10 Best SEO Reporting Tools & Software

Andrew Chornyy - 001
Andrew Chornyy

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.

SEO Blog SEO Tools

SEO software is a set of services, plug-ins, programs, and other tools needed to optimize routine processes and facilitate the work of a specialist. For example, before creating a website, there is much work to do to create a semantic core, analyze competitors, and select an optimized domain. SEO specialists also perform technical and SEO audits and check the structure and validity of codes before publishing your site.

The website indexing is also monitored by SEO software and tools that collect statistics on visits and behavior on the website. SEO specialists need to monitor the position of pages in search results and the relevance of pages on the request. SEO tools (SEO reporting software for clients) are needed for all these and many other things. In this article, we will answer these questions:

  • How does SEO software work?
  • What is the best automated SEO reports tool?
  • What is the top-rated SEO software?
  • What is the best SEO report software for resellers?
  • What is the best SEO report builder?
  • What SEO and PPC reporting tools do you use?
  • How to make an SEO evaluation report?
  • How do you create an SEO report for consumer electronics?

Next, the article will discuss the reasons for using SEO reports and the best SEO reporting software.

The Significant Reasons for Using SEO Reporting Software Tools

SEO tools can be compared to a computer. Why make calculations manually if you can do everything faster and easier with software? Why work with paper documents if electronic is much more convenient? It’s the same with SEO reporting tools. By using them, website promotion can easily be made much more productive.

Thanks to the SEO reporting software, specialists get data on the site work, analyze the situation, and plan their next steps with it in mind: changing its structure, acquiring additional links, revising the content, etc. There are so many performance indicators, and considering each of them is very difficult. It is almost impossible to perform SEO work without SEO tools and proper software, especially if a specialist works on several projects in parallel. Automation of SEO processes allows:

  • Increased competitiveness of the website.
  • Raises the efficiency of specialists.
  • Increases the effectiveness of website promotion.

Manual optimizing and reporting of the site is long and ineffective. All sorts of calculations and analyses will take lots of time. There is a high probability of error. Some indicators (e.g., the number of conversions) are determined only by special services. You cannot calculate them and need specialized reporting software, such as a free SEO report generator. Even creating a semantic core without SEO tools will not work.

Types of SEO Reporting Software

SEO promotion is divided into on-page SEO, off-page SEO, technical SEO, local SEO, and outreach SEO. For each, different SEO reporting software is needed for a proper SEO checkup report. Still, first, you’ll need to do an SEO initial analysis report.

On-page SEO

This term deals with all webpage content: text, pictures, and HTML markup. It depends on the stage of website creation. If it’s being created from scratch, the first thing to do is gather semantics, select queries that need to be promoted, and break them down into groups. Based on this, prepare content for the website. SEO reporting software for on-page SEO gathers information on queries, semantics, etc., and does reporting tasks for you.

Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO is a set of measures to improve the website’s authority. It improves the website`s indexation and visibility in all search engines. SEO reporting software for off-page SEO gathering information on website rankings.

Technical SEO

Technical optimization of the website is very important. If you have very cool and high-quality content, users may not find it in search results because of gross technical errors that could be avoided using the proper reporting software. Search engines must find, index, and display your website’s content well in search results. Even if crawlers are doing all this, it doesn’t mean your work on technical website optimization is over.

For quality interaction with search engines, your website’s pages should be secure and optimized for mobile devices, content should not be duplicated, and loading should be as fast as possible. SEO reporting software for technical SEO gathers information on website performance and tips for improving it.

Local SEO

Local SEO promotes businesses for queries with a regional connection. Today, local SEO is a powerful tool for small businesses. Four out of five consumers who search for local information use Google. If your business is not optimized for local queries, you may miss out on 80% of potential customers. SEO reporting software gathers information on local queries.

Outreach SEO

Outreach SEO is a link-building technique that establishes interaction with bloggers, website administrators, and journalists. The main purpose of the method is to publish articles, links, or banners of the promoted project on third-party websites. In addition, SEO reporting software for outreach SEO gathers information on backlinks and website quality, and reporting gets done quickly and easily.

SEO Reporting Software with Plerdy

Plerdy reporting software combines a wide range of functionality in one place and helps improve websites` rankings. An SEO checker is part of Plerdy’s functionality, and it has a user-friendly and intuitive design. It would help if you tried it.

SEO Checker

SEO checker helps you check SEO texts and entire web pages. You can enter a webpage link for a detailed SEO audit and content analysis. For example, with content analysis, you can get reporting tasks done that show text statistics, top words, and stop words on the webpage.

You can also enter unpublished text in the SEO checker’s special field and check its detailed statistics. For example, it will show characters excluding spaces, total words, number of unique words, percentage of unique words, number of stop words, percentage of stop words, water, average sentence length, and readability (FRES).

