Top 10 UI/UX Design Trends in 2024

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Andrew Chornyy

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.

User Experience (UX) Web Design

Imagine a world where websites flirt with you – well, 2024’s UI/UX trends aren’t far off! As we leap into a future where digital interfaces are more than just pixels, the UI/UX design landscape is getting a dramatic makeover. It’s not just about looks; it’s about creating experiences that stick, much like your favorite catchy tune. In this whirlwind of innovation, Plerdy stands at the forefront, navigating these trends with expertise. Join us as we dive into the top 10 UI/UX design trends in 2024, where each pixel plays a part in the symphony of user experience.

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Generative Design

Imagine your design process having its brain – welcome to Generative Design in 2024! This innovative trend reshapes how we approach UI/UX, blending artificial intelligence with creativity. Generative design utilizes algorithms and AI to craft user interfaces that are visually appealing and highly functional. It’s about creating designs that adapt and evolve based on user interactions, data inputs, and predefined parameters. The result? Dynamic layouts, personalized color schemes, and typography choices that feel like they’re reading your mind.

Examples and Applications

You’ll find generative design in action in various tools and platforms. For instance, Adobe’s Sensei uses AI to automate complex design tasks, offering designers a new level of efficiency and creativity.

Leveraging Technology for Innovation

The true power of generative design lies in its use of machine learning. It analyzes user behavior to predict and implement design elements, constantly evolving to meet user needs. This technique is not just aesthetic; it transforms intuitive user experiences.

Bold Typography

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Bold Typography in 2024 isn’t just a choice; it’s a statement! Moving away from the subtle and safe, this year’s UI/UX design boldly embraces larger-than-life fonts. It’s about capturing attention instantly and making a memorable impact. Large, assertive fonts are eye-catching and create a visual hierarchy that guides users effortlessly through content.

Integration with Other Styles

But bold doesn’t mean alone. When mixed with styles like 3D, italics, or even illustrations, bold typography transforms from just text to a visual spectacle. This synergy breathes life into interfaces, making every word count and every message pop.

The Psychology of Typography

Bold typography isn’t just about size; it’s about making a psychological impact. It conveys confidence and clarity, resonating with the audience on a deeper level. By choosing the right bold typeface, designers can evoke specific emotions and connect more effectively with users.

Complex & Animated Gradients

Step into the UI/UX design world in 2024, and you’ll see that gradients have evolved from simple color transitions to complex, animated spectacles. These gradients are no longer just background elements; they’re dynamic, engaging, and a crucial part of the storytelling in design.

Depth and Sophistication

Complex and animated gradients add depth and sophistication to UI elements. Think about the rich, immersive backdrops they create for headers and backgrounds. They’re not just color shifts; they’re experiences, drawing users into the digital world crafted by designers.

Psychological Impact of Color

The power of color psychology comes into play with gradients. The right blend of colors can evoke specific emotions, setting the mood for the user’s journey on a website or app. It is a subtle but powerful approach to convey brand messaging and evoke emotion.


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Glassmorphism, in the UI/UX world of 2024, isn’t just a design trend; it’s a visual symphony of transparency and depth. This style, reminiscent of frosted glass, brings a sleek, futuristic feel to digital interfaces. It’s about creating a layered, multidimensional space that entices users into a more immersive experience.

Application in Modern Interfaces

Glassmorphism is widely adopted in UI elements like navigation panes, cards, and models. Its translucent effect, coupled with subtle blurring, adds a touch of elegance and modernity to designs. A clean, visually appealing interface is achieved using this style.

Evolution in Design

Though not a new concept, glass morphism continually evolves. It reflects the changing tastes and technological advancements in design. It’s more refined today, adapting to different styles and contexts, proving its versatility and enduring appeal.

Augmented Reality (AR)

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In 2024, Augmented Reality (AR) is not just a buzzword; it’s a transformative force in UI/UX design. AR creates immersive, sci-fi-like experiences by blurring the physical and digital worlds.

Pioneering AR in Educational Apps and Hazardous Work Environments

AR technology shines in educational apps, turning mundane learning into an interactive adventure. It’s equally impactful in hazardous work environments, where it offers real-time information overlay, enhancing safety and efficiency. These applications underscore AR’s potential to revolutionize how we interact with digital content.

The Resurgence of AR in Consumer Tech

AR has seen a resurgence in consumer technology following the Visual Pro presentation. Major players like Apple are banking on AR, predicting its profitability and widespread adoption. This renewed interest signals a future where AR becomes integral to everyday tech.

