How To Start a Blog and Make Money in 15 Simple Steps

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Andrew Chornyy

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.

Content Marketing Digital marketing Blog

Ready to catapult your passion for writing into a money-making blog? ⚡? This article unveils 15 straightforward steps to start your blog and transform it into a revenue generator.

Whether you’re a foodie desiring to share your kitchen experiments, a globetrotter wishing to narrate your thrilling escapades, or a tech buff excited to decode the latest gadgets, starting a blog gives you the platform to voice your insights and also turn a profit. This comprehensive guide covers:

  • Unleashing your blog into the business universe – from selecting a catchy name to choosing a reliable hosting provider.
  • Crafting compelling content that hooks readers and keeps them coming back.
  • Social media and email marketing to target your blog’s audience.
  • Monetizing your blog – exploring lucrative options like affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and online courses.

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A crucial step covered is utilizing Plerdy – a powerhouse tool to optimize your blog’s user experience and drive conversions. By tapping into Plerdy’s suite of features, you’ll gain invaluable insights about your visitors’ behavior, ultimately guiding your blog’s growth and monetization strategy. So, let’s dive in and start building your thriving, money-making blog! ⚡

Introduction to Blogging

Blogging – the enticing digital domain where individuals express themselves, connect with like-minded folks, and yes, even rake in a handsome income. Picture your blog as a vibrant digital canvas, a place where your passion comes alive, engaging others and generating income at the same time. Here are some niche examples for kick-starting your journey:

  • Fashion: Share style tips, review clothing brands, discuss latest trends.
  • Fitness: Inspire with workout routines, healthy recipes, and wellness advice.
  • Travel: Chronicle your adventures, share travel tips, and write destination guides.

Whether your passion lies in fashion, fitness, or travel, each presents opportunities to turn your blog into a profitable venture. Blogging is about sharing opinions, engaging with others, and making money. So, set your fears aside, jump into the exciting world of blogging, and start your journey towards digital success.

Plerdy Affiliate Program

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Join the Plerdy Affiliate Program today and start earning money by promoting our user-friendly software! With over 200 positive reviews on G2, Plerdy is a proven tool that your network will love. Signing up is easy:

  1. Register for our rewarding referral program and receive a unique referral link.
  2. Share Plerdy with your network through social media, blogs, and articles.
  3. Earn a generous 50% commission for every referral that results in a sale!

Why choose Plerdy? Our platform is highly reviewed, easy to use, and offers a top-rated heatmapping feature, ranked #3 in the industry. We also provide comprehensive tutorial videos to help users get the most out of Plerdy.

To make sharing Plerdy even simpler, we offer ready-to-use marketing assets like attention-grabbing banners. You can incorporate your referral link in various ways to maximize your earnings:

  • Freelancing Platforms: Add referral link to profile on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr.
  • Blog Articles: Include your referral link in relevant blog articles, such as reviews or optimization guides.
  • For Agencies: Offer Plerdy to your clients as part of your package and share your referral link with them.
  • Email Signature: Add referral link to email signature for maximum exposure.

Remember, it’s important to share your link with relevant audiences to increase your chances of successful referrals.

Join the Plerdy Affiliate Program today, withdraw your earnings easily, and unlock your earning potential!

Finding Your Niche

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Choosing your niche is akin to setting the compass for your blogging journey – it determines the direction and can significantly influence your potential to make money. A well-defined specialty helps you develop engaging content for a specific audience.

The sphere of possibilities is vast. Here are a few examples:

  • Technology: Review gadgets, explain complex concepts, track industry trends.
  • Home Décor: Share design tips, review products, explore different styles.
  • Parenting: Offer practical advice, share experiences, discuss child development.

Whether you choose to dive into technology, home décor, or parenting, each niche holds unique opportunities to generate income. When your blog concentrates on a specific field, you not only attract a concentrated audience but also unlock potential partnerships with brands aligned to your niche.

Remember, the key to a profitable blog is creating high-quality content within a distinct niche. Your blog can become a company with the correct niche and content. So set your sights on your passion, start your blog, and prepare to make waves in the blogging sphere.

