16 Best UI/UX Design Tools in 2024

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Andrew Chornyy

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.

User Experience (UX)

By 2024, UI/UX design will have attained previously unheard-of degrees of sophistication. Riders of the innovation wave, designers everywhere are delving deeply into their creative toolkits, and the appropriate equipment makes all the difference. If you’ve been looking for the best tools to improve your design skills, we’ve compiled the 16 greatest UI/UX design tools right here:

  • Dynamic color generators
  • Simple platforms for wireframe
  • Smooth changes in prototype
  • Testing responsive design

From the smooth landscapes of minimalist interfaces to the minute intricacies of graphic compositions, these tools will enable you to quickly and easily create visually stunning designs. And don’t overlook increasing your conversion rate when you’re improving your UI/UX game. Plerdy is a top CRO & UX tool that guarantees your designs not only wow but also provide real outcomes. Discovering now? Explore our thorough manual to upgrade your toolbox right now. Pleasure in designing!

An Overview of the Value of UI/UX Design

At the nexus of technology and human interaction, UI/UX design is a critical factor influencing consumers’ interactions and experiences with digital products. Beyond being merely beautiful, excellent design is a potent instrument that can increase conversion rates, increase user engagement, and foster brand loyalty. Design choices may make or break a product whether you’re creating an enterprise software suite or a basic mobile app.

Basic Components of High-Impact UI/UX Design:

  • The navigation of your UI should be intuitive for users.
  • Consistency: Keeping the platform versions consistent improves the user experience.
  • Responsiveness: A design ought to be easily adjustable to various screen sizes and positions.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Users are kept interested and knowledgeable by quick replies such as haptic feedback or visual hints.

Silicon Valley startups to Fortune 500 corporations employ these ideas to speed up the design process using feature-rich specialized design tools. While Adobe XD excels at producing interactive prototypes, Sketch, for instance, is renowned for its vector-based interface. Using such technologies, designers can convert abstract ideas into useful, aesthetically pleasing interfaces. These are essential features that influence how customers view and engage with digital environments; they are not just add-ons. With such a rich toolkit at their disposal, UI/UX designers can create digital experiences that really speak to users.

Why UI/UX Design Tools are Essential

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From being small-time innovations, UI/UX design tools have become vital components of the digital design ecosystem. These are the foundation of great user experiences; like a painter’s palette or a chef’s knife set, they enable fine workmanship and accuracy. Robust features include integrated code export, real-time collaboration, and interactive prototyping increase correctness, productivity, and originality in design.

Central Functions of Design Instruments:

  • Quick Prototyping: Shorten the time of iterations by testing and modifying designs quickly.
  • Easy collaboration with developers and other team members speeds up the design to deployment process.
  • Rich Asset Libraries: Accelerate design with pre-made components, symbols, and UI kits.
  • High-Fidelity Simulations: For exact usability testing, simulate real-world interactions.

Consider the UI/UX design program Adobe XD, which helps designers build more dynamic interfaces without requiring a lot of coding with its voice triggers and auto-animate capabilities. Then there is Figma, a cloud-based application that closes the divide between separate work spaces by enabling several stakeholders to collaborate on a design at the same time. These are essential resources for every designer who wants to provide excellent UI/UX in a time when every touchpoint matters. They reinvent the design process, not just make it easier, improving the quality of the result and saving important time and money.

List of Best 16 UI/UX Design Tools

As one looks through the “16 Best UI/UX Design Tools in 2024,” it’s clear that creativity is abundant and that designers are pushing the boundaries of what is possible. For everyone working in UI/UX, these tools—which range from high-fidelity prototype to real-time collaboration capabilities—are the best. Don’t miss this compilation of tools; just a few clicks, your ideas can go from boring to stunning.


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Proto.io is a one-stop shop for UI/UX designers that want to quickly and easily create interactive, high-fidelity prototypes. This web-based tool improves your design process by enabling you to move from ideation to a live demo. For example, if you’re creating a digital health dashboard, Proto.io allows you to build dynamic, clickable panels that make your mockups come to life.

Important Elements

  • Drag-and-Drop Interface: Quickly and without coding place elements;
  • User Testing: Gather insights with integrated user testing features;
  • Collaboration: Stay in touch with stakeholders, get input, and make real-time changes;
  • Device Preview: Check your design for flawless responsiveness on a variety of devices.