SEO Checker Chrome Extension

SEO checker Chrome extension is a tool that provides you with information in real-time. Thanks to our Chrome extension, you can make screenshots of entire website pages with SEO data, automatically collect information, analyze keywords & stop words, check SEO errors, and analyze the uniqueness of the words. All this reporting is done in real time.

Top 9 best SEO reporting software tools

Here, you can find 9 of the most popular SEO reporting software. All of them have specific functions that differentiate them from each other. We have added only those SEO tools with top ratings and positive reviews.

Google Search Console

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In the bustling marketplace of digital optimization, Google Search Console stands out as a guiding light for website owners keen on climbing the SEO ladder. This powerful tool offers unparalleled insights into your site’s performance directly from the search engine’s perspective. Because of Google Search Console’s extensive reporting features, which show you how to reach the top of search results, learning SEO becomes attainable.

Key features of Google Search Console include:

  • Error Detection: Swiftly identify and fix website errors that could hinder your SEO performance.
  • Search Analytics: Learn how visitors find your site, which keywords they use, and what content captures their interest.
  • Mobile Usability: Ensure your site is mobile-friendly, a crucial factor in today’s mobile-first world.

Integrating this tool into your SEO strategy is a no-brainer whether you’re managing a blog, an e-commerce platform, or a local business site. It simplifies SEO reporting and enhances your decision-making process with data-driven insights. From spotting quick wins to uncovering long-term opportunities, Google Search Console is your go-to tool for SEO excellence.


  • Direct insights from Google
  • Free to use
  • Comprehensive reporting features


  • It can be overwhelming for beginners
  • Limited guidance on fixing some issues

Price: Free

As an SEO tool, Google Search Console is unmatched in providing actionable reporting directly from the source. It is a critical ally in navigating the complexities of search engine rankings, offering a clear roadmap for improving visibility and driving traffic. Embrace this tool, and set your site on a course for SEO success.


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Explore the depths of search engine optimization with Ahrefs, your digital content compass. This deep-diving tool offers a wealth of information to individuals brave enough to tackle the intricate world of SEO. Ahrefs shines as an SEO tool, transforming reporting into fine art and equipping users with the insights needed to chart a course to the top of search rankings.

Features that set Ahrefs apart include:

  • Competitor Analysis: Uncover your rivals’ secrets and outmaneuver them in the SEO race.
  • Keyword Research: Discover goldmines of potential traffic with detailed keyword insights.
  • Site Health Checks: Keep your website shipshape with regular, detailed audits.

From bloggers to e-commerce giants, Ahrefs serves as the lighthouse guiding diverse niches through the fog of online competition. By harnessing this tool, SEO professionals and novices alike can enhance their reporting accuracy, streamline their SEO strategy, and unlock new opportunities for visibility and growth.


  • Extensive database for research
  • Multi-faceted tool covering all SEO needs
  • User-friendly reporting features


  • Premium pricing can be steep for some
  • The steep learning curve for beginners

Price: Starts from $99/month

In the arena of SEO tools, Ahrefs stands out as a beacon of hope, offering clarity and direction with its comprehensive reporting and analysis features. Leverage this indispensable tool for your SEO strategy to stake your claim in the digital landscape.


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SEMrush emerges as a titan in the digital domain, wielding the power of SEO, reporting, and analytics like a master craftsman. This tool isn’t just part of the SEO toolkit—it’s the cornerstone that ensures your digital foundation is solid, insightful, and ahead of the curve. SEMrush offers a panoramic view of your online performance, from keyword research to competitor analysis, making it an indispensable tool for marketers, bloggers, and businesses across various niches.

Key features that highlight SEMrush’s prowess include:

  • Robust Keyword Research: Drill down into the search psyche with unparalleled depth.
  • Competitive Intelligence: Spy on your competition’s strategies and turn their moves to your advantage.
  • SEO Audits: Conduct thorough health checks to keep your site in peak condition.

Whether fine-tuning your e-commerce strategy or elevating a personal blog, SEMrush provides the SEO, reporting, and tool sophistication needed to elevate your online presence. Its detailed reports offer actionable insights, driving decisions that lead to measurable growth.


  • Comprehensive SEO toolkit
  • Deep insights into competitors’ strategies
  • Effective reporting capabilities


  • It can be overwhelming for SEO novices
  • Premium features come at a higher price point

Price: Starts from $119.95/month

SEMrush stands as a beacon for those navigating the complexities of online visibility. Users gain a competitive edge by leveraging its extensive reporting tools and SEO analytics, ensuring their digital efforts meet and exceed expectations.


