18 Best SEO Analytics Tools

Andrew Chornyy - 001
Andrew Chornyy

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.

SEO Analytics SEO Blog SEO Tools

SEO analytics is about collecting and analyzing metrics required for website optimization. With accurate SEO data, you understand what drawbacks make you rank lower than expected. SEO analytics combines dozens of indicators characterizing the website from all sides, be it content quality or tech SEO.

But since SEO data volume is so enormous, you cannot track SEO manually. You must connect professional SEO software that audomes SEO tracking.

SEO analytics tools allow you to:

  • Discover ranking opportunities for keywords with high reach.
  • Detect organic traffic sources with the most conversions.
  • Determine web page loading speed.
  • Find out why visitors act as they do.
  • Find SEO gaps and opportunities to fix them.

Good SEO analytics tools also provide clear guidelines on what to improve, serving as reliable support for newbies. Take a quick look at the top 10 best SEO analytics tools.

1. Plerdy SEO Analytics Tools

Preldy provides one of the quickest web SEO analytics tools called SEO Checker. The analytics tool collects SEO website data, detects meaningful website changes, and evaluates metrics search engine algorithms find critical.

SEO Checker

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The analytics product has the following features:

  • Automatically analyzes keywords, H1s, Noindex, and other tags daily.
  • Integrates with Google Search Console API to analyze added or missing words.
  • Shows missing keywords in Titles, Descriptions, and H1s.
  • Provides info about your website health and HTML code

This SEO analytics tool can research 1+ million website pages per day and export the data to Google Sheets. A systematic check will allow you to keep traffic at the desired level.

Besides, Plerdy’s SEO Checker analytics tool retains SEO history for 30 days. Hence, you can obtain historical data for SEO keyword analytics.

Read the TemplateMonster online store case study for practical SEO audit examples.

“SEO tools are the cherry on top of other features. Everyone should at least try Plerdy, I’ve had it for years, and it constantly improves.”

“Many features to see how users interact with websites, move through the conversion funnel, and where they drop off.”

Also, go to the SEO case study on how to quickly find missing keywords.

2. Google Search Console

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This web service is the ultimate analytics tool for every SEO expert. It provides reports with the site’s ranking and the number of clicks based on Google Search. Here are the features to improve the website’s SEO:

  • Analyze how Google sees the site. Google Index URL Checker provides detailed information about indexing and crawling web pages and how they appear in search results.
  • Mobile reports. Website user-friendliness when viewed on mobile devices.
  • Advanced search results. Search Console analytics tool structures the received data and shows statistics of queries and clicks.
  • Page Usability Report (mobile URLs only). Download speed, stability, usability, and use of HTTPS.
  • Sitemap Report. Detects errors, including URL inaccessibility or inability to crawl, compression error, invalid tag value, invalid XML, and unsupported file format.
  • Internet Core Metrics Report or Core Web Vitals. The data comes from the protocols of the Chrome browser based on the LCP, FID, and CLS indices. LCP is an indicator of the period for which the browser renders the largest element on a website page: a video, a picture, or an information block. The FID shows the time between the first click on a link and the browser’s response. CLS shows the offset of elements on the page during the loading period.

Optimize SEO with Google data and boost rankings and conversions.

“Reports like search query report, avg position, and google search impressions are very helpful. You can also assess performance on Google images, geo-wise reports, avg. position of a search query, etc.”

3. Google Analytics

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Google Analytics extracts and aggregates data to help track keywords when integrated with Google Search Console, popular website referrals, and more.

SEO professionals use Google Analytics in the following ways:

  • Set SEO optimization goals. Check organic traffic volume, how much of it comes from potential customers, and the bounce rate. Design a thank you page that counts as a conversion or confirmation. It must have its URL and include a Noindex meta tag.
  • Leverage the organic shopper segment. Include filters to remove spam traffic in the scan.
  • Compare organic vs. non-organic visitors. Exclude organic traffic from metrics to see what repels guests.
  • Create a data-driven content plan and analyze ineffective web pages to improve them.
  • Find the most successful landing web page and follow its best practices to upgrade the less well-performing ones.
  • Use the Content Drilldown report. View clicks and impressions on non-sales web pages. Analyze what topics visitors are interested in.
  • Apply the multi-channel funnel report. Check Associated Conversions to be aware of organic visitors who return.
  • Find referral websites. Explore additional link providers like bloggers, reporters, and partner web platforms.
  • Create SEO reports. Segment results by location, URL, channels, etc.

Note that GA reports can be easily shared with employees and customers.

“Tracking user behavior is my major dependence on Google Analytics, especially when paired with Adwords. The tool also helps alter the ads to deliver better. One of the top tools in Google Suite.”