Parallax Effect

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The Parallax Effect in 2024 is like digital magic, bringing depth and dynamism to web and app design. This visual technique, which creates a sense of three-dimensional space, has transformed from a mere aesthetic feature to a crucial element in storytelling and user engagement.

Creating Depth and Immersion

The Parallax Effect emphasizes depth, making the interface more interesting. As users scroll, the layered movement of background and foreground elements adds a captivating dimension to the experience, enhancing the narrative flow of websites and applications.

Responsiveness and Mobile Experience

In 2024, the focus is also on the responsiveness of the Parallax Effect, especially for mobile users. Designers can tailor interfaces to user demands by analyzing user interactions, behaviors, and preferences.

The Parallax Effect in UI/UX design is no longer just an embellishment; it’s a key player in creating immersive and interactive digital environments. Adding depth and movement elevates the user experience, making it more memorable and engaging. This trend exemplifies how a simple visual technique can powerfully transform the digital realm.


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In the UI/UX design world of 2024, Brutalism is making a bold statement. This minimalist yet controversial style, known for its raw and stark aesthetics, is not just about appearance – it’s a revolution against the conventional.

Embracing Modularity and Contrast

Brutalism in digital design embraces modularity, creating a distinct separation of elements. Designers play with contrasts in size, text, and visuals, bringing a unique and eye-catching dimension to web pages. This approach captures attention and enhances user navigation through clear and distinct sections.

Unconventional Yet Functional

Despite its unconventional appearance, Brutalism in UI/UX prioritizes functionality. The clear division of content and bold typography ensures the user experience remains straightforward and user-centric, without unnecessary distractions.


In 2024’s UI/UX design, hyperrealism is like stepping into a vividly realistic digital world. This trend brings astonishing detail and realism, blurring the lines between digital and physical realms.

Techniques for Lifelike Experiences

Utilizing advanced techniques like 3D modeling and photorealistic rendering, hyperrealism in UI/UX design creates interfaces that are not just seen but felt. These methods allow designers to construct environments and elements that are strikingly lifelike, enhancing user engagement and providing a truly immersive experience.

Increasing Brand Loyalty

The ‘I get what I see’ aspect of hyperrealism plays a significant role in increasing brand loyalty. Users feel more connected to products and interfaces that present a realistic representation, fostering a sense of trust and authenticity.

Algorithmic Grids

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Algorithmic Grids in 2024’s UI/UX design landscape are like the unseen architects of digital content organization. These grids, far from rigid structures, have evolved into intelligent frameworks that guide the user’s eye through content seamlessly and intuitively.

The ‘Ladder’ and ‘Comb’ Grids

Among the various algorithmic grids, ‘ladder’ and ‘comb’ patterns stand out. The ‘ladder’ supports diagonal eye movement, while the ‘comb’ features higher vertical blocks, offering a unique visual rhythm to the layout. These grids are not just about structure; they are about guiding user engagement subtly yet effectively.

Differentiation in Regular Grids

Even in more traditional ‘panel’ grids, differentiation is key. Spacing, size variations, and color contrasts prevent user confusion, ensuring a smooth and engaging journey through the content.


In 2024, Personalization in UI/UX design is like having a digital butler; it knows your preferences and tailors your digital experience to suit your tastes. This trend has moved beyond basic customization to offer deeply personalized user experiences, using data and AI to understand and anticipate user needs.

Data-Driven Personalization

The key to effective personalization is data. Analyzing user interactions, behaviors, and preferences helps designers customize interfaces. This level of personalization makes each user feel like the product or service is uniquely theirs, enhancing user satisfaction and engagement.

Personalization and User Engagement

The ultimate goal of personalization is to boost user engagement. By offering tailored experiences, users are more likely to find value in the product, leading to increased loyalty and prolonged engagement. It’s about creating an environment where users feel understood and appreciated.

Personalization in 2024’s UI/UX design is about creating a unique journey for each user. It’s not just about meeting user expectations but exceeding them by offering a bespoke experience that resonates personally. This trend signifies a shift towards more intuitive, user-centric design practices, making digital experiences more engaging and enjoyable.


As we wrap up our journey through the top UI/UX design trends of 2024, it’s clear that the future of digital design is not just about aesthetics but about creating intuitive, personalized, and emotionally resonant experiences. These trends are shaping a world where technology looks good and feels good, making each interaction a delight. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. If you’re intrigued by what the future holds, dive deeper into the world of UI/UX with more insightful articles on the Plerdy blog. Keep exploring with us, and let Plerdy help guide you through the ever-evolving digital design landscape. Your journey towards outstanding user experiences starts here.

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