Top 15 Best Emoji Websites

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Andrew Chornyy

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.

Business Digital marketing Blog SEO Blog

Emoticons and emojis (the result of the evolution of regular emoticons) are more than an additional way to express emotions when texting on social media and messengers. They can be used as a marketing tool, an instrument that allows you to influence the decision of potential buyers. In the 21st century, Instagram, Facebook, Telegram, and other digital media accounts are often your brand face, so don’t underestimate the role of emoticons in your communications with customers.

Why Do Your Need Emoticons and Emoji

The text doesn’t contain emotions that people involuntarily convey in live communication. Figures of speech cannot replace intonation, gestures, and facial expressions. This makes the written communications too official and creates a distance that may harm your brand’s success.

For effective marketing, it’s necessary to create an atmosphere of trust between potential customers and a company. You can use a more conversational style, but emoticons and emojis solve this problem much better. Just add 😉 at the end of a line to reduce the level of formality and make customers feel more relaxed. They will read your message and smile. Emojis provoke a similar reaction. A funny icon related to your product or business can boost your marketing.

Of course, don’t forget about common sense. Emoticons are inappropriate in official letters and built-in website forms. Yet if you connect with your customers through social media or messengers, there is no harm in using smileys. Official and cold communication isn’t always the best choice.

Since 2010, emojis are supported in Unicode, which allows them to evolve and metamorphose constantly. Whereas several years ago, a new symbol was included in smiley collections only after it proved its popularity, today, the focus is on novelty and uniqueness. If there is a gap that can be filled with a new symbol, it will be added.

Every social network, messenger, and other website support smileys. They only differ in their looks. Besides, there are third-party resources similar to libraries that contain all popular emojis. You can copy them and paste them into messages on other sites.

Best Emoji Websites

Below, you’ll find a list of websites with the most complete database of emojis. It’s not a rating, so the position of an online resource doesn’t reflect its quality. All the resources deserve attention.

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This website resembles Wikipedia with its minimalist design and an extensive database of all existing emojis. The smileys are categorized under the search bar into 3 columns: the most popular icons, latest news, and most recently added emojis.

Besides, the emojis are grouped by Unicode versions and the platforms they relate to, such as Facebook, Instagram, Apple, and others.

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Whereas is an analog of Wikipedia, Getemoji is mainly based on the copy-paste principle. A user goes to the website, finds the necessary icon, selects it, copies, and pastes on the necessary web resource. The emojis are categorized and listed on the main page. For more convenient navigation.

The website is, first of all, created to quickly add emoji to Twitter, Facebook, Slack, Snapchat, GitHub, and WhatsApp.

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This resource is quite similar to the previous one. Yet, it has different navigation and tons of settings. You can select a type of emojis (JoyPixels or NativeEmoji). For human emojis and parts of bodies.

The symbols are divided into 8 categories, with quick browsing available through a search bar. You need to pick one or several emojis by clicking them. They will be displayed in the bottom bar so that you could copy them from there.

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Their detailed classification deserves special praise. There are 11 categories of emojis, each of which has 10+ subcategories. As you can see, the navigation is great. You won’t have to scroll the entire website to find the right smiley.

Every emoji is provided with HTML, Punycode, JavaScript, JSON, Java, C++, and C code. Thus, in case you forget the code of a smiley when programming, that’s the place to look for it.

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Like the previous resource, this one doesn’t limit itself to emojis. Nevertheless, HTML-Characters contains a decent selection of popular smileys searchable by keyword. To make the search easier, the website owners created 12 groups of smileys.

A click on a smiley automatically buffers it.

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The name of the website is eloquent – it’s a base of popular emojis.The resource provides brief information on the history of emojis and FAQ on using the service. In a nutshell, you need to click an emoji, add it to the keyboard, and insert it in the necessary place.

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Most of the content is free. You can copy the code or icon of an emoji or use paid Premium download for SVG format.

There is a collection of thematic stickers.

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This website is mainly geared towards Facebook. It provides standard/animated emojis, talking smileys, text art objects, and a set of unusual fonts unavailable on Facebook.

The navigation is very convenient. There is a table with 10 clear categories so the search takes just a few seconds. Emojis for Skype deserve special attention. You won’t be able to find such icons on Skype directly, but they can be copied and pasted from this website.

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Here is another website with a name that means exactly what it sounds like. It’s a base of emojis for all occasions. They have everything you may need, but the navigation is quite inconvenient. All the icons are included in a long table on the main page. Hence, the search bar is an optimum way to find something.

There is a simple game: You get descriptions of emojis and have to recognize the maximum number of icons for one minute.

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This service is quite unusual. It’s mainly suitable for Japanese emoticon lovers. Here you can copy kaomoji – a subtype of emojis, the name of which was created from the combination of kao (face) and moji (character). These are text smileys that recreate images with characters.

All website content is absolutely free. There is a premium version for Android.

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This site allows users to vote for the creation of a new emoji. The main page includes sections with the Most Wanted emojis (users are still voting for them), Just Added, and iOS Released.

For extra convenience, users receive new emojis through a separate app named EmojiXpress. The service boasts several dozens of emojis that have been already added to Unicode.

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This online resource attracts attention with its unusual design. It doesn’t have an open base of emojis – you can use a translation tool instead. The bar translates text into the corresponding emoji. Unfortunately, some words cannot be translated, but the process is engaging. The resulting emojis can be copied separately or with a phrase to paste in a chat.

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In this case, you can create any emoji pattern using ready-made standard icons. Customize colors, rotate icons, and change dimensions. The result can be saved as a .png file.

If you need a convenient dashboard to quickly add emojis to text, you should opt for other services. This one is for customized solutions.

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The website has a very minimalist design. You can pick an icon from freely available emojis and special characters. Any item can be copied in one click and inserted in a chat. The classification and navigation are excellent.

The selected elements are displayed in the top center of the page.

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This resource stands out from other copy-paste websites with its ready-made images created from standard smileys. You can copy them unchanged or select separate elements. In case you need to find something, search by tags or keywords. Creative users can suggest their own compositions consisting of emojis.


The role of emojis is not only to speed up texting. These icons make online messaging more expressive and engaging. They help to find common ground with someone you cannot see and make the dialog more animated.

Emojis also serve as a powerful marketing tool, which allows businesses to gain customer trust and create a good impression from the very beginning.

3 replies on “Top 15 Best Emoji Websites”

Еще есть сайт для добавления эмодзи на русском

wow, this is a very serious, pithy article about text emoji websites. It’s like someone’s short essay for some college exam. I used to ignore and oppose using emojis but it’s non-escapable now, you seem weird if you don’t use them, or rather not using them in current culture means you are being serious and formal or just a late late boomer, because even younger, hip boomers are using them regularly nowadays

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