4. Neil Patel’s SEO Analyzer

18 Best SEO Analytics Tools 04Neil Patel’s analytics tool allows you to perform:

  • SEO analysis. Indicates website errors that negatively affect rankings and provides a report with step-by-step instructions and video tutorials on troubleshooting.
  • Backlink checking. Recognizes who links to the website, the domain’s ranking, and the overall traffic metrics.

The creator and CEO of the web platform is Neil Patel, author of New York Times publications and bestsellers. Forbes experts rank him among the top ten marketers globally, and the UN ranks him among the most promising entrepreneurs under 35. Shopify, Adobe, Microsoft, Dell, and eBay use these SEO and keyword analytics tools.

“The tool allows seeing all SEO-related data while surfing the web, including backlinks, traffic, keywords, and more. The SEO extension is lightweight and does not hamper your performance.”

5. SEOptimer

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Paweł Rabinek created the platform in 2012. Since 2016, it has belonged to Adam Krzywda, Cyberport. SEOptimer analytics toolkit helps with SEO audit through:

  • Comprehensive website crawling. Analyzes all the factors affecting the ranking, finds SEO problems and provides solutions.
  • Branded reports in PDF format – White Label. Creates an attractive report with the company logo. You can independently change the font, languages and choose which sections to include.
  • DIY SEO. Scans a website for SEO errors and monitors keyword rankings.
  • Free SEO Tools – generators of meta tags, keywords, robots.txt, .htaccess files, and XML sitemap.

Deloitte, Ogilvy, and iProspect use such tools.

“Love its ease of use. Before getting the SEOptimer analytics tool, I spent hours downloading individual files and compiling them into one document. Now SEOptimer saves me SO much time while also combining all website crawl’s findings into a single comprehensive report!”

6. WooRank

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WooRank’s marketing and SEO analytics tools can:

  • Track and suggest keywords. Research keywords for your business niche taking into account the city and country.
  • Comprehensive technical analysis. Quickly check thousands of web pages and generate CSV reports to share them with a development team.
  • SEO tasks. Run practical SEO checks to identify errors that harm the website ranking.

The clients include Forbes, GoDaddy, HubSpot, and SparkToro.

“Their crawler is probably the best worldwide to check on-page technical issues with an easy-to-scan report.”

7. SEMRush

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SEMRush provides customers with a bunch of technical analysis tools:

  • Site audit: Reports on indexing, web page loading speed, HTTPS, and international SEO optimization.
  • SEO Checker: Analyzes the factors that influence a website’s ranking on Google and lists issues to solve.
  • Analyzing log files: Everything about how Googlebot interacts with the site.

SEMRush has operated since 2008 and has grown to seven offices on different continents. The founder of the company is Oleg Shchegolev. SEMRush’s loyal customers include Booking.com, Amazon, Tesla, Walmart, Samsung, and Quora.

“The Topic Research section in Semrush is useful for creating content strategies. Discover trending topics in your industry, reveal what your competitors rank for, and find ideas for your articles.”

8. Majestic SEO

18 Best SEO Analytics Tools 08Majestic’s website analytics tools for SEO research include:

  • Fast web page audits. The tools run tests using Flow Metric scores, link counts, and redirects.
  • Keyword comparison. Study the competitiveness of key phrases.
  • Detailed reports. In-depth analysis of the domain and backlinks. A great option for Penguin and Panda expertise.
  • Search Explorer. Split the keyword score into categories: inTitle, inAnchor, and inURL.

Majestic is a startup by Alex Chudnovsky launched in England in 2004. Steven Pitchford joined the organization a bit later. Majestic has a colossal customer base who are attracted by the quality, transparency, reputation, and value of the services.

“The link profile box to clarify the link diversity is a good one. I also like the ability to filter through the referring domains via TF and CF. “

9. Raven Tools

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Website validation with Raven Tools relies on the following analytics tools:

  • Website audit. Scans the web platform for errors that interfere with web rankings
  • Raven Tools Rank Tracker. Scans Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, or Baidu rankings based on postcode, language, or keyword lists.
  • Marketing reports with over 30 models.
  • Link manager. Track the backlinks you get or lose.

Raven Tools was founded in 2007 in Nashville, Tennessee (USA) and acquired by TapClicks, Inc in 2017. The company’s client list includes Edelman, True North, Reach Local, and Gannet.

“Integrations work like a charm. You can connect multiple solutions and forget about it instead of fixing the connection every second day. Also, the customization is endless.”

10. Moz Analytics

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The company was founded by Rand Fishkin in 2004. For website SEO analysis, the platform provides:

  • Keyword Explorer. Learn what words people enter to find web pages.
  • Keyword ranking. The report demonstrates the online visibility of pages.
  • Full website scan. Warns of errors before problems arise.
  • Create reports. Choose items that will be included in the report and send them to clients.

SEO organizations often use Moz Analytics tools.  Its clients also include Alaska, 99designs, Zillow, Trivago, and Razorfish.