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MOZ leaps off the page as a beacon for SEO mastery, guiding digital navigators through the murky waters of online visibility. This tool isn’t just an accessory; it’s an essential companion for anyone looking to make their mark on the web. With MOZ, you unlock a chest of SEO treasures, from keyword optimization to link building, all designed to propel your site to the forefront of search results.

Highlights of MOZ include:

  • Keyword Explorer: Unearth the keywords that will catapult your content to the top.
  • Link Explorer: Gauge the strength of your backlink profile and discover new linking opportunities.
  • Site Audits: Diagnose and remedy issues to ensure your site’s health is robust.

Crafted for bloggers, e-commerce mavens, and small businesses alike, MOZ serves as the cornerstone of an effective SEO strategy. It transforms reporting from a chore into a strategic advantage, offering insights that pave the way for growth.


  • User-friendly interface
  • Comprehensive SEO toolkit
  • Insightful reporting features


  • Some features require a steep learning curve
  • It may be priced out of reach for smaller entities

Price: Starts from $99/month

In the digital arena, MOZ stands tall as a tool that simplifies SEO and reporting and enriches your understanding of how to climb the search engine ranks. Its features offer a blueprint for success, making it an invaluable asset for achieving online prominence.

SE Ranking

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In the world of SEO, SE Ranking is like a lighthouse, illuminating and directing companies through the complex and confusing waters of digital marketing. This comprehensive tool has become a go-to resource for enhancing online visibility, offering features catering to all SEO and reporting aspects. With SE Ranking, users can access a powerful arsenal to boost search rankings and outshine competitors.

Key benefits of SE Ranking include:

  • Versatile Keyword Research: Unearth high-value keywords that drive traffic and conversions.
  • Competitor Analysis: Peek behind the curtain to see what your rivals are up to.
  • Website Audits: Identify and fix issues holding your site back from its full potential.

Perfect for a range of niches, from e-commerce stores seeking to scale their online presence to bloggers aiming to increase their reach, SE Ranking provides detailed insights and reporting features. With these tools, users can improve their strategies, make well-informed decisions, and see quantifiable results from SEO efforts.


  • Comprehensive feature set covering all SEO bases
  • User-friendly interface for streamlined reporting
  • Affordable pricing with flexible plans


  • Initial learning curve for new users
  • Some advanced features may require additional cost

Price: Starts from $39.20/month

Due to its price, versatility, and depth, SE Ranking is an essential tool for anyone serious about learning SEO. It demystifies the complexity of search engine algorithms, offering a clear path to enhanced visibility and reporting prowess.


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SimilarWeb sails the digital seas with the precision of a seasoned navigator, charting the course for businesses aiming to conquer the vast expanse

of online competition. This lighthouse analytical tool offers deep insights into web traffic and digital trends. With SimilarWeb, deciphering the strategies of your competitors becomes less of a guessing game and more of a strategic maneuver. It’s a treasure trove for those seeking to enhance their SEO, streamline reporting, and sharpen their toolset for digital dominance.

Key highlights of SimilarWeb include:

  • Traffic Analysis: Gauge the ebb and flow of website traffic to uncover growth opportunities.
  • Market Intelligence: Dive into market trends to stay ahead in your niche.
  • Competitive Benchmarking: Measure your performance against industry leaders to identify areas for improvement.

Ideal for marketers, analysts, and business owners across various sectors, SimilarWeb offers actionable insights that inform decision-making. Whether in e-commerce, content creation, or SaaS, this tool equips you with the data to refine your SEO and reporting strategies.


  • Comprehensive insights into competitor strategies
  • Detailed traffic and engagement reporting
  • User-friendly interface for easy navigation


  • Premium features come at a significant cost
  • It can be overwhelming for beginners without analytical experience

Price: Custom pricing based on the client’s needs

Adopting SimilarWeb means arming yourself with a formidable friend in your pursuit of market leadership and internet exposure. This tool offers a clear view of the digital horizon through its detailed analytics and reporting, guiding businesses to SEO success.


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Serpstat emerges as a Swiss army knife in the SEO toolkit, adeptly carving out a niche among digital marketers and content creators. This tool simplifies SEO and elevates reporting to an art form, ensuring that every strategy is data-driven and precise. With Serpstat, you’re not just playing the SEO game—you’re mastering it, thanks to its comprehensive features designed to boost online visibility and traffic.

Essential features that make Serpstat a must-have include:

  • Keyword Research: Uncover high-traffic keywords with low competition.
  • Site Audit: Identify and rectify SEO issues that impede your site’s performance.
  • Competitor Analysis: Spy on your competitors’ strategies to stay one step ahead.

Serpstat is the go-to tool for various niches, from e-commerce entrepreneurs looking to outpace their competitors to bloggers aiming to rank higher in search engine results. It offers a powerful, user-friendly blend of SEO, reporting, and analytical tools.