Identifying Your Target Audience

A blog’s lifeblood is its audience – the group of individuals your content speaks to and resonates with. Identifying this core group is like finding a treasure map; it guides your content creation, helping you make a real impact and potentially earn money.

Let’s consider a few audience examples:

  • Technology Niche: Tech enthusiasts, early adopters, professionals in the tech industry.
  • Home Décor Niche: Homeowners, interior designers, DIY enthusiasts.
  • Parenting Niche: Parents, educators, individuals interested in child development.

For a tech blog, your content should cater to tech lovers who constantly keep track of the latest gadgets and trends. Home décor blogs would primarily appeal to homeowners seeking inspiration or professionals in the field. For a parenting blog, your content would resonate with parents and educators who are keen on learning and sharing about child development.

Your audience is the cornerstone of your blog; understanding them allows you to tailor content that meets their interests, needs, and expectations. In turn, this drives engagement, fosters loyalty, and opens doors to monetization. So, determine who your audience is, start creating content that speaks to them, and watch as your blog flourishes.

Choosing a Blogging Platform

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Once you have your niche and target audience set, the next important stride is to select a blogging platform – the digital stage where your blog comes to life. The right platform is the pillar that supports your blog, makes it easy for you to manage, and offers various features to help you make money.

Here’s a roundup of notable platforms:

  • Offering impressive flexibility, allows you to have full control over your blog. It’s an excellent choice for those planning to monetize through advertisements, selling products, or subscription services.
  • Wix: With an intuitive interface, Wix is perfect for beginners. Its range of design templates caters to various niches, from food bloggers to travel enthusiasts.
  • Squarespace: Known for its sleek designs, Squarespace is a good fit for visual-oriented blogs like photography or design.

Remember, each platform has its strengths. is well-suited for bloggers who want complete control and plan to make a substantial income from their blog. Wix, with its beginner-friendly design, is perfect for those just starting their blogging journey. Squarespace’s aesthetically pleasing templates serve those whose content is visually driven.

Your chosen platform or CMS is the foundation of your blog and plays a key role in monetization strategy. So, pick the one that best aligns with your blog’s purpose, audience preferences, and earning goals. With the right platform in place, starting your blog becomes a breeze, paving the way to a profitable blogging journey.

Deciding on a Domain Name

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The domain name – the digital address where your blog resides – is a vital element in creating your online identity. It’s like the storefront sign that sets the first impression and reels in your audience. Moreover, a good domain name adds professional credibility to your blog, strengthening your efforts to make money.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Reflect your Niche: If your blog is about fitness, consider incorporating related words like ‘FitLife’ or ‘HealthyHabits’.
  • Be Unique: Strive for something original that stands out in the crowd. ‘TheQuirkyChef’ could be a memorable choice for a food blog.
  • Keep it Short and Simple: Opt for a domain name that’s easy to type and remember. A photography blog might benefit from ‘ClickCapture’.

The right domain name not only encapsulates the essence of your blog but also connects with your audience. A fitness blog would appeal to health-conscious readers, a quirky domain name can pique curiosity for a food blog, and a crisp, clear name would suit a photography blog.

As you embark on your blogging journey, give careful thought to your domain name. It’s a critical step in starting your blog and turning it into a profitable venture. The perfect domain name can make your blog stand out, attract more visitors, and contribute to its success.

Selecting a Web Hosting Provider

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Your web hosting provider is the powerhouse that keeps your blog accessible to your audience. It’s crucial to choose a host that offers optimal performance – because nothing scares off visitors faster than a slow-loading blog. An excellent web host can boost your blog’s performance, help retain visitors, and ultimately contribute to your money-making strategy.

Server selection factors include:

  • Uptime: Choose a host like SiteGround or Bluehost, known for their 99.9% uptime guarantee.
  • Customer Support: Ensure the host offers reliable, 24/7 customer support.
  • Scalability: As your blog grows, you’ll need a host that can grow with you – think GreenGeeks or A2 Hosting.

Your hosting provider choice can greatly affect your blog’s user experience. A provider like SiteGround, with a reliable uptime guarantee, ensures your blog is always accessible to your audience. Immediate customer support can be invaluable when you run into problems. Moreover, scalability allows your blog to expand seamlessly, accommodating increased traffic as your audience grows.

