11 Ways to Optimize Your Ecommerce Conversion Funnel

Andrew Chornyy - 001
Andrew Chornyy

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.

Ecommerce SEO Analytics User Experience (UX)

Does your eCommerce website lack something? Should your conversion funnel be more efficient? Don’t worry because you’ve come to the right ? place. We’ll show you 11 simple ways to optimize your eCommerce conversion funnel and achieve small victories that add up to big success. We have everything you need, from improving website speed to creating more targeted campaigns.

What Is a Conversion Funnel in Ecommerce?

The conversion funnel is the imaginary path to purchase in an eCommerce online store. The funnel consists of several stages; for example,

  • The visitor enters the site.
  • Chooses a category in the catalog.
  • Browses through the goods.
  • Adds a product to the cart.
  • Places an order.

Some buyers drop out at each stage, so, logically, there are fewer users. However, the more visitors reach the neck of the eCommerce conversion funnel, the higher the conversion rate of the online store funnel. This is the main goal.

The eCommerce example above is oversimplified. Visitors rarely go through the conversion funnel stages in the correct order; they may compare prices and services on different eCommerce websites, leave and return, or skip around. Users who have added items to their shopping cart but have not made a purchase can be “caught up” by remarketing and retargeting – there are many options for moving toward the purchase, and the interaction between the online store and the potential buyer can sometimes last months.

The conversion funnel is not the user’s actual path, but rather the sequence of steps assumed by the eCommerce business owner. The user journey represents actual website behavior and may differ from the modeled conversion funnel and customer journey map. Nonetheless, the conversion funnel must be built and analyzed.

Plerdy Ecommerce Conversion Funnel Analysis

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At Plerdy, we offer a cutting-edge eCommerce conversion funnel analysis tool that has measurable advantages over similar tools. It is suitable for any-sized eCommerce business, usability experts, CRO experts, SEO specialists, and UI/UX designers. Our eCommerce conversion funnel analysis tool will help you:

  • Optimize website funnel and grow conversion
  • Increase average revenue per user
  • Decrease cart abandonment rate
  • Decrease bounce rate
  • Increase customer retention rate and lifetime value
  • Lower churn rate

The Plerdy tool will show you your online store’s natural step-by-step conversion process. It captures how potential customers interact with website elements and pages and visualizes this activity in the form of a conversion funnel.

Based on this data, it may not be enough because you will only get the percentage of users who leave the online store page. For deeper research, you should analyze the data:

  • Heatmap — data about the interaction with each element on the site page; you can segment by traffic channels and see clicks on dynamic elements.
  • Video session recordings — the best way to analyze how a user goes from the first page to the “Thank you” page, so you can find the user’s stumbling blocks or what may be wrong.
  • Set up micro events — this way, you will find which elements the user does not use, for example, search on the site, a certain filter or sorting of goods.
  • Ecommerce tracking — and this is the king of Plerdy functions for an online store, you will see which elements affect sales, that is, what the user clicked in the online store before buying.

Based on this data, build the right hypotheses and improve the elements in the first screen of the online store, separately for mobile devices and desktops.

5 eCommerce Conversion Funnel Stages

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The manner in which eCommerce stores guide their customers through their conversion funnel is determined by the nature of the product as well as the characteristics of their target audience. Some online stores, for example, have longer conversion funnels. If you sell luxury items, it will most likely take longer to convert a visitor because higher prices are usually perceived as a major barrier and require more persuasion. However, the conversion funnel steps are generally the same and can be applied to any eCommerce business: awareness, interest, purchase, and repeat customer.

Awareness — an impact on the conversion funnel

As an eCommerce retailer, you probably know the importance of the conversion funnel. But what about the awareness stage? It’s not just a one-way street when it comes to converting customers – you have to make sure they know about your products before they can become paying customers.

Funnel analysis could be as simple as setting up GTM correctly, and GA4 also gives you more event-driven data without any complicated setups. Probably, too many people out there just collect data and do nothing against it. Like HubSpot says a “Thank you page is crucial” because it thanks users and also tracks the crucial goals in your marketing tactics.