Proto.io is a UI/UX design tool that helps designers who need to communicate their vision clearly and bridge the gap between abstract ideas and functional design. Its user-friendly interface simplifies the workflow so you can focus on perfecting your design rather than wrestling with a steep learning curve. Proto.io isn’t just a tool; it’s a catalyst that propels your UI/UX design to a professional standard. You can visualize complex navigation flows with it, adding a touch of realism that static wireframes simply cannot.


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For those who work in UI/UX and are passionate about design, Sketch is the go-to program. Designers have been won over to this Mac-only application by its elegant design, precise attention to user experience, and wide range of features. Consider yourself working on a sophisticated e-commerce site. Sketch lets you create pixel-perfect layouts that essentially bring your client’s idea to life.

Exclusive Features of the UI/UX Design Tool Sketch:

  • Symbols: To guarantee consistency, reuse design components on several pages.
  • Edit vector shapes and layers precisely, right down to the last pixel.
  • Plugins: Expand features with a vibrant community of outside plugins.
  • Working together, you can exchange designs, receive instant comments, and quickly iterate.

The days of stumbling around with heavy design software are long gone; Sketch makes it easy to arrange your artboards, sync materials, and alternate between high-fidelity and low-fidelity views. Clicks later, wireframes may be interactive prototypes. Cutting hours of manual effort by using Sketch’s toolbox allows you to focus on the more artistic parts of UI/UX design. For designing excellent digital experiences, Sketch is unsurpassed.

Adobe XD

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Anyone stepping into the complex world of UI/UX design will find Adobe XD to be an essential tool. With this all-in-one powerhouse, which works with Windows and Mac, designers can easily create, prototype, and distribute interactive designs. Assuming you are developing a fitness app, Adobe XD helps you create user-friendly interfaces that smoothly lead consumers from sign-up to workout choices.

Highlights of Adobe XD:

  • Auto-Animate: Motion graphics give your design life.
  • Coediting: Work in real time, across distance, with colleagues.
  • Repeat Grid: Make duplicates of items with same spacing and style.
  • Talk Triggers: Include speech instructions into your interactive prototypes.

Tool for UI/UX design With Adobe XD, teamwork reaches a new level. Every stakeholder can instantly access everything because it is all kept in the cloud, eliminating the confusing email chains and haphazard file sharing. This program makes the design process go more quickly whether you’re refining the micro-interactions on a button or laying out the flow of a multi-page website. It allows designers to explore new ground creatively while prioritizing the user experience. Adobe XD shapes the always changing design world rather than merely keeping up with it.


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Figma is an unmatched tool in a class by itself for producing stunning UI/UX design projects. With Figma, designers can work together easily and in real time because it is cloud-based and platform-independent. Imagine simplifying a mobile app for online learning. With a few clicks, Figma helps you to enhance interactive components, polish color schemes, and create ideal layouts.

Highlights of Figma’s Benefits

  • Live Collaboration: A single project might have many designers working on it at once.
  • Vector networks allow you to easily produce intricate forms with pixel-perfect clarity.
  • Component Libraries: Easily edit, reuse, and save design components across several files.
  • Make your designs interactive, model user flows, and distribute them to stakeholders for quick input.

Figma is a UI/UX design tool unique in that it naturally promotes teamwork among design teams. Sending large files back and forth is no longer necessary with Figma because designs are hosted in the cloud and available from any location. Figma acts as a central point for everything from the finer points of iconography to the broad strokes of a whole digital experience. It enhances and simplifies your design process so that your final product is user-focused as well as visually striking. You elevate with Figma, not settle.

InVision Studio

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With its integrated environment for design, prototyping, and animation, InVision Studio explodes into prominence as a UI/UX powerhouse. Consider yourself creating an e-commerce interface: Real-time previews, simple navigation, and smooth transitions are all possible with InVision Studio to wow both customers and users.

Key Elements That Complete the Deal:

  • Quick Prototyping: Quickly and easily create dynamic, interactive interface.
  • Build responsive designs with automatically adjusting layouts to different screen sizes.
  • Animation: Add fluid transitions and little interactions to lifeless screens.
  • Working together, cut down on laborious email chains by allowing stakeholders to remark directly on your designs.

What distinguishes InVision Studio? The little interactions are what really make your design not just beautiful on the outside but also understandable and practical. All of your demands are combined into one powerful workspace with InVision, so you don’t have to mess about with several platforms. You will simplify your process and have more time for what truly counts—creating designs that resonate—when you have assets and components at your fingertips. As a lighthouse in a sea of design tools, InVision Studio leads you to perfect UI and UX execution.


