Website Exit Intent Survey: 5 Tips

Andrew Chornyy - 001
Andrew Chornyy

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.

Business SEO Blog User Experience (UX)

Nowadays, it is essential to create websites that offer online products and experiences that meet consumer expectations. Customers consider many important parameters while searching the web, and it is often hard to match all their needs. When the required product or service is absent on the website, visitors leave. As a result, the conversion rate decreases.

Therefore, marketers should create a specific interaction model to connect with customers even if they leave the website. Website exit intent surveys are the best solution to manage such exits. What are their main advantages, and how can they help to increase the conversion rate? Read on to discover.

What is a Website Exit Intent Survey?

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A website exit survey is a method marketers use to determine why visitors leave the website, and correct the discovered mistakes. It is usually a specific user form asking for possible flaws or the reason for leaving. For instance, you can display a pop-up just before a client clicks an exit button. The main goal of website exit surveys is to understand the visitors intent, improve the website, and eliminate development mistakes. Surveys may also help:

  • To detect the user’s reason for leaving the website, understand their intent, and take necessary actions.
  • To get feedback instantly and know more about user experience.
  • To determine the target audience and segment the future clients based on their intent.
  • To increase conversion rates by meeting the visitors’ needs.

Exit surveys for websites are a perfect way to improve your online business performance considering inquiries of your clients and reach a high understanding of their intent.

Website Exit Intent Survey: 5 Tips

Why Do You Need to Use Exit Intent Surveys?

Exit intent surveys are a powerful tool that can help retailers better understand their customers and improve the overall customer experience. These surveys are triggered when a customer is about to leave a website. They allow retailers to understand why customers are leaving and how to prevent it.

Facts and statistics reveal that a high bounce rate can decrease sales and revenue. According to a study by Forbes, a 1% increase in website retention can lead to a corresponding increase in sales of up to 8%. Additionally, a report by Invesp found that businesses that used exit intent surveys managed to reduce their bounce rate by up to 15%.

Retail experts such as Neil Patel and Peep Laja are vocal advocates of the importance of exit intent surveys. Patel, in his blog “Advanced Analytics with Google Analytics” suggests that retailers use exit intent surveys to explore why visitors are leaving a website page and make necessary changes to improve the customer experience.

Another great resource for retailers looking to implement exit intent surveys is the book “Exit Surveys: A Guide to Measuring Satisfaction, Intentions and Future Behavior” by Michael C. Sturman. This book provides a comprehensive guide on how to implement and analyze exit surveys to gain valuable insights into customer behavior.

In short, retailers who want to improve their website and the customer experience (CX) should use exit intent surveys. By understanding why customers are leaving (drop-off) the website, retailers can make the necessary changes to keep them engaged and ultimately drive business success.

Pros & Cons of Website Exit Survey

Website exit surveys can help improve your website since they allow you to detect and promptly fix any issues. Their advantages are the following:

  • Response rate increases. When an exit form appears on the screen, a user is likely to fill it out. Customers usually don’t mind leaving feedback and sharing their experience.
  • Get essential information. The customer’s objective opinion contains valuable information, which instantly helps to spot significant problems.
  • Increase of conversions. Feedback helps to detect the main flaws and increase conversions through troubleshooting.

However, there are several disadvantages, you should consider while making exit surveys for your website:

  • Surveys can seem intrusive. A pop-up form may worsen the user experience in some cases. Therefore, it is essential to do surveys succinctly and unobtrusively to customers.
  • Surveys may appear at the wrong moment. If you make a mistake while configuring a website exit survey, it may pop up when a user doesn’t want to leave the website (clicking on the design elements, placing the cursor on the specific place on the screen, etc.)
  • Preconceived result. The survey’s form may confuse the visitors and distort information about their experience. Therefore, it is hard to match each customer’s needs.

So, website exit surveys are an excellent method to improve your website’s structure. However, the developers should also consider its possible inconveniences.

Google’s John Mueller was asked about using Google Translate to create content in another language and warned about a quality issue. He reframed the issue as spam, suggesting that if the content is automatically translated, it might be seen as a low-quality website. As a result, the web spam team may step in and not index it. Mueller encouraged improving content quality by using translators and reworking the content. He emphasized that content must make sense to the users, and they should trust it. Otherwise, they will go elsewhere. He did not encourage using Google Translate for content creation, as it might result in a manual action for autogenerated content.

Adam Durrant
Adam Durrant SEO Manager | ZOE

Website Exit Survey from Plerdy

Plerdy’s website exit survey tools allow you to configure pop-ups for different purposes. The tools are suitable for web developers and marketers to implement onlone promotion strategies. The pop-up creator includes the templates for:

  • Informing about the website activities;
  • Getting emails and phone numbers;
  • Hiring services or ordering products in 1 click;
  • Shortcut button to place at eight areas on the screen;
  • Tools for rating form creation;

Exit surveys for websites from Plerdy help create specific pop-ups considering your company’s requirements. You will segment users with various filters, gather customers’ responses for web optimization, analyze the feedback, and improve your conversion rate.