  • All-in-one platform for SEO, PPC, and content marketing
  • Affordable pricing for small to medium-sized businesses
  • Extensive database for market research


  • Interface may be overwhelming for beginners
  • Features might be limited for very large enterprises

Price: Starts from $69/month

Serpstat stands out for its ability to democratize SEO, making high-level reporting and analytics accessible to businesses and individuals alike. By leveraging this tool, users can craft creative strategies backed by solid data, ensuring their online content thrives.


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DemandJump catapults into the digital marketing sphere with the finesse of a skilled acrobat, turning the trapeze of SEO, reporting, and analytics into a performance that captivates and delivers results. This tool stitches together a tapestry of data, illuminating the pathway for businesses to leap ahead of the competition with grace and strategy. With DemandJump, navigating the complex world of online visibility becomes an orchestrated dance, where every move is informed, and every strategy is data-driven.

At the heart of DemandJump’s offering are:

  • Path to Purchase Analytics: Trace customers’ journey, pinpointing critical touchpoints.
  • Competitive Intelligence: Gain insights into competitors’ tactics and outmaneuver them in SEO.
  • Content Optimization: Sharpen your content with keywords that hit the mark, driving traffic and engagement.

Designed for marketers in e-commerce, digital agencies, and beyond, DemandJump provides a lens through which the vast digital landscape not only comes into focus but reveals its secrets.


  • Advanced analytics that guide actionable strategies
  • User-friendly interface enhances the reporting experience
  • Tailored insights for competitive edge


  • It may require a learning curve to unlock the full potential
  • Pricing could be a barrier for small businesses

Price: Custom pricing tailored to business needs

DemandJump is a guiding light for people ready to rule their industry, combining analytics, reporting, and SEO into a harmonious whole. This tool does not just offer insights—it offers a vision, turning data into a roadmap for unparalleled online achievement.


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Seomator unfurls its sails in the SEO ocean, steering digital marketers and website owners through the complex currents of optimization and reporting. This tool is a beacon for those seeking clarity and direction in their SEO journey, offering a suite of features illuminating the path to improved search rankings and web visibility.

Diving into Seomator’s capabilities, users discover:

  • Deep SEO Audits: Unearth the intricacies of your website’s health.
  • On-Page Analysis: Fine-tune your content for peak performance.
  • White Label Reporting: Deliver branded insights to stakeholders or clients.

Tailored for a spectrum of niches, from bustling ecommerce platforms to insightful blogs, Seomator equips users with the tools necessary for crafting a winning SEO strategy. It is a pivotal reporting tool, transforming raw data into actionable insights.


  • Comprehensive SEO insights for informed decision-making
  • Customizable reports enhance client communication
  • User-friendly interface for seamless navigation


  • May require a learning curve for newcomers
  • Subscription plans can be a stretch for small businesses

Price: Starts from $5 for a one-time report, with monthly subscriptions beginning at $19/month.

Seomator champions the cause of enhanced SEO and detailed reporting and ensures that businesses and digital marketers wield the tools necessary for navigating the ever-evolving landscape of online content. Its commitment to providing deep, actionable insights is a cornerstone for any serious SEO strategy.


Navigating the vast ocean of digital marketing, we’ve anchored after our exploration through the 10 Best SEO Reporting Tools & Software. These tools, each with a unique flair, can transform your SEO strategy from a guessing game into a precision-driven campaign. Whether you’re running an ecommerce empire, spearheading an agency’s digital efforts, or managing a bustling blog, the right SEO reporting software isn’t just an option—it’s a necessity.

In this journey, we’ve uncovered tools that cater to every need:

  • For data-driven users, Looker Studio and Stackby offer customizable dashboards and reporting templates.
  • For agencies: Raven and DashThis provides white-labeled reporting options to impress your clients.
  • For the visual storytellers: Klipfolio and Geckoboard turn metrics into visual masterpieces.
  • For the niche marketers: SpyFu and Serpstat shine with competitor insights and keyword tracking.

Choosing the best SEO reporting software involves understanding your needs—tracking unlimited sessions, diving deep into ecommerce analytics, or delivering persistent, visually engaging reports. These tools simplify SEO reporting and empower you to deliver actionable insights, making every decision backed by solid data. With the right SEO reporting tool in your arsenal, unlocking the full potential of your digital strategy becomes not just a possibility but a given. Embrace these solutions, and watch as your SEO efforts translate into measurable success, session by session, report by report.

2 replies on “10 Best SEO Reporting Tools & Software”

thank you very much for informative article about SEMrush and backlinks

I like the tools you mentioned, they are great and easy to use.

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