Micro Conversions: How to Track?

Andrew Chornyy - 001
Andrew Chornyy

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.

Digital marketing Blog SEO Analytics

Micro Conversions: Unpacking Small Steps ⚡ Towards Big Wins.

In digital marketing, it’s not just the big wins that count. The little victories along the way, the micro conversions, can be the difference between success and failure. So, what are micro conversions, and why are they so important?

Micro conversions are users’ small tasks and actions on a website or app that indicate progress towards a larger goal or conversion. Whether filling out a contact form, watching a video, or browsing a product catalog, each micro-conversion can provide valuable insights into user behavior and identify opportunities to optimize the user journey.

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In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the tasks and goals of micro conversions and explain how to leverage them to achieve big wins in your ⚡ digital marketing strategy.

What Is Micro Conversion?

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A set of small micro-conversion actions leads a visitor to the status of a client. This is how you get to know the brand. Few users will purchase on an unfamiliar site; they need additional information and time to decide.

An important detail of micro conversion is the compilation of visitor portraits. For example, viewing a company history page and a section with vacancies often means a lack of interest in the deal. This is because they are looking for work – the main purpose of entering the site.

By filtering out such visitors, you can find the exact number of users who will purchase next. In addition, breaking the analysis down into smaller steps helps identify problems in the sales funnel. For example, if the user starts filling out the form but does not confirm, the procedure is too complicated and worth simplifying.

If a potential client subscribes to the news, it is easier to push him to buy with a promotional code or a selling text about the company’s merits. Thus, micro-conversions and engaging in the sales funnel increase brand awareness.

A striking example is sharing an interesting article from a corporate blog on a social network. The user did not purchase anything but circulated a link to the company’s website among potential buyers. Due to this micro-conversion, you get promotions without spending money and effort. Share button clicks can be encouraged by offering a discount on distribution or improving your blog’s quality.

12 Type of Micro Conversion

Micro conversions are divided into primary and secondary. The main ones are directly included in the macro conversion process or a stage close to it. Secondary micro-actions do not directly lead to a sale but indicate a future opportunity. They talk about user interest in a brand and product.

The following types of micro conversions are distinguished in online marketing:

  1. Adding a product to the cart. The action shows the user’s interest in the brand and the presence of a purchase thought.
  2. Subscribing to the newsletter. This is a clear criterion for user loyalty and trust.
  3. Loading content (technical documentation, presentation brochures, etc.). Shows interest and allows you to exchange information for contact details.
  4. Start filling out the form. Finally, the user is ready to order and make a purchase.
  5. Watching a video. Content familiarization is a good sign leading to clear customer definition.
  6. Commenting on articles and blog posts. The presence of opinions and answers demonstrates the brand’s relevance.
  7. Adding an item to the wishlist. Micro conversion demonstrates interest in the product, indicating a possible purchase in the future.
  8. Comparing goods. The user has selected priority products and is on the verge of purchasing them.
  9. Searching the store. This action means familiarization with the assortment and selection of goods for purchase.
  10. Viewing a product page. A session longer than a minute will most often result in a sale.
  11. Viewing several pages. A direct indicator of interest in a product and brand with the likelihood of purchase.
  12. Registering. Creating an account on the site to make a quick purchase.

The listed micro conversions require special brand control. The type of business doesn’t matter – the sales funnel works the same in most cases.

Micro Conversions create the building blocks of Conversion Rate Optimization, which looks at individual steps of the conversion (or post-conversion) process to make the funnel more effective. This is hugely beneficial to reducing funnel drop-offs by measuring all the steps a user would take on their journey. It also can inform larger business decisions; knowing which micro conversions and channels are most valuable, a business can optimize marketing spend and ROI.

Michael Cipielewski Jr.
Michael Cipielewski Jr. Senior Director of SEO | Hennessey Digital

Examples of Tracking Micro Conversions

To improve your sales funnel and bring the process to macro conversion, constantly monitor micro-events. For example, control your newsletter subscriptions – these leads can be turned into buyers. Next, we will consider two main methods of monitoring indicators.

Plerdy Micro Conversion Tracking

Plerdy allows you to track user actions related to a specific goal and configure events using a class or item ID. With Plerdy, you can analyze your data from day one when you install the tracking code. You can even automatically transfer events to Google Analytics and record even more events than Google Analytics provides.

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One of the benefits of Plerdy is the 10x time economy on events setup and analysis. Plerdy also allows you to integrate with Google Analytics UA and four and preserve your data history.

When it comes to analyzing session replays, Plerdy makes it easy.

  • By going to Session Replay > List of video sessions, you can map the customer journey, spot problems, pain points, and bugs, and compare different user behaviors on your website.
  • You can quickly analyze events in Plerdy reports (clicks, scroll, move, rage clicks)
  • And add custom events from a specific website page.

To set up and analyze events/goals in Plerdy:

  • You need to open your account,
  • Go to Conversions > Goals/events,
  • Click the button “Add events.”
  • and follow the step-by-step instructions.

The simplicity of the setup process in Plerdy is just one advantage of it. Plerdy also lets you look at the past and see how the conversions worked.

Analyzing the events you created is also easy with Plerdy. By going to Goals/Events, you can select the period, visualize the events, and spot which events happen more often. You can also open the heatmap for the page to dive deeper into analyzing specific website pages.

In a nutshell, Plerdy Micro Conversion Tracking by Events is a great tool to track user actions, analyze session replays, and set up and analyze micro events and micro goals. It saves you time, provides comprehensive data, and helps you optimize your website for the best possible user experience.

