15 Best Email Marketing Apps for Shopify (2024)

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Andrew Chornyy

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.

Business Digital marketing Blog Ecommerce

In the dynamic landscape of Shopify e-commerce, leveraging the right email marketing app is not just a choice—it’s a necessity. As we dive into 2024, the fusion of email marketing strategies with Shopify’s robust platform has never been more critical. Picture this: You’re a Shopify store owner specializing in eco-friendly products. Your goal? To connect with your audience through personalized, impactful email campaigns. That’s where our handpicked list of the 15 best email marketing apps for Shopify comes into play.

Each app on our list is a powerhouse, equipped to elevate your Shopify store’s email marketing game. Think automated workflows, intuitive design tools, and analytics that translate data into actionable insights. For instance, an app tailored for fashion retailers can transform how you showcase new collections via email, turning browsers into buyers.

  • Seamless Shopify integration
  • User-friendly design tools
  • Advanced analytics for targeted campaigns

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But there’s more—boost your strategy with Plerdy, the ultimate tool for SEO & UX optimization. Imagine effortlessly climbing search rankings while delivering a top-notch user experience.

So, gear up to empower your Shopify store with an email marketing app that resonates with your brand’s unique voice and vision. Dive into our curated list and discover the app that aligns with your goals—because when it comes to email marketing on Shopify, settling for good enough is not an option.

Brief Overview of the Importance of Email Marketing for Shopify Stores

Leveraging email marketing is pivotal for Shopify store owners aiming to amplify reach and bolster sales. A strategic email campaign can turn browsers into buyers and one-time purchasers into loyal fans. Here’s why:

  • Direct Engagement: Email allows for direct conversation with your audience, cutting through the noise and delivering your message right to their inbox.
  • Personalization Power: Tailor your content, deals, and announcements to match customer interests and shopping behaviors, fostering a sense of individual attention.
  • Metrics that Matter: Track opens, clicks, and conversions to refine strategies and boost your ROI.

Smart Shopify entrepreneurs harness the strength of top-tier email marketing apps to:

  • Automate workflows, from welcome series to abandoned cart reminders.
  • Segment audiences for targeted campaigns that resonate.
  • Design stunning emails with drag-and-drop ease, no coding required.

From the fashion boutique launching a new line to the specialty food shop sharing mouth-watering recipes, an adept email marketing app weaves seamlessly into the Shopify experience—turning campaigns into cash flow. Choose wisely; your Shopify success is an email away.

The Criteria for Selecting the Best Email Marketing Apps

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Selecting the ultimate email marketing app for your Shopify store demands a keen eye for certain must-haves. The ideal app should blend seamlessly with your digital storefront, serving up a suite of features that catapult sales while simplifying your day-to-day. Consider these non-negotiables:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Navigate with ease, setting up campaigns without the fuss.
  • Robust Feature Set: From segmentation to automation, the app must deliver versatile tools to engage customers effectively.
  • Competitive Pricing: High returns shouldn’t come with steep costs. Look for value-packed plans that scale with your business.
  • Seamless Shopify Integration: The app should sync smoothly, maintaining inventory and customer data in real-time.

Whether you’re decking out emails for a boutique or crafting newsletters for a tech gadget shop, your marketing efforts hinge on the app’s ability to deliver without hitch. The right Shopify-integrated email marketing app isn’t just a tool—it’s your partner in digital dialogue.

List of Best 15 Email Marketing Apps for Shopify

Embarking on the journey through our “15 Best Email Marketing Apps for Shopify (2023)” list is like opening a treasure trove of digital marketing gems. Each app is a unique toolkit, primed to catapult your Shopify venture into the stratosphere of customer engagement and sales. Buckle up, as this roundup is set to turbocharge your email marketing strategy, seamlessly blending with Shopify’s ecosystem to create marketing magic.

Plerdy: Revolutionizing Shopify Email Marketing

Harness the power of Plerdy, an innovative email marketing app that’s transforming Shopify marketing strategies with precision. As a tool that’s carving out its niche, Plerdy stands out by providing Shopify store owners with actionable insights to bolster their email marketing campaigns. Here’s how Plerdy is making waves:

  • Heatmap Analysis: Get an eagle-eye view of customer behavior—see where clicks cluster and engagement peaks.
  • SEO Checks: Plerdy ensures your Shopify store stays on top of search rankings, pushing your marketing content to the forefront.
  • Pop-Up Forms: Capture leads effortlessly and funnel them into your email marketing sequences, all within Shopify’s ecosystem.

Craft targeted campaigns, fire off timely promotions, and watch your engagement metrics spike. With Plerdy’s intuitive dashboard, Shopify entrepreneurs can fine-tune their email marketing efforts, tailoring messages that resonate and convert. Whether selling handcrafted jewelry or eco-friendly home goods, leveraging Plerdy’s suite ensures your email marketing app doesn’t just meet the mark—it sets the standard.