“Moz has its ultimate matrices – DA (Domain Authority) and PA (Page Authority), showing website relevance, authoritativeness, strength, trustworthiness, and effectiveness in numbers from 0 to 100.”

11. Seolyzer

18 Best SEO Analytics Tools 11Seolyzer.io does log analysis for SEO to research how engines view your website. When crawling bots browse sites, they leave traces in the server’s log files. Seolyzer.io tools aggregate this unused info and turn it into SEO KPIs/actions. You may need to detect and correct errors, monitor speed performance or fix redirections to improve organic traffic.

AirFrance, Decathlon, Elle, Calvin Klein, and Just East trust this tool for tech SEO.

“Log files are super underrated. So much relevant information in them.”

12. Ahrefs

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Ahrefs is a stellar SEO and keyword analytics tool. Enter a URL to measure critical indicators affecting search performance instantly. The tool also supports keyword analysis functionality to help you pick the most suitable keywords for website content. Check new ranking keywords, the least/most popular options, and phrases used by competitors. Each entry has difficulty, traffic, clicks, and parent topics indicated. The filtering available in the keyword analytics section is genuinely remarkable.

Facebook, eBay, Pinterest, SurveyMonkey, Uber, and Adobe utilize Ahrefs.

“Using Ahrefs SEO for 2.5 years. The most fantastic thing is Keyword Explorer to find or research keywords. I get accurate monthly search volume for each keyword.”

13. SEO Marketing Software

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SEO Marketing Software is a tool in HubSpot’s Marketing Hub. It integrates with HubSpot’s content management tools, making website optimization super easy. Get a chance to:

  • View how to optimize a website for search in one location.
  • Plan your content strategy by getting topic suggestions based on competition and relevance.
  • Generate reports from multiple integrated analytics tools.

Reddit, Loom, Casio, Monday.com, and Reddit have connected to Hubspot Marketing Hub tools.

“After several great phone calls with Hubspot, we decided to get Marketing in addition to Sales Hub tools. It’s the holy grail of marketing platforms connected to LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Google Ads that also provides website and SEO analytics.”

14. Keyword Hero

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This tool from Berlin, Germany, detects the best-matching keywords for your website. Its creators recommend combining the platform with Google Analytics for more comprehensive information. Get the Keyword Hero tools to:

  • Check the traffic and conversion from intended target keywords.
  • Recognize informational vs. transactional queries.
  • Distinguish between brand and non-brand traffic.

Over 40000+ companies already have this platform.

“Easy-to-set-up tools. You can link to Google Analytics to get the information necessary to make changes for keywords.”

15. Serpstat

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Serpstat is an all-in-one platform for online visibility management. It combines over 30 web analytics tools, including a rank tracker for complete SERP research, backlink analysis, and site audit. The keyword research feature offers in-depth URL analysis, search questions, “three-view” keyword distribution, and other extraordinary capabilities.

Samsung, Uber, Shopify, Rakuten Viber, and Deloitte are loyal to Serpstat keyword tools.

“Love the opportunity to group search terms according to common words and the filtering available in keyword reporting.”

16. SE Ranking

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SE Ranking is an optimum analytics tool for small businesses, SEO professionals, and agencies. With a complete set of features for keyword position tracking, suggestion, and grouping, you get some unique ones like SEO/PPC Competitive Research. It shows you the keywords and ads competitors target in their organic search and paid campaigns.

Wargaming.net, Zapier, Hunter, Trustpilot, and Cars.com are among SE Ranking users.

“It helps me track ranking in bulk within a few minutes. The most fantastic feature is keyword ranking for Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

17. SpyFu

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SpyFu tools have standard SEO/keyword analytics functionality with some specialties like Google Ads Advisor and Google Ads templates.

These tools enable several ways to grow web traffic – You run search engine optimization to attract organic visitors and launch digital advertising. Besides, SpyFu has an API for companies that want to embed its functionality.

Adobe, Amazon, Twilio, and Microsoft use SpyFu.

“My favorite thing is the ability to do competitive research for yourself or customers. We rely on SpyFu tools whenever we research what spends or keywords to focus on with paid media.”

18. Seomator

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Seomator is less renowned than other options on the list, but it provides excellent SEO analytics. It crawls pages to formulate How-To-Fix Tips and 13 different reports. Integrate it with WordPress, Salesforce, Slack, and MailChimp for extended capabilities.

Seomator is particularly handy for SEO agencies as it supports branding for white-label reports. Deliver these summaries to customers, saving hours of routine work.

Devrix, Reliablesoft, ZEO, and Digital Olympus use Seomator.

“I appreciate the forecasting capability. Compared to other tools (like Ahrefs and SEmrush), Seomator cannot give as detailed analysis.”


Thorough SEO analytics is hard day-to-day work, but with the right approach, rewards are incredible. Automate optimization processes with modern tools to enjoy increased profits and get to the top of the search.

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