap tools can optimize the work of marketers, SEO experts, UX/UI specialists, content managers, and anyone related to online business. Such tools provide instant insight into a website’s overall situation, enabling you to:

  • Monitor online user behavior to understand which online elements (buttons, CTAs, banners, etc.) attract the attention of website visitors and which are counterproductive.
  • Redesign a website based on real-time free testing of any changes.
  • Improve the quality of content with the help of scroll depth data that shows when users stop reading an online page.
  • Detect non-clickable elements to make them clickable.

Without free heatmap tools, you risk wasting a lot of time and resources on online marketing solutions that don’t work. The heatmap software provides accurate data and testing capabilities that help you hit the target on the first attempt.

How to Use Free Heatmap Tools to Improve Your Website

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The Internet is governed by one simple principle – Users must instantly get what they want. It starts with Google Search, which ranks the most relevant online results at the top based on keywords, links, and a range of other factors. It goes on with every website that needs to come with the right location of menus, buttons, CTAs, links, contact details, etc.

Whereas Google Search relies on complex algorithms, an average website owner or marketer can use free heatmap tools. This software shows a realistic picture of user behavior on website pages to help you understand what can be improved. For example, with a free heatmap tool, you can notice that people click an inactive element expecting to complete the target action. Since the element doesn’t work, they may leave frustrated with their experience. To reduce the bounce rate caused by such design issues, you can make the item clickable by turning it into a button. Later, the free heatmap tool will show if the implemented changes have improved the situation.

The same relates to other objects placed on the website. Free heatmap tools enable designers to test the pages and make sure the chosen color, size, font, or position doesn’t irritate or confuse online visitors. This way, free heatmap tools allow you to create a website that satisfies the critical needs of the target audience.

Besides, you will be able to enhance the quality of the online content. Most free heatmap tools include a scroll map tool that records how far users scroll pages. This metric reflects a genuine interest in the published content. For example, if the majority of users don’t reach the CTA placed at the end of a long article, it’s worth moving it up. You should also consider splitting the article, adding a content plan for better navigation, or changing its structure.

Finally, free heatmap tools help you increase conversion rates and sales by improving your website design. Decent usability and ease of use encourage customers to place an order, start a subscription, read an article, or complete another necessary action.

How Do I Start Working with Plerdy?

Plerdy is your one-stop shop for all UX & SEO things. Get up and running in no time by adding the Plerdy tracking code to your website. This essential step will allow Plerdy to collect data on user interactions and provide insights to improve your website’s user experience and organic traffic growth. Don’t worry about site speed; our team has got you covered. Simply copy the unique tracking code and paste it before the </body> tag. Choose your preferred installation method and start seeing data flow into your Plerdy account. If you run into any issues, check out our troubleshooting guide or contact support. Start making the most of Plerdy today!

How to Set up Heatmaps?

Unlock user insights, optimize your website, and improve user experience with Plerdy, a free heatmap tool. With just a few clicks, you can set up heatmaps for the most visited pages of your website. Let Plerdy collect data and automatically show you the top-trafficked pages or manually add any URL to the list. Once set up, you’ll be able to analyze heatmaps and make data-driven decisions to enhance your website. Get started now and watch your website soar!

How to Analyze Heatmaps?

Get valuable insights into user behavior on your website with Plerdy’s free heatmap tool. Analyze clicks, scroll depth, mouse movements, and more to understand what users like and what frustrates them. Based on the data, make informed decisions about website design, CTA placement, and content structure. Filter the data to dive deeper into specific visitor categories and behaviors. With Plerdy’s dynamic, accurate and easy-to-use heatmaps, you can understand the user engagement on your site and make your website work for you.
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How to Filter Data for Heatmaps?

Filter like a pro with this free heatmap tool for your website! This comprehensive video will show you how to analyze your website data based on device types, traffic channels, click sequences, countries, and user groups. Get insights into visitor behavior and improve their experience. Get the most out of your website with this free heatmap tool, only with Plerdy! Watch the video for more details.

Plerdy: Practical Benefits of Free Heatmap Tools

We always appreciate feedback and comments from our users. This approach allows us to collect valuable information for further improvement of our subscription-based and free heatmap tools.

Our customers’ success stories are among the key indicators of Plerdy’s efficiency. Staying in touch with our partners, we learn the practical benefits of our free website heatmap tools.

So based on the experience of Plerdy’s users, we have singled out 5 main reasons why free heatmaps can power e-commerce projects.

1. Plerdy Free Heatmap Tool Helps Choose the Right Interface

The website design must have maximum efficiency and look right. What does “right” mean when it comes to the interface of an online store? First of all, it means that all the components of a website are properly positioned and perform the assigned functions. If some elements (buttons, fields, banners) are not clickable, it is better to review the chosen design or its specific components.

The effective design of an online store must take into account existing standards. It is much easier for website visitors to interact with a website with standard navigation and button locations. Moreover, all new (even brilliant) ideas should always be additionally tested. During such free tests, some elements of the design may be unnecessary.

For example, there was an error detected in our customer’s design. The site’s admins just overlooked this flaw for more than a year.

This design had a small hamburger button with no function. Probably, it remained there from a responsive version:

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Visitors hoping to open the hidden menu clicked on it 13 times during one month only:

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In modern design, such a new psychological phenomenon as “banner blindness” also plays a crucial role. It’s a learned ability of users to ignore or skip advertising banners. This reaction is the defensive mechanism of a body. Every day we see hundreds of offers to buy something, and, as a result, we get used to ignoring them.