Selecting the right web host is critical for starting a blog. It impacts your blog’s performance, UX and significantly affects how much money you can make from your blog. Therefore, invest time in researching and choosing the best web host for your blogging journey.

Setting Up Your Blog

After picking your host and domain name, the next exhilarating step is to build your blog. If you’ve opted for a platform like WordPress, setting up your blog is straightforward and intuitive. Your task is to craft a visually engaging and functional blog that draws readers in and compels them to stay.

Begin with selecting an appealing theme. This gives your blog a professional sheen and establishes the tone for your content. Consider a theme like ‘Astra’ or ‘OceanWP’ for their customization options and speed.

Subsequently, install essential plugins. A plugin like ‘Yoast SEO’ assists with on-page SEO, while ‘Akismet’ helps combat spam. ‘Wordfence’ is a wise choice for security, and ‘W3 Total Cache’ optimizes your blog’s speed.

Here are the key steps to set up your blog:

  • Install your chosen blogging platform.
  • Select and install a theme that fits your niche.
  • Install necessary plugins.

Once these foundational elements are in place, start crafting your blog’s key pages. The ‘About’ page presents you to a target audience, while the ‘Contact’ page lets readers contact you. Additionally, you may want to include a ‘Privacy Policy’ page, a legal necessity for blogs that collect user data.

Starting a blog is difficult, but it may be profitable. A well-set-up blog not only attracts more readers but also retains them, enabling you to start making money from your blog. Dedicate time and thought to this process, ensuring that each step you take contributes to a blog that not only you will be proud of but also a blog that resonates with your readers.

Choosing a Blog Design and Layout

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The design and layout form the first impression and contribute to the user experience. Therefore, put your best foot forward and engage your audience with an attractive layout.

The elements to focus on when crafting your blog design include:

  • Theme selection: It lays the foundation of your design. Opt for a theme that aligns with your niche. For example, a minimalist theme works well for a lifestyle blog, while a more vibrant, image-focused theme suits a travel blog.
  • Color scheme: This impacts the aesthetics and mood of your blog. Harmonious and pleasing color palettes often increase reader engagement.
  • Typography: Choose a font that are easy to read, like Roboto, Arial, etc. Consistency in typography across all pages is essential.
  • Navigation: Ensure a clear, intuitive navigation bar. This aids user experience and encourages exploration of your blog.

When starting to design, bear in mind your target audience. A tech blog targeting professionals may need a sleek, modern design, while a blog focusing on arts and crafts might flourish with a more colorful and playful design. As you start your blog, remember that an effective design can make the difference in transforming casual visitors into regular readers. This is a step forward in earning money from your blog.

Creating Essential Pages and Categories

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Establishing essential pages and categories is pivotal when you start a blog. These are the pillars of your blog, setting the stage for the content you’ll be sharing and helping visitors navigate your site efficiently.

Your blog should include the following pages:

  • Home: The landing page that gives a snapshot of your content, your niche, and what visitors can expect.
  • About: Introduce yourself and describe your mission and what your blog offers.
  • Contact: Include an easy-to-use form for visitors to reach out for inquiries, collaborations, or feedback.
  • Blog: This is where all your posts will reside, sorted chronologically.
  • Privacy Policy/Disclaimer: Detail your blog’s terms of use, privacy policy, and any disclaimers.

Categories help organize your blog content by topic, making it easy for readers to find related posts. A cooking blog might include categories such as “Desserts,” “Main Courses,” and “Healthy Options.”

When setting up your blog, balance is key—too many categories can confuse readers, but too few might make your content seem disjointed. As you continue to develop your blog, these initial efforts will lay the groundwork for you to make money through your content.

Writing Your First Blog Post

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Writing your inaugural blog post is a significant milestone—it’s your opportunity to make a solid first impression, grab attention, and start shaping your online identity. For a travel blogger, this could be a captivating story of your most memorable journey; for a food blogger, an irresistible recipe from your grandmother’s cookbook.

