15 Ways to Improve SEO Rankings

On-page SEO SEO Blog

“15 Ways to Improve SEO Rankings” is your compass to navigating the complex world of SEO, where each click and keyword is a stepping stone towards digital prominence. This article is tailored for those who know their website is more than just a virtual space – it’s a growth engine, a storyteller, and a market leader.

Key strategies you’ll explore include:

  • Optimizing content for relevance and engagement.
  • Strengthening backlink profiles with quality connections.
  • Refining website structure for seamless user experiences.

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Imagine a small business transforming into an industry titan or a local blog becoming a go-to resource – such transformations are rooted in SEO mastery. Beyond tips and tricks, this article is an invitation to rethink your approach to digital visibility. To elevate this journey, consider Plerdy’s analytics tool, an ace for analyzing user behavior. It’s about turning data into actionable insights, whether it’s through A/B testing, usability improvements, or conversion rate optimization. “15 Ways to Improve SEO Rankings” – your first step to gaining your proper place at the top of search results, where your website thrives.

Understanding the Importance of SEO Rankings

In the digital era, SEO stands as a cornerstone for enhancing website visibility and driving organic traffic. Mastering SEO tactics propels rankings, elevating your website to the forefront of search engine results. For instance, in the healthcare sector, SEO optimization ensures that a medical website ranks higher when users search for health-related advice. This strategy not only improves website discoverability but also establishes credibility and trust among users.

To effectively boost SEO, consider these key steps:

  • Optimize website content with relevant keywords, ensuring they align with user search intent.
  • Enhance website loading speed, as quicker sites tend to rank better.
  • Build high-quality backlinks from reputable sources to bolster website authority.

By focusing on these elements, you markedly improve your website’s SEO rankings. As a result, you witness a significant uptick in traffic, engagement, and, ultimately, conversion rates. Remember, SEO isn’t a one-time fix but a continuous process requiring constant refinement and adaptation to evolving search engine algorithms.

Why TOFU, MOFU, BOFU Matters in SEO

In the world of SEO, understanding the TOFU (Top of Funnel), MOFU (Middle of Funnel), and BOFU (Bottom of Funnel) stages is crucial for crafting a strategy that elevates website rankings. These stages represent the customer’s journey, from awareness to decision-making, and tailoring content to each stage significantly improves your website’s appeal to different audience segments.

  • TOFU: At this stage, potential customers are just beginning their journey. Here, SEO-optimized educational content boosts your website’s visibility, drawing in an audience seeking general information. For example, a travel website might feature blog posts about top travel destinations.
  • MOFU: Here, your audience is considering options. SEO efforts should focus on comparison guides or reviews to improve rankings and guide visitors towards a decision. A tech website, for instance, might offer detailed comparisons of the latest smartphones.
  • BOFU: This final stage is where decisions are made. SEO-optimized product pages or persuasive calls-to-action can improve your website’s conversion rates. An e-commerce website might use targeted product descriptions to seal the deal.

Incorporating SEO strategies tailored to each funnel stage ensures a comprehensive approach, helping to improve overall website rankings. This method does not just attract traffic; it engages and converts, maximizing the potential of your website in the digital marketplace.

Explanation of How SEO Works

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Unraveling the mysteries of SEO, we dive into a digital labyrinth where strategic maneuvers improve website rankings. At its core, SEO is an intricate dance of optimizing a website to align with search engine algorithms. This optimization entails more than just keyword placement:

  • Keyword Integration: Embedding relevant keywords strategically throughout the website’s content boosts its relevance and rankings.
  • Quality Content: Crafting informative, engaging content establishes a website as an authoritative source, improving its rankings.
  • Site Performance: Enhancing the website’s loading speed and mobile-friendliness directly impacts its SEO success.

For example, a food blog using SEO will not only pepper recipes with culinary terms but also ensure its website loads swiftly and appears attractively on mobile devices. By honing these elements, SEO transforms a website from an unseen digital ghost town into a bustling hub, where higher rankings lead to increased visibility and traffic.

The Importance of SEO for Businesses

In the digital marketplace, SEO is the invisible force propelling businesses ahead. It’s a tool that doesn’t just improve a website’s visibility; it revolutionizes its impact. Consider SEO as the digital handshake between a business and its potential customers. It ensures that when someone searches for a product or service, it’s your website they find, not your competitor’s.

Key benefits include:

  • Enhanced Visibility: SEO skyrockets a website’s rankings, placing it in the spotlight.
  • Targeted Traffic: It attracts visitors genuinely interested in what the website offers.
  • Competitive Edge: A well-optimized website stands out, even in saturated markets.