Klaviyo: The Game-Changer in Email Strategy for Shopify Stores

Klaviyo, a leading email marketing app, syncs seamlessly with Shopify, turning data into personalized shopping experiences. This powerhouse app takes Shopify stores to new heights, driving sales through smart, data-driven email campaigns. Here’s what sets Klaviyo apart:

  • Precision Targeting: Drill down into customer data to tailor email marketing efforts.
  • Seamless Shopify Integration: Klaviyo’s app hooks into your Shopify data, setting up shop as your marketing nerve center.
  • Automation Excellence: Set up email flows that respond to customer actions, keeping your brand front and center.

For the Shopify retailer specializing in bespoke home decor or vintage fashion, Klaviyo isn’t just an app—it’s a growth partner. It’s where email marketing strategy meets execution, all within the Shopify environment. Turn browsers into buyers and first-time customers into regulars with Klaviyo’s razor-sharp email tools at your disposal.

Omnisend: Unifying Email Marketing Power for Shopify

Omnisend stands out as a robust email marketing app that takes Shopify stores by storm with its multi-channel approach. This app is a powerhouse, enabling store owners to fire off emails that hit the mark every time. Here’s why Omnisend is the go-to for savvy Shopify sellers:

  • Automated Workflows: Streamline your marketing pipeline – set up once, watch it roll out.
  • Rich Segmentation: Zero in on your audience with laser-focused precision.
  • Integrated SMS and Push Notifications: Reach out and touch customers beyond the inbox.

Imagine a health and wellness Shopify store – with Omnisend, they can launch a campaign that moves with the customer’s journey, from awareness to aftercare. For those selling artisanal goods, Omnisend’s app transforms customer data into email marketing gold. Connect, convert, and keep the conversation flowing. Make every message count with Omnisend – the email marketing app that’s dialed into Shopify’s heartbeat.

Seguno: Simplifying Email Marketing within Shopify

Seguno makes Shopify email marketing easy for entrepreneurs to start conversations and boost sales. This app nestles into the Shopify interface, turning complex email tactics into a walk in the park. Here’s the lowdown on what makes Seguno the ace in the hole:

  • Dynamic Content: Keep your emails fresh – automatically update them even after sending.
  • Live Countdown Timers: Inject urgency into your campaigns that nudge customers from browsing to buying.
  • Seamless Integration: Clicks away from Shopify’s dashboard, Seguno syncs up like a charm.

Picture this – a boutique owner launches a flash sale. With Seguno, they whip up an email with a countdown timer, stir up excitement, and watch as the sales roll in. The app takes the heavy lifting out of email marketing, giving Shopify store owners the freedom to focus on what they do best – selling. Fire up Seguno, plug into Shopify, and watch your marketing take flight.

Privy: Personalizing the Shopify Email Experience

Privy stands out as an intuitive email marketing app tailored for Shopify users who aim to elevate their e-commerce game. It’s the go-to tool for Shopify sellers eager to grow their list, automate their email marketing, and ultimately, boost sales. Here’s why savvy store owners are turning to Privy:

  • High-Converting Pop-Ups: Capture leads with customizable, attention-grabbing pop-ups.
  • Automated Email Sequences: Turn first-time visits into lasting relationships with automated follow-ups.
  • Real-Time Analytics: Gauge the success of campaigns with actionable insights right within Shopify.

Imagine a gourmet coffee shop on Shopify using Privy to entice coffee aficionados with a spin-to-win pop-up, followed by drip emails that share the journey from bean to cup. It’s this seamless integration and strategic marketing automation that make Privy a trusted ally in any Shopify merchant’s app arsenal. Use Privy to boost Shopify’s email marketing.

Mailchimp: The Classic Email Marketing Tool for Shopify

Mailchimp has become synonymous with effective email marketing, offering a user-friendly app that Shopify store owners leverage for powerful marketing automation. This technology effortlessly integrates with Shopify to create individualized purchasing experiences, revolutionizing merchant email strategy. Here’s what Mailchimp brings to the Shopify table:

  • Engaging Templates: Craft eye-catching emails that pop in any inbox.
  • Segmentation Smarts: Break down your audience for pinpoint targeting.
  • Robust Analytics: Track performance and hone your strategy with real-time data.

Consider a Shopify store flush with artisanal teas—from rare oolongs to robust black teas. Mailchimp helps them stir up interest with tailored newsletters that educate and entice their audience, transforming casual sippers into connoisseurs. With its potent mix of simplicity and sophistication, Mailchimp’s email marketing app remains a prime choice for Shopify sellers aiming to connect, convert, and climb to new sales summits.

Constant Contact: Reliable Email Solutions for Shopify