Follow these steps for a stellar start:

  • Hook your readers: Your first few sentences should pique curiosity and lure readers in. The art of storytelling is a fantastic tool to capture attention.
  • Deliver value: Share something meaningful—be it advice, personal experiences, or insights. Ensure your content adds something unique to the conversation in your niche.
  • Engage your readers: Encourage them to participate in the dialogue. While not posing direct questions, you can suggest discussion points or invite sharing of personal experiences.
  • Proofread: No one enjoys reading through typos or grammatical errors. Take your time to polish your writing.
  • Craft a powerful conclusion: The last few lines can leave a lasting impression. Use this space to reinforce your key message and to make a strong close.

When you start a blog, the first post plays a fundamental role—it lays the foundation for what’s to come and kickstarts the journey to make money through blogging.

Developing a Content Strategy

Developing a robust content strategy is a vital step to cultivate an audience, grow your blog’s influence, and generate income. Take a health and fitness blog, for instance—your strategy may revolve around sharing workout routines, diet tips, and motivational stories to engage fitness enthusiasts.

To devise an effective strategy, focus on:

  • Defining clear goals: What do you hope to achieve through your blog? Whether it’s to establish yourself as an industry expert or to make money via partnerships, identify your objectives upfront.
  • Knowing your audience: Understand their interests, pain points, and aspirations to create content that resonates.
  • Consistency: Establish a regular posting schedule and stick to it—consistency helps build reader loyalty and increase your blog’s visibility.
  • Variety: Vary your content types—how-to guides, listicles, personal stories, infographics—each caters to different reader preferences.
  • Review and adjust: Regularly review your strategy’s effectiveness. Use analytics tools to track which posts garner the most engagement, and tweak your strategy accordingly.

Remember, a well-crafted content strategy can make your blogging journey smoother and more profitable. Start with a clear vision, and let your strategy evolve as your blog grows.

Implementing SEO Techniques

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To garner significant organic traffic and boost your blog’s visibility, adept implementation of SEO techniques is essential. Consider a lifestyle blog—using appropriate keywords such as “healthy recipes,” “home decor tips,” or “fitness hacks” can help your blog top rank in Google SERPs, thereby attracting a wider audience.

Dive headfirst into these practical SEO tactics:

  • Start with keyword research: Discover what your audience searches for and incorporate these keywords naturally into your blog posts. Use tools like SEMrush or Google Keyword Planner to uncover popular search terms in your niche.
  • Apply on-page SEO: Every blog post should have an SEO-friendly title, meta description, URL, and header tags. Incorporate primary and related keywords in these elements without overstuffing.
  • Leverage internal and external linking: Link to your older blog posts where relevant, and also link out to authoritative external resources. This improves the user experience and signals to Google the context of your content.
  • Prioritize mobile optimization: With the majority of internet users browsing on mobile devices, ensure your blog is mobile-friendly. This aspect factors significantly into Google’s ranking algorithms.
  • Regularly update older content: Keep your blog posts up-to-date, refresh outdated information, and add new insights where necessary. This demonstrates your blog’s relevance and reliability.

So, gear up to start your blogging journey on the right foot. Optimized content not only makes your blog easily discoverable but also ensures you cater to your readers’ interests, leading to higher engagement. Eventually, you can monetize this traffic, making your blog a profitable venture. Your path to SEO mastery commences with these fundamental steps, so go forth and conquer the digital landscape.

Promoting Your Blog

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Unleashing your blog into the digital landscape involves more than just putting fingers to keyboard – you need to actively promote your content to amplify its reach. It’s time to flip on the promotional switch and drive traffic to your blog.

Think of a travel blogger – sharing stunning photographs and captivating stories on social media not only expands reach but also engages the audience, encouraging them to visit the blog for more. Or imagine a finance blog where posting snippets of advice on LinkedIn could pull in interested professionals.

Kick-start your blog promotion with these tactics:

  • Social media is your friend: Leverage platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to share blog posts. Tailor your posts to each platform – a captivating image for Instagram, an engaging story for Facebook, a thought-provoking question for Twitter, or a professional insight for LinkedIn.
  • Collaboration can work wonders: Team up with fellow bloggers or influencers in your niche for guest posts or social media takeovers. Their audience becomes exposed to your content, broadening your reach.
  • Email newsletters keep readers engaged: Regular updates with valuable content can keep your blog at the forefront of your readers’ minds.
  • Participate in online communities: Join forums and groups relevant to your blog topic. Share your knowledge, offer help, and when appropriate, link to your blog posts.
  • Pay-per-click advertising: If your budget allows, targeted advertising on Google or social media can dramatically increase your blog’s visibility.