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Zeplin is a dynamic link between developers and designers, which elevates UI/UX design. Assume this: You’ve been honing a mobile app UI for weeks. The excruciating work of explaining every minute detail to your development staff now begins. Zeplin intervenes and slashes through the mess, remarkably efficiently automating the hand-off process.

Key Features That Spark the Interest in Zeplin UI/UX Design Tool:

  • Zeplin provides a customized style guide complete with assets, fonts, and color schemes when you sync your design files.
  • Shortcuts in Code Nothing unclear now. Right out of your designs, developers receive language-specific, useful code.
  • Version Control: Quickly handle design revisions to keep everyone in agreement.

Why is Zeplin such a special tool? It’s the inbuilt capacity to convert pixel-perfect designs into exact code, doing away with uncertainty and expediting processes. In the end? User experience-changing, cohesive, beautiful interfaces. Working together is no longer a confusing web of emails back and forth and misinterpreted specifications. You get a single, central location where development and design meet for maximum output with Zeplin. Give up the physical labor; Zeplin has you covered.

Axure RP

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For anyone that want a straightforward approach to complex prototypes, Axure RP is the best UI/UX design tool available. Imagine that you have to mimic a dynamic content and user interaction-rich eCommerce checkout experience. More than merely enabling this, Axure RP practically demands that your greatest design aspirations come true.

Important Elements Raising Axure RP

  • Dynamic Content: Without using code, create actual data in your design—think autocomplete fields and drop-down menus.
  • Conditional Logic: Simple implementation of interactive features; user input determines the actions that occur.
  • Working together, the platform has client reviews and feedback loops built right in.

The commitment to a real-life design experience is what distinguishes Axure RP as a UI/UX design tool. The wall separating dynamic user interactions from static design components is broken down. You’re building an ecosystem around the user, customizing every user path with remarkable attention to detail, not just pushing pixels. Axure RP allows wireframes to become interactive works of art with all the subtlety and intricacy that excellent UI/UX design requires. Axure RP basically enables you to feel your design rather than merely helping you see it. Give away the monotony of static mockups and really utilize interactive design.


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Marvel is the preferred tool for designers who want to go quickly from concept to prototype without any hassle. It simplifies the UI/UX design process. Assume this: After laying up the perfect user experience for a travel booking software, you now need to quickly test your ideas. Marvel lets you start quickly and turn your drawings into clickable prototypes.

Marvel’s Unmatched Features

  • User Testing: Gather data in real time to get important understanding of user behavior.
  • Handoff Mode: With pixel-perfect results, smoothly transfer designs to developers.
  • Integrations: For the best possible workflow, link easily with Slack, Jira, and Sketch.

UX and UI design software Marvel goes go beyond appearances to explore the core of design functionality. Your wireframes come to life, full of interaction that reflects the finished result. Marvel, for example, allows you to include live APIs straight into your prototype if your travel app has to offer real-time weather updates. The site also excels in emphasizing teamwork, dismantling barriers and fostering fruitful communication. Marvel, then, does more than just meet your design goals; it feeds them, enabling you to create visually spectacular, user-focused experiences. Count on Marvel to help you overcome design obstacles and get to amazing UI/UX.


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Framer is a standout tool for producing dynamic, interactive prototypes in the vast field of UI/UX design tools. Different from previous platforms, Framer provides a flexible environment where developers and designers may work together to create code-based prototypes and static designs.

Key Features of the UI/UX Design Tool Framer:

  • Smart Components: Tailor reusable components that work with many projects.
  • Framer Motion: Easily include animation and give your prototypes life.
  • Real Data: Connect to live APIs to get an insight into how your design communicates with data streams.

Picture creating an eCommerce website that needs a complex filtering mechanism. Along with drawing out the design, Framer allows you to drag and drop intricate logic into your prototype. You are developing a working model that reacts to user actions, not just drawing an image. Strong interactivity of it draws UI/UX professionals that want to get their hands dirty with design innovation. Framer is a vital accelerator in turning first design concepts into user-centered miracles by combining powerful capabilities with an easy-to-use interface. Dare to use Framer to improve your design process.


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If you’re a UI/UX designer craving a streamlined, no-nonsense approach, you’ll find your match in Balsamiq. This tool strips down the design process to its bare bones, helping you sketch out wireframes that cut straight to the point. Forget the flashy elements—Balsamiq zeroes in on functionality, facilitating rapid ideation to flesh out concepts fast.