As an illustration, a nearby bakery that implements search engine optimization strategies could witness an ascent of its website to the highest ranks in search results for the query “finest cupcakes in the locality.” This outcome would not only enhance the bakery’s online prominence but also generate an increase in physical customer visits. By weaving SEO into their digital strategy, businesses turn their websites into powerful tools that engage, convert, and retain customers.

1. Search For Missing Keywords With Google Search Console Integration

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Google Search Console for SEO provides valuable details for firms looking to boost their rankings. This tool acts like a GPS, guiding you through the complex terrain of search engine results, pinpointing where your website might be losing its way. By integrating Google Search Console, you can:

  • Identify missing keywords: Discover which relevant terms aren’t currently driving traffic to your website.
  • Analyze search performance: Understand how your existing keywords rank and where improvements are needed.
  • Tailor content strategy: Align your website’s content with what your audience is actively searching for.

For instance, a fitness website might use this tool to find that while they rank well for “workout routines,” they’re missing out on traffic for “home exercises.” Armed with this knowledge, they can craft targeted content to capture this audience. This proactive approach improves SEO and user engagement by helping visitors find what they need. Google Search Console integration is critical for optimizing your website’s ranking approach.

2. High-Quality Content

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High-quality content is the beating heart of effective SEO strategies, driving the lifeblood of traffic to a website. In the quest to improve rankings, producing content that resonates with your audience is akin to striking gold. This isn’t just about peppering articles with keywords; it’s about crafting pieces that inform, engage, and inspire.

Key elements of high-quality content include:

  • Relevance: Tailoring content to meet the needs and interests of your target audience.
  • Originality: Offering fresh perspectives or insights, not just rehashed information.
  • Readability: Ensuring content is easy to read and understand.

Take, for example, a travel website. To boost its SEO, the site needs articles that do more than list destinations; they should transport readers with vivid descriptions, practical tips, and local insights. This approach does more than just improve the website’s rankings; it builds a loyal audience who turn to your website as a trusted source of information. High-quality content, therefore, is not just an SEO tactic; it’s a cornerstone of digital marketing success, fostering a connection between your website and its visitors.

3. Keyword Research

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Keyword research is the compass guiding businesses through the SEO landscape, pinpointing the terms and phrases critical to elevating a website’s rankings. This research isn’t just a hunt for popular keywords; it’s a strategic quest to uncover the specific language your target audience uses when searching online.

Essential steps in keyword research include:

  • Identifying Core Topics: Focusing on subjects relevant to your business and audience.
  • Exploring Search Queries: Analyzing the specific phrases and questions your audience uses.
  • Assessing Competitiveness: Determining how difficult it will be to rank for these keywords.

For a health and wellness website, keyword research might reveal opportunities to rank for niche terms like “holistic stress management techniques,” enabling them to tailor content that directly addresses their audience’s needs. By meticulously researching and implementing these keywords, you not only improve your website’s SEO but also enhance its relevance and value to visitors, paving the way for higher rankings and increased traffic.

4. Optimize Website Speed

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Speed thrills in the fast-paced world of SEO, where optimizing website speed is a critical factor in improving rankings. Fast-loading websites improve user experience and signal to search engines that your site is trustworthy, improving SEO.

Key steps to optimize website speed include:

  • Compressing Images: Reducing file sizes without sacrificing quality to enhance load times.
  • Streamlining Code: Minimizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to remove unnecessary characters.
  • Leveraging Browser Caching: Storing elements locally to speed up subsequent visits.

For example, an e-commerce website can significantly improve its user experience and SEO rankings by ensuring product images and pages load quickly. This not only keeps customers engaged but also encourages them to explore more products. By prioritizing website speed, businesses not only improve their website’s performance but also strengthen their SEO strategy, leading to higher rankings and increased visibility in the digital marketplace.

5. Mobile Optimization

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Mobile optimization is the digital alchemy that turns casual browsing into gold for SEO. In a world where smartphones are the new gateways to the internet, ensuring your website is mobile-friendly is crucial to improve rankings. A mobile-optimized website not only caters to the vast majority of users but also satisfies search engine algorithms, favoring sites that provide an excellent mobile experience.

Essential aspects of mobile optimization include:

  • Responsive Design: Ensuring your website adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes.
  • Fast Loading Speed: Accelerating page load times for a smoother mobile experience.
  • Simplified Navigation: Crafting an intuitive and user-friendly mobile interface.

Consider a restaurant website; mobile optimization means customers can effortlessly navigate the menu, make reservations, and find location information from their phones. This enhances user engagement and, in turn, signals search engines to boost the website’s SEO rankings. Mobile optimization is about more than simply making your site accessible; it also puts it in the hands of your target audience, which is great for SEO.

6. Use SEO Friendly URLs

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Creating URLs that are optimized for search engines is like building a well-lit road for visitors and crawlers. This often-ignored SEO tactic can do wonders for a website’s search engine rankings. The user experience and search engine optimization (SEO) effectiveness of a website can both be improved with the help of properly formatted URLs that point to the appropriate content.