Here is an example of a banner that nobody clicked for half a year:

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Plerdy’s online website heatmap shows how users perceive a specific banner and helps make it more effective.

2. Plerdy Free Heatmap Tool Shows What Content is Popular on the Website

The free click heatmap helps understand what content is the most popular with website visitors.

It’s commonly known that the quality of content impacts users’ interest in a website. Whereas the popularity of a website or some of its pages can be assessed using analytical systems (such as Google Analytics), you can evaluate the interface and page content only with click heatmaps.

By the way, many studies of user behavior have proven the practical benefits of F-shaped content.

A significant part of the planet reads text from left to right and from top to bottom, hence important information should always be positioned top left:

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Scroll depth data shows what portion of text users read. This information lets you determine the best spots to locate banners or calls to action. For example, the blog of an online store has some pages that are read down to the end (scroll rate is 60-80%):

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However, other pages are less than 20% scrolled. So we have recommended that this store rewrite the articles with visitors but fail to catch their interest.

3. Plerdy Free Heatmap Tool Segments an Audience by Device Type

Do you know the difference between the behavior of users that open a website on a laptop and smartphone users? If not, you don’t have the complete picture to perform a usability audit.

Although Google Analytics ties page visits to device type, Plerdy shows how people interact with the visited site:

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The red curve shows clicks on smartphones, the green one – on tablets, and the blue stands for desktops. Plerdy can collect click data from over 15 different screen resolutions with 99% accuracy.

The data segmented by device type shows the number of clicks on page elements and the ratio between different segments:

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4. Plerdy Free Heatmap Tool Shows What Images Attract the Most Attention

With the heatmap, you will see which images on your website are a good choice and which should be replaced. This is especially applicable to online stores with lots of vibrant product images.

All images on a website must either attract attention or sell. Therefore, you should always add quality and relevant pictures.

The website heatmap can show the elements that get the most and the least clicks on category pages:

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5. Plerdy Free Heatmap Tool Helps Reduce a Bounce Rate

Do all calls to action on your website work? If you aren’t sure, use heatmaps to find out whether a link or a button with the offer to buy goods is conveniently positioned and has an appropriate color and size. Low user activity can indicate that something is wrong.

The research of TechWyse has proven the impact of colors, sizes, and location of elements on a bounce rate. Another study carried out by CareLogger, has shown that properly chosen colors of buttons can increase CTR by 34%.

Using the Plerdy heatmap to analyze a third-party website, we have found the button with an extremely low CTR:

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Online visitors more often go to a product by clicking on its name instead of selecting the button.

Therefore, we have offered to conduct an A/B test to choose the best product name font and color of the button.

In the same project, a page with too many sections needed to be clearer:

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A site menu is a critical navigation element. Its analysis can provide you with many valuable findings. For example, by analyzing 3-month heatmap data, you can find out which sections of the desktop version users visit the most often.

The general click data distributed between pages and their most popular components is collected separately:

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Other 4 Free Heatmap Tools

Are you tired of having web pages with low engagement and conversion rates? It’s time to take your website’s performance to the next level with heatmap tools!

Heatmap tools are essential for understanding how your website’s visitors behave when they interact with your page. Marketers and web developers can use heatmaps to visualize where visitors click, hover, and scroll on a web page. With this information, they can improve the design, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

Below is a list of the top 4 free heatmap tools available on the market:

Tool Name Market Explanation
Contentsquare Retail, Apparel & Fashion Contentsquare offers an intuitive technology that reveals customer behavior and transforms your business. 49% of its users are from the Enterprise market segment.
Glassbox Financial Services, Retail Glassbox empowers organizations to create frictionless digital journeys for their customers. 68% of its users are from the Enterprise market segment.
Hotjar Marketing and Advertising, Computer Software Hotjar provides Product Experience Insights that show how users behave and what they feel strongly about, so product teams can deliver real value to them. 51% of its users are from the Small-Business segment.
Smartlook Computer Software, Marketing and Advertising Smartlook is an analytics solution that answers the “whys” behind your users’ actions. 86% of its users are from the Small-Business segment.

These heatmap tools provide valuable insights into how visitors interact with your website, so you can make informed decisions to improve engagement and conversion rates. Whether you’re a small business owner or an enterprise marketer, there’s a heatmap tool that’s right for you!


Using a heatmap tool for your website is a great way to optimize and personalize the user experience. Using a tool like Plerdy, you can easily identify consumer behavior on your website and make informed decisions to improve the overall performance of your brand. With the option to try a Plerdy demo or start with a free trial, there’s no reason not to experiment with this tool and see the results for yourself. By generating a visual representation of consumer interactions, you can answer questions and make requests to enhance the coverage and appeal of your website. So, if you agree that a real result is the best way to conclude, start your heatmap journey today and see the changes for yourself!

4 replies on “Free Website Heatmap Tool”

цікава і потрібна методика для аналізу веб-сайту та його наступної СЕО-оптимізації

Can your heatmap software send out a daily / weekly / monthly email on how the site is doing in regards to heatmap interactions?

Hello Brendan,
We recently switched to more powerful servers and thus temporarily turned off the report. This report comes every day to the account holder. We plan to resume this report in the next few weeks.

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