Noteworthy Features:

  • Drag-and-Drop UI: Simplicity at its best, arrange elements as easily as piecing together a puzzle.
  • Pre-Built Widgets: Skip the hassle and jump straight into design with ready-made components.
  • Collaborative Power: Share your wireframes, get feedback, and iterate—all in one platform.

Take, for example, designing a mobile app’s navigation menu. With UI/UX design tool Balsamiq, you can effortlessly draft different layouts, toggle between alternate versions, and collaborate with team members in real-time. The focus remains laser-sharp—how will users navigate your app? How intuitive is the menu placement? By enabling designers to roll up their sleeves and sketch out raw, unpolished ideas, Balsamiq acts as a springboard for more advanced design phases. Opt for Balsamiq, and you’re choosing a tool that puts the ‘rapid’ in rapid prototyping, streamlining your path from idea to execution.


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Unleash your design prowess with Justinmind, the ultimate prototyping tool that bridges the gap between initial ideas and final execution. This tool checks all the boxes for UI/UX designers who are eager to bring their creative visions to life. Whether you’re piecing together a simple wireframe or constructing an intricate, interactive prototype, Justinmind scales with you.

Why Designers Love UI/UX design tool Justinmind:

  • Dynamic Widgets: Infuse life into your designs, going beyond static mockups.
  • Data Lists & Masters: Master the art of reusability and consistency, making your workflow efficient.
  • Rich Interactive Elements: Kick up the wow factor with elements like carousels and accordions, all out-of-the-box.

Let’s set the scene—you’re designing an eCommerce website. With Justinmind, you can effortlessly sync with your team to map out each user journey, from landing page to checkout. As you tweak and tune, changes cascade across all linked elements. No need to break a sweat over minute details; they automatically align with your design’s underlying logic.

This tool doesn’t just help you create; it empowers you to validate, iterating until every pixel and interaction aligns with your target user experience. Go beyond the canvas and step into a platform where designs come alive, with Justinmind guiding the way.


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Dive into Webflow—where design, UI, and UX come together in a seamless symphony of creativity and functionality. This tool has the horsepower to carry your project from conception to deployment, all without requiring a single line of code.

Key Webflow Features:

  •  CMS Integration: Sync up with your content management system effortlessly, no tech headaches involved.
  •  Visual CSS Grid: Sketch out complex layouts with ease, thanks to an intuitive drag-and-drop interface.
  • Animations and Interactions: Go from static to dynamic by adding user-triggered actions and micro-interactions.

Picture this: you’re tasked with reimagining a travel blog. With Webflow, you’ll craft responsive designs that adapt to various screen sizes—no compromise on the aesthetic front. As you plug in dynamic elements, they instantaneously translate to the live site. Team collaboration? It’s a walk in the park. Simply share the design specs and watch as your teammates drop in their contributions, be it text or multimedia. The best part—every change gets auto-saved in real-time.

UI/UX design tool Webflow doesn’t just break down the barriers between designers and developers—it obliterates them. With this tool at your disposal, you’re not just designing UI; you’re orchestrating a full-fledged UX journey. Say goodbye to juggling multiple platforms and say hello to a unified design ecosystem. The road to a pixel-perfect user experience is now just a click away.


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Meet UXPin—the tool that converges design, UI, and UX in one robust ecosystem. This platform sweeps aside the clutter, focusing your creativity where it counts.

Essential UXPin Features:

  • Conditional Logic: Design dynamic, interactive prototypes.
  • Design Systems: Centralize your brand’s UI components.
  • Real Data: Populate designs with actual user information for realistic testing.

Imagine being in charge of redesigning a local bookstore’s mobile app. With UXPin, you could drag and drop elements with pixel-perfect accuracy—every swipe, every tap meticulously planned. Use the Design Systems feature to make sure every page sings in tune with the brand’s existing visual language. Engage stakeholders in the loop with crystal-clear collaborative features, allowing real-time reviews and changes.

UI/UX design tool UXPin takes you past mere design aesthetics and into the nitty-gritty of actual user experience. Iterate, test, and tweak until your design doesn’t just turn heads but also keeps users riveted. The result? An app that effortlessly guides the user from browsing to purchase, exemplifying both form and function. With UXPin, you’re not just designing—you’re sculpting a journey. And the journey starts now.