Key elements of SEO-friendly URLs include:

  • Clarity: Using clear, descriptive words that reflect the page content.
  • Brevity: Keeping URLs short and to the point.
  • Keyword Integration: Incorporating relevant keywords to boost SEO value.

For example, a gardening website might use a URL like “www.gardenheaven.com/organic-vegetable-gardening-tips” instead of a vague or numeric URL. This not only makes the link more clickable for users but also more easily interpreted by search engines, aiding in improving the website’s rankings. In essence, SEO-friendly URLs are not just mere web addresses; they are potent tools in the SEO arsenal, enhancing both search engine and user experience visibility.

7. Improve User Engagement With Plerdy

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Plerdy is a dynamic tool that revolutionizes how websites enhance user engagement, a crucial factor in boosting SEO rankings. Think of Plerdy as a digital maestro, orchestrating a website’s elements to perform harmoniously, thereby improving user experience and engagement.

Key benefits of using Plerdy include:

  • Enhanced User Interaction: By tracking how visitors interact with your website, Plerdy provides insights to fine-tune user experience.
  • Conversion Optimization: It helps identify and resolve navigational issues, increasing the likelihood of conversions.
  • SEO Improvement: Enhanced user engagement positively impacts SEO, as search engines favor websites that offer a superior user experience.

For instance, an online clothing retailer can use Plerdy to analyze how customers interact with their site, identifying and rectifying any hurdles in the shopping process. This not only improves the website’s usability but also its SEO rankings, as satisfied users are more likely to return and recommend the site. Plerdy, thus, is not just a tool but a strategic ally in the quest to elevate a website’s performance in the digital realm.

8. Social Media Signals

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Social media signals boost SEO ranks and website visibility in digital marketing. These signals, generated from social media interactions, act as endorsements, boosting a website’s credibility in the eyes of search engines.

Key impacts of social media signals on SEO include:

  • Increased Traffic: Social shares drive more visitors to your website, indirectly improving SEO.
  • Enhanced Brand Visibility: Active social engagement increases brand recognition, which can lead to higher search rankings.
  • Improved Content Distribution: Social media helps disseminate content widely, increasing its reach and potential backlinks.

For example, a health and wellness blog leveraging social media can see a significant boost in website traffic from a viral health tip post. This not only drives direct traffic but also signals to search engines the relevance and popularity of the website, potentially improving its rankings. Therefore, integrating social media into your SEO strategy is not just about building a social presence; it’s a strategic move to amplify your website’s reach and authority, essential for climbing the SEO ladder.

9. Backlinks

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Backlinks are the digital bridges connecting various corners of the internet to your website, a cornerstone in the architecture of SEO. These links from external sites not only direct traffic to your site but also serve as endorsements, enhancing your website’s credibility and improving its rankings.

Integral to a robust SEO strategy, backlinks:

  • Signal Authority: High-quality backlinks from reputable sites boost your website’s authority.
  • Enhance Visibility: Each backlink raises your website’s profile, making it more discoverable.
  • Improve Rankings: Search engines view backlinks as indicators of the content’s relevance and value.

For example, a gourmet cooking website gains prestige when a renowned food critic links to it, signaling to search engines the site’s relevance in the culinary world. This acknowledgment not only drives food enthusiasts to the website but also elevates its rankings. Hence, pursuing quality backlinks is not merely about increasing numbers; it’s about strategically enhancing your website’s SEO, weaving a web of digital pathways that lead audiences and search engines alike to your digital doorstep.

10. Internal Linking

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Internal linking is like weaving a web within your website, a strategy that significantly improves SEO rankings. By creating links between different pages on your site, you not only enhance user navigation but also guide search engines in understanding and valuing your website’s content.

Benefits of effective internal linking include:

  • Better Navigation: Facilitates ease of movement across your website, improving user experience.
  • Enhanced Page Authority: Distributes page authority throughout your site, bolstering the SEO strength of individual pages.
  • Improved Content Visibility: Helps search engines index and rank your material.

Imagine a health and wellness website; internal linking can connect a blog post about healthy eating to a related recipe section. Both the reader and the search engines benefit from this, as it indicates the site’s material is extensive. By strategically employing internal links, you not only refine your website’s structure but also boost its SEO potential, ensuring a more cohesive and powerful online presence.

11. Image Optimization

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In the visually-driven realm of the internet, image optimization is a vital yet often overlooked ingredient in the SEO recipe. It’s not just about making pictures look pretty; it’s about shaping them to enhance your website’s performance and rankings.