Hayata Nakamura
Hayata Nakamura Sr. SEO Specialist | G2

An eCommerce awareness conversion funnel can help with this. This stage is all about convincing prospective customers that your company exists! To get people talking about what you’re doing, use strategies like content marketing, SEO, social media campaigns, and more.

It’s simply a matter of getting those same people interested enough in what you have to offer that they take further action and eventually become paying customers.

Interest — an impact on the conversion funnel

The customer journey is a long and winding road. This old saying is true for businesses of all sizes. But when it comes to eCommerce, you need to know this path in order to make a conversion funnel that works.

There are different stages of engagement that need to be thought about if you want customers to become loyal, long-term customers. These stages go from the first interest to making a purchase and even beyond. Here is a guide to the most important eCommerce conversion funnel stages based on customer interest, to help you get through these stages.

First up: Acquisition – getting potential customers interested in your products or services and enticing them to visit your website.

Desire — an impact on the conversion funnel

The Desire Stage eCommerce Conversion Funnel is the most important part of any online store’s success. It’s the key to unlocking potential customers and turning them into loyal shoppers! But what exactly is this magical funnel? It’s quite simple: it’s all about making sure that your customers get from point A (their initial interest in your product) to point B (purchase).

Think of it like a rollercoaster ride. The journey starts with increased desire – you need to capture their attention and make them want what you have. Then, they move through various stages such as research, comparison, contemplation and finally, purchase. This Desire Stage eCommerce Conversion Funnel ensures that customers stay on track for an exciting shopping journey until they reach their destination – reaching for their wallet!

Purchase — an impact on the conversion funnel

When it comes to building a successful eCommerce website, the foundation of success lies in the ability to create a conversion funnel that encourages users to buy. The conversion funnel consists of several stages, each of which plays an important role in ensuring that customers stay on the site long enough to complete their transactions. With the right strategy, you can create an effective eCommerce conversion funnel that will drive sales and optimize the user experience.

From understanding customer needs and expectations to optimizing checkout processes, get ready for a comprehensive guide to creating your own successful eCommerce conversion funnel!

Repeat customer — an impact on the conversion funnel

The Repeat Customer Stage eCommerce Conversion Funnel is all about providing a memorable experience for your customers. This begins with clever marketing campaigns that are specifically tailored to existing buyers, reminding them of why they love buying from you in the first place. Then include rewards for repeat purchases, targeted discounts, and personalized customer service – all of which are intended to encourage additional interaction with your store and increase conversion rates.

11 Ways to Optimize Your Ecommerce Conversion Funnel

Optimize Your Ecommerce Conversion Funnel 03Owners of eCommerce stores frequently try, but fail, to increase the conversion rate of their website. The problem is that they have no idea what they are doing or why they are doing it. They lack sufficient information to make appropriate changes to the site. Here are some options for increasing your website’s profit.

Analyze Advertising & SEO

Given that mistakes can occur when optimizing any advertising campaign and the wrong audience visits the site. As a result, it is not a problem of usability or poor store design in this case. Anyone can master the art of optimizing their ads and SEO campaigns with the right tips, tricks, and a little creative thinking. Alternatively, search for an agency on Clutch or a freelancer on Upwork.

To begin, change your advertising strategy on a regular basis to get the most out of your ad spend. Experiment with various visuals, copywriting styles and targeting options to determine which works best. A/B testing will also assist you in determining which elements drive conversions – no magic required!

For SEO optimization, content is king! High-quality blog posts and category pages of your online store that focus on relevant keywords are essential for increasing search rankings.

No matter what traffic channel, you should analyze user session time and scroll depth in Plerdy, if these metrics are low, you should optimize Google or Facebook Ads settings and check keywords for SEO.

Understand audience

Maxing out conversions is all about understanding your audience. Targeting the right type of client will be effective and will cost time/money to deliver very little result. This could jeopardize future marketing efforts altogether!

The awareness stage happens at the beginning part of your sales funnel when capturing leads who may be converted later. Knowing your target audience is the key to converting them. The better you understand their needs, desires, and preferences in terms of demographics, the better strategies you will use.