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Step into the Overflow universe—a design tool that flips the script on traditional UI and UX practices. Overflow thrives where static mockups falter, propelling you into a space teeming with interactive, user-friendly prototypes.

Key UI/UX design tool Overflow Capabilities:

  • Seamless Sync: Integrates effortlessly with Sketch, Figma, and Adobe XD.
  • User Flows: Map out complex user journeys with ease.
  • Collaboration: Invite team members to view, comment, and make real-time adjustments.

Picture this—you’re revamping a fitness app’s onboarding experience. Overflow lets you sketch out the entire user path, from initial sign-up to the first workout plan. Navigate users through different elements, showing them exactly how their experience will unfold. These aren’t mere sketches; they’re interactive blueprints that simulate the real deal.

This tool offers a fresh perspective on design, giving you a high-altitude view of the entire user journey. Share your prototypes directly with stakeholders and developers, eliminating the typical back-and-forth that slows down projects. With Overflow, you don’t just tackle design—you master it from a holistic viewpoint. It’s not just about how it looks, but how it works and feels. Overflow keeps you a step beyond the competition, perfectly aligning UI and UX in a streamlined, interactive symphony.


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Elevate your design process with Moqups—a groundbreaking tool that harmonizes UI and UX like never before. Moqups transcends traditional wireframing by embedding real-time collaboration, robust diagramming, and interactive prototyping all under one digital roof.

Noteworthy Moqups Features:

  • Diagramming Made Easy: Draw flowcharts, sitemaps, or any type of diagram.
  • Interactive Prototypes: Test drive UI elements before they go live.
  • Team Collaboration: Update and comment in real time to keep everyone informed.

Imagine you’re tasked with redefining the digital checkout experience for an online bookstore. Instead of juggling multiple platforms, Moqups lets you map out the user journey, tinker with various UI components, and then seamlessly transition into a testable prototype. With a few clicks, replace static buttons with interactive elements and integrate them into the overall design. You can then share this dynamic mockup with your team—getting immediate feedback and eliminating redundancy in the revision process.

With UI/UX design tool Moqups, you unshackle your creative potential. You can visualize complex data structures, break down user pathways, and bring everyone together to breathe life into your design. No longer are UI and UX siloed disciplines; Moqups blends them into an interactive and integral part of your design toolkit. This tool doesn’t just add value—it transforms the entire way you approach design.

Affinity Designer

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Affinity Designer is the crucial tool that harmonizes design, UI, and UX. Unleash your creative potential. This program is a whole workshop, not simply a mainstay of the designer toolkit. Unmatched flexibility is provided by Affinity Designer’s seamless vector and raster capabilities.

Affinity Designer’s Standout Features:

  • Personas: Move fluidly between vector and pixel settings.
  • Asset Management: Organize and easily accessible your design assets.
  • Real-time Collaboration: Easily stay in sync with your team.

Think of the difficulty in creating a smartphone app that directs people to nearby organic shops. You can quickly prototype clear, lifelike UI elements using Affinity Designer and then get into the UX, laying out the user’s path from app launch to market arrival. Toggle between jobs with the Personas feature to easily edit details and see them in the framework of the overall user experience.

Tool for UI/UX design Creative process friction is removed using Affinity Designer. It creates the conditions for designers to collaborate more effectively whether they are developing a sophisticated user interface or perfecting the specifics of a ground-breaking UX design. Use of this tool elevates the design discipline as a whole, not just your job.


You’ve found a range of resources that improve your creativity and skill as you navigate the dynamic field of UI/UX design in 2024. Your toolset has never been more innovative, with responsive design testers and easy-to-use wireframe platforms. Not to mention, Plerdy tools’ analytics and conversion metrics provide priceless insights into consumer behavior.

Talking about insights, getting into the details doesn’t require you to be a data genius. You can hone your tracking abilities to efficiently track visitor sessions with the help of accessible courses and tutorials. More needed? For the most recent studies from leading academics, thorough reports, and practical case studies—because knowing the sources of your online traffic is critical—subscribe to our MarketingHub. It is time to move your work past still images. Assemble dynamic components that support HTML and see your designs come to life.

The collection this year covers every design theory with anything from embedded videos to social media links to offline support. Whether you work for a company or are a freelancer, these tools are designed to meet a range of requirements and tastes. You name it, we’ve included it—browser-based or native, MacOs or Android.

Willing to reach your greatest potential? Improve your designs and conversions all at once with Plerdy tools. Pay attention for next updates and pro advice. Pleasure in designing!

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