Effective image optimization involves:

  • Compressing File Sizes: Reducing load times without compromising quality.
  • Utilizing Relevant Keywords: In filenames and alt tags, aligning images with search queries.
  • Responsive Design: Ensuring images display effectively across different devices.

For a fashion retail website, optimized images could mean the difference between a potential customer staying or bouncing off the site. High-quality, fast-loading images of the latest trends can improve the website’s appeal, keeping users engaged longer. By focusing on image optimization, you not only polish your website’s visual appeal but also fortify its SEO foundation, making it more visible and attractive to both users and search engines.

12. Local SEO

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Local SEO is the digital megaphone for small businesses, amplifying their presence in local search results. This targeted approach to SEO ensures that when potential customers in your area search for related services or products, it’s your website they find.

Essential strategies for effective Local SEO include:

  • Google My Business Optimization: Ensuring your business profile is complete and accurate.
  • Local Keywords: Incorporating location-specific keywords into your website’s content.
  • Local Link Building: Gaining backlinks from local businesses and organizations.

Imagine a local bakery in Seattle. By optimizing for Local SEO, it appears at the top when someone searches for “best Seattle bakery.” This not only drives foot traffic but also improves the website’s overall rankings. Local SEO is not just about being seen; it’s about being seen by the right people at the right time, making it a critical tool for businesses aiming to dominate their local market.

13. Regularly Update Content

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In the fast-evolving world of SEO, regularly updating content is like keeping the heartbeat of your website strong and steady. This regular change maintains your website fresh and relevant and shows search engines that it is alive and evolving.

Key aspects of regular content updates include:

  • Refreshing Existing Content: Updating facts, figures, and information to maintain relevance.
  • Adding New Content: Consistently publishing new articles, blogs, or pages.
  • Optimizing for Current SEO Best Practices: Adjusting content to align with the latest SEO trends and algorithms.

For example, a tech news website regularly updating its articles on the latest gadgets ensures it stays on top of search results, as search engines favor current, up-to-date information. By routinely refreshing content, you not only enhance your website’s SEO performance but also provide a richer, more engaging experience for your visitors, fostering trust and authority in your niche.

14. Use of Schema Markup

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Schema markup is like a spotlight for SEO, illuminating your website’s content for search engines in a way that’s structured and easily interpretable. By integrating schema markup, you essentially provide a detailed map to search engines, which helps them understand your website’s content, thereby improving your rankings.

Key benefits of using schema markup include:

  • Enhanced Search Visibility: Makes your website more understandable to search engines.
  • Rich Snippets: Improves how your website appears in search results with additional information.
  • Increased Click-Through Rates: Attractive search listings lead to more website visits.

For instance, a recipe website using schema markup can display star ratings, cooking time, and calorie count directly in search results. This improves the listing’s appeal and, in turn, its chances of rising in the search engine ranks. Implementing schema markup is a strategic SEO maneuver, turning your website into a beacon for search engines and users alike, guiding them through the vast sea of online information directly to your content.

15. Website Architecture and Navigation

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Crafting a website with intuitive architecture and navigation is akin to building a well-designed map that guides visitors through your digital landscape. This clear, structured approach not only enhances user experience but also plays a pivotal role in improving SEO rankings.

Key aspects of effective website architecture and navigation include:

  • Logical Structure: Organizing content in a clear, hierarchical manner.
  • Easy Navigation: Ensuring users can find what they need without confusion.
  • Internal Linking: Creating links between pages to guide visitors and search engines.

For example, an online bookstore with a well-structured website makes it easy for readers to find genres, new releases, and bestsellers. Users are engaged and search engines crawl and index the website more efficiently using this user-friendly approach, enhancing SEO. In essence, thoughtful website architecture and navigation are not just about aesthetics or functionality; they are critical components that intertwine to boost a website’s visibility, usability, and ranking in the digital world.


As we reach the end of “15 Ways to Improve SEO Rankings,” it’s clear that the journey to enhance your website’s SEO is ongoing and dynamic. Each component—from initial keyword research to final adjustments of backlinks and content—is essential to increasing your site’s discoverability.

In recap, we’ve explored:

  • The power of comprehensive keyword strategies.
  • The impact of high-quality, relevant content.
  • The necessity of a robust backlink profile.

But beyond these pillars, remember, SEO is about adaptation and persistence. It’s about reading the subtle shifts in digital trends and aligning your website accordingly. Whether it’s refining your metadata or leveraging the latest tools like Plerdy for user behavior analysis, every action is a step towards SEO excellence.

As you apply these insights, consider them not just as tasks but as opportunities to connect with your audience more meaningfully. And remember, in the world of SEO, there is no finish line – there are always new heights to reach and new achievements to unlock. Keep testing, keep learning, and let your website not just exist, but thrive and lead in its digital space.

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Article by:
CEO Andrew Chornyy

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.

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