Next, you will receive automatic summaries of user actions. These will be available to view in your Plerdy account.

Google Analytics 4 – Micro Conversion Tracking

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Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a flexible and potent event-tracking system that enables you to measure various user activities on your website. This article will discuss the GA4 event setup and tracking procedures.

Step 1: Create an event.

Create an event you wish to track as the initial step. An event is a measurable user interaction with your website, such as a button click, add to cart or form submission. To create an event in GA4, navigate to the Events section of the Configuration page and select “Create event.” Next, name your event and select the type you wish to track (e.g., a button click).

Step 2: Specify parameters

Once your event has been established, you can configure parameters to provide extra information. Parameters are keys and values that specify the event’s category, action, label, and value. You can utilize existing parameters or develop your own to track the precise data you wish to measure.

Step 3: Add the GA4 tag

Install the GA4 tag on your website. The GA4 tag is a code that transmits information from your website to the GA4 platform. You can manually install or use Google Tag Management (GTM). This free tool simplifies the management and deployment of tags.

Step 4: Set up triggers

After installing the GA4 tag, you must configure it, so it knows when to fire and send data to GA4. Triggers are rules that describe which interactions or events should be tracked. For Example, you can construct triggers based on URLs, clicks, form submissions, and other user activities.

Step 5: Verification of event tracking

Once the setup is complete, you can confirm that your events are being tracked appropriately by navigating to the real-time part of GA4 and confirming that your events appear in the event stream. GTM’s Debug mode can verify that the tag is firing and transmitting data correctly.

Creating an event, configuring its parameters, installing the GA4 tag, configuring its triggers, and validating its tracking is required to set up and track events in GA4. By following these procedures, you can receive useful insights into how website visitors engage with your site and optimize your digital marketing activities accordingly.

Increasing the Micro Conversion Rate

Micro conversions are important for sales – they improve user loyalty and promote the transition to buyer status. Our tips will help you to increase the number of micro-conversions:

  1. Simplify your forms. Reduce the number of fields to fill out during registration or feedback. According to statistics, removing one field increases micro-conversion by 11%.
  2. Reduce the number of stages of ordering – leave the introduction of secondary information to the consultants.
  3. Speed ​​up your website. The client will leave slow-loading pages – optimize them.
  4. Engage retention. Loyal customers commenting on the blog and actively exploring the site are likelier to purchase. Look out for users with abandoned carts, ordered newsletters, or product comparisons. Offer favorable terms or push them to a solution with an interesting article.

We recommend setting up a maximum number of tracking goals and assigning a monetary value. This will give a complete picture of what is happening and an understanding of the costs for each client.

The Relationship Between Micro and Macro Conversions

Conversions are actions that users take on your site that you deem critical for your website. These can be anything – watching a video on your site, clicking on a link, signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, etc. Conversions are sometimes called goals, a more intuitive name emphasizing that completing the action means the customer has reached a goal you care about. Conversions are often categorized as micro and macro conversions.

Macro conversions (or macro goals) are the actions a user can take that represent the primary objective of your website. For example, in an e-commerce website, the macro conversion will likely be making a purchase.

Micro conversions (or micro goals) are actions that a user takes that are either:

  • Critical on the path toward reaching a macro conversion
  • Highly correlated with reaching a macro conversion, even if it is not a necessary step in the macro conversion

An e-commerce site often requires adding an item to a shopping cart before purchasing. Thus this action could be a micro-conversion. Also, many e-commerce product pages have a product video the user can watch. It’s unlikely that watching the video is required, but those who watch it are much more likely to purchase it. In this case, watching the video could also be a micro-conversion.

Here’s a comparison table of macro vs. micro conversions:

Aspect Micro Conversion Macro Conversion
Definition Smaller actions that lead to the ultimate goal Of the website and primary business objectives
Examples Watching a video, adding a product to a cart, signing up for a newsletter Making a purchase, subscribing to a service, filling out a lead form
Purpose To track user engagement and interest To track the primary business objective of the website
Tracking Helps to uncover friction points and track the sales funnel Helps to measure the overall conversion rate of the website
Importance Can be used in funnel analyses to understand where users are dropping off Used to calculate the overall success of the website and marketing campaigns

How to Select Macro and Micro Conversions?

The more macro conversions you have, the less clear it is what you want out of your site. In general, you want to limit yourself to one or two actions as macro conversions so that you and your team can focus on what matters about your product. The macro conversion(s) should reflect the desired business outcome of a user’s visit to the site.

You should select as many micro conversions as are critical and actionable on your customer’s path to a macro conversion.


Micro conversions are a critical component of building a high-converting website. Using event tracking to monitor and analyze user behavior, you can gain valuable insights into how your visitors interact with your site. Armed with this knowledge, you can better tailor your plans and optimize your CTAs to improve your conversion rates.

While there are some common pitfalls to watch out for, such as invalid events and compliance issues, a tool like Plerdy software can help streamline the process and simplify tracking and analyzing your data. And by partnering with an optimization expert or agency, you can take your conversions to the next level and grow your business in a more certain and relevant way.

Ultimately, the percentage of micro conversions you achieve may vary. Still, by focusing on the relevant events that matter most to your business, you can better convert your visitors into loyal customers. Now that you know the basics of micro conversions, it’s time to try it out for yourself and see the results firsthand. Thank you for reading, and best of luck in your journey toward better conversions!

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