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Setting Up an Exit Intent Survey for Your Website: 5 Steps

Exit intent surveys are an effective way for businesses to gather valuable insights about why customers leave their websites and ways to retain them. A well-crafted exit survey can help you understand your audience’s needs and improve your website’s user experience.

Here are 5 steps to help you set up an exit intent survey.

  1. Choose the Right Form Type: There are different types of exit intent forms you can choose from, such as email collection, phone collection, NPS, feedback, wheel of fortune, video, custom banner, and survey forms. Choose the form that best suits your business needs.
  2. Customize the Design: Once you select your form type, customize the design to match your website’s look and feel. You can adjust the text, font, and color or add images, videos, and emojis.
  3. Specify Display Rules: Set up display rules to specify when the form will appear. For example, you can display the form only to users who have spent a specific amount of time on your website.
  4. Include a Privacy Policy: Ensure that your exit intent survey complies with privacy regulations by including a privacy policy. This will show customers that you handletheir information responsibly.
  5. Customize a Thank You Message: Remember to display a thank you messagewhen a customer submits the form. You can customize this message to show appreciation for their feedback and offer a link to another page.

Exit intent surveys are an incredible Plerdy tool for gathering customer feedback and improving website user experience. Following these 5 steps, you can set up any exit intent survey in Plerdy to gather valuable insights and improve conversions.

Website Exit Survey Questions

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The reasons for users’ exit from the website vary. The main ones are the relevance of the services, the website’s engagement, and design elements. Exit surveys for websites help understand which problems significantly influence the response rate.

Common Questions

Many aspects affect the general attitude toward the website. To improve the client’s opinion, you can create website exit surveys, gather standard personal data fromusers, and navigate them to other pages depending on their needs.

Product Page

Even if a customer finds the necessary product and visits a product page to purchase, several inconveniences may change their mind. The standard product page mistakes are the following:

  • Duplicate page content.
  • Incomplete product description.
  • Multidimensional navigation.

Website exit surveys gather feedback, indicating the main flaws of a product page. With a survey, you can learn what people think about your services or website usability to improve them.

After a Purchase

The absence of interaction after a purchase leads to the loss of clients and the absence of feedback. A pop-up or an email feedback form helps connect with a client.

Cart Abandonment

Many customers don’t place an order even after looking through the pricing page and adding the product to the cart. The best way to know why they do so is to ask the following questions:

  • “Was the pricing OK and clear?”.
  • “Do you find our prices more affordable compared to similar websites?”.

Website exit surveys may contain the listed or similar questions to make users provide feedback quickly.

Informational Page/Blog Post

Blog posts may help website visitors find answers to their questions or, vice versa, confuse them. Therefore, showing a short feedback or ranking form after a user reads an article is a great idea. You may ask about the quality and relevance of the information.

5 Best Tips for Website Exit Surveys

Follow our advice for making website exit surveys to build the correct and unobtrusive asking form.

Make the Survey Window Stand Out

Make a survey window noticeable for maximum customer engagement. Center it on the screen to catch the customer’s eye before they leave the website and understand their intent.

Keep It Simple

Overloading customers with too many questions can lead to biased feedback and confusion. To avoid this, keep the survey brief and limit the questions to the most important ones for understanding the customer’s intent. A concise survey will increase the chances of receiving honest feedback and maintaining a positive impact on the visitors future interactions with the website.

Allow for Easy Exit

Exit intent surveys must be clear and not force customers to answer the questions. Keep only the critical questions and make it easy for customers to close the survey form. This will increase the likelihood of getting the right reviews for your website. Based on this data, you will be able to improve the interaction of potential customers with the website.

Segment Your Visitors

Tailor the questions in the exit intent survey to the visitors’ specific needs and behavior on the website. This will allow you to gather more specific and relevant feedback to understand the customer’s intent. Segmented surveys can provide valuable insights into customer behavior.

Test the Survey

Before launching the exit intent survey, test it to ensure everything works as expected. You should check the survey form, questions, and ease of use. By testing the survey, you can find any problems and make sure it’s easy for customers to fill out. As a result, you will be more likely to get honest and meaningful feedback.

Consider Your Audience and Goals

When creating a website exit intent survey, be clear about your goals and mind your audience. Consider the type of feedback you want from your customers and create a questionnaire that includes relevant questions about why they are leaving the website. Use closed-ended questions and make the survey interactive to maximize response. To receive maximum engagement, keep the questions concise and limit them to multiple-choice answers instead of long, open-ended ones.

To Sum Up

As a website manager or and ecommerce marketer, you must understand why visitors leave your website. That’s where exit intent surveys come in. They provide valuable insights into why people go from your site.

With the help of tools like Plerdy, you can easily create and install exit intent surveys and start tracking the results. The unique dashboard provides real-time recordings of visitor behavior. It allows you to spot areas where you can take action to reduce churn. By editing the survey flows and integrating them with your marketing campaign, you can engage with visitors and better understand their needs.

Try Plerdy for free today and see the benefits for yourself. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting, Plerdy’s guides and demos are here to help. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the Plerdy team. Capture the real reasons behind website exits and put that information to work for your brand.

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