Create goals in Google Analytics

Goals are the ultimate way to visualize your eCommerce sales funnel and get something tangible. Doing this in Google Analytics allows you for detailed tracking of the different stages from awareness to purchase. Data gathered from eCommerce websites provides invaluable insight into how users interact with products/services offered through your web pages.

Optimize product pages

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Optimize your product pages to get more customers. This means giving them all the information they need but making sure it’s not boring or technical. For example, describe how a customer would feel when using the product. Add practical call-to-action buttons that allow visitors to buy quickly without being confused about the cost and fees involved in shipping, etc. Checking out what other online stores are doing can provide you with some great ideas.

Active on social media

Social media marketing is a great way to get your eCommerce brand in front of potential customers. It can help with everything from improving conversion rates to increasing traffic and broadening exposure for the business. And you’re getting reviews on what people think about your products.

Use strong CTAs

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Many companies simply insert a CTA like “Buy!” on the website, hoping that’s enough to increase conversions. They spend a lot of time, energy, and money developing their website and then use a failed call to action in advance. And naturally, they fail.

Your website needs a strong and compelling CTA that encourages people to take action. A call to action has two main purposes: to tell someone what they should do and to give them the motivation to do it. Thus, many online stores mistakenly emphasize what the visitor needs to do but need to pay more attention to the motivational message – why that needs to be done.

Leverage on-site messages

A successful conversion funnel starts with the right audience. No two visitors are alike, so it’s important to create different audiences and content for them depending on what they want or need from your business then – purchasing something new (first-time customers) or renewing their subscription (subscribers) etc.

Optimize checkouts

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The conversion funnel is the lifeline of any business. It’s not always easy to maintain a high rate. Still, getting your checkout system running will set everything else into motion with great efficiency! 1 out of 10 visitors leaves the website without buying anything. This means there are plenty who could be converted at your online store. Therefore, offer prices in local currencies (not just US Dollars) and don’t make shoppers register or enter personal information unless they choose otherwise by checking boxes during the check-out process.

Nudge visitors during checkout

A well-designed checkout page is the last thing standing between you and your visitors. If it’s not user-friendly or has too many errors, the potential customer may just bounce off of it without making a purchase. This means losing revenue forever! Use free shipping as an option to turn potential customers on the decision stage into loyal customers.

Send behavior-based emails

You are gaining opportunities if you use the information provided by your visitors. Cookies offer marketers and retailers alike an unparalleled opportunity to gain insight into customer behavior at every stage of an online journey, from the landing page to the checkout process – and even after the purchase! With this information, eCommerce stores can create highly targeted email campaigns based on user interest or other important metrics.

If you sell products or services that have a recurring cycle of use, then create a system of automatic reminders via email. For example, you sell water filters. You can remind customers who have already made a purchase. When it’s time to replace the filter, send an email about buying a new one.

Promote loyalty program

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Loyalty programs are the key to long-lasting relationships. The last step is one that never stops – keeping your customers loyal and satisfied while creating new ones in droves! Offer a discount on their next purchases for recommendations. In such a way, loyal customers will tell their friends about you.

Most importantly, don’t forget to just say “thank you”. Celebrate your client by email on an anniversary or their birthday. After all, simple words of gratitude can make a big difference in your relationship with your customers. Offer a gift coupon or discount!

Keep customers engaged

Email marketing is the perfect way to make your customers feel appreciated and engaged. Celebrating milestones with an email campaign targeted towards existing clients can be a great opportunity for your eCommerce brand. It will show how grateful they are after their purchase while also reminding them that new things are coming out soon!

Conclusion about Optimize Your Ecommerce Conversion Funnel

Optimizing your eCommerce conversion funnel can be a manageable task. With the help of Plerdy tools, you can make it a breeze. From analyzing website traffic to improving the checkout flow, Plerdy has all the tools you need to become an eCommerce master. Now that you know how to optimize your conversion funnel, start taking advantage of Plerdy’s features and watch those conversions soar! So what are you waiting for?

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