Promoting your blog is a journey, not a sprint. Each step you take broadens your audience, enhancing the potential to make money from your blogging venture. Embrace the challenge – every share, like, and comment brings you closer to blogging success.

Monetizing Your Blog

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Squaring off the effort of blogging with a financial return can seem challenging. However, with the right strategies in place, monetizing your blog isn’t just feasible—it can transform your passion into a viable income source.

Consider a food blogger who pairs mouthwatering recipes with product recommendations, driving affiliate marketing revenue. Or a fashion blogger, crafting engaging sponsored posts that fit seamlessly into their regular content, providing value to both readers and brands.

Your journey to monetization can embark with these strategies:

  • Affiliate marketing: Promote products or services related to your blog’s niche. Each sale through your referral link earns you a commission. Fashion, tech, and lifestyle blogs often excel in this area.
  • Sponsored content: Join companies to produce content highlighting their tools or goods. Fitness and health blogs often collaborate with supplement or workout equipment companies, for instance.
  • Display advertising: Host ads on your blog. You’ll earn money based on the number of views or clicks these ads receive. Google AdSense is a common choice for bloggers.
  • Sell products or services: Create digital products such as e-books, online courses, or even physical products. A DIY crafting blog might sell custom-made items, for example.
  • Memberships or premium content: Offer exclusive content to members who pay a subscription fee. This works well for finance or investment blogs offering expert advice.

In the course of monetizing, remember not to compromise your blog’s integrity. Keep the focus on providing valuable content—this will attract a loyal audience, driving more traffic, and in turn, more revenue.

The path to monetization is more than a one-size-fits-all approach. Experiment with different strategies, analyze your results, refine your approach, and see as your blog begins to generate a return. Turn your blogging start into a fruitful endeavor—making money from your passion is within reach.

Tracking Your Blog’s Performance

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From the outset of your blog, keeping tabs on your performance is paramount. Tracking can uncover insights that influence your strategy and empower you to make data-driven decisions that maximize your blog’s profitability. An instrumental tool in this regard is Plerdy, a robust conversion rate optimization tool.

With Plerdy, you can dive deep into user behavior on your blog. For instance, a travel blogger might identify the most read sections in their posts—whether it’s budget tips or destination descriptions—and tailor future content accordingly. Similarly, a personal finance blogger could find out which affiliate links get the most clicks and concentrate on promoting those types of products.

Plerdy arms you with the following capabilities:

  • Heatmaps: Understand what areas of your blog engage users the most.
  • Event tracking: Uncover which calls-to-action resonate best with your readers.
  • Sales performance: Track the performance of product sales or affiliate links.
  • SEO checker: Even without mentioning its importance, Plerdy assists with SEO—guiding you to optimize every post.

From the outset, use this tool to optimize your blog and maximize revenue. Remember, understanding your blog’s performance isn’t just useful—it’s vital to your success.


And there you have it, folks! ? With your blog now off the ground, the sky isn’t even the limit. We’ve sailed through 15 robust steps, taking your idea from a fleeting thought to a potential money-making machine. With your vision, our guide, and a bucketful of perseverance, you’ve broken down barriers and launched something truly unique.

Just remember, the journey doesn’t stop here. Every successful blog is a work in progress— constantly evolving, always striving for greater heights. Whether you’re blogging about travel escapades ?, delicious vegan recipes ?, or cutting-edge tech trends ?, authentic storytelling is paramount.

It’s time to put all of these new thoughts into practice and get things moving. Don’t forget to leverage tools like Plerdy for top-tier CRO & UX analysis. It’s user-friendly, effective, and will aid your blog’s growth enormously. Test, refine, learn, and most importantly, enjoy the process.

So, cheers to you, fledgling blogger! As your ideas take flight, remember to celebrate each milestone, each win—big or small. It’s your hard work, creativity, and tireless passion that are paving the way for a profitable future. Happy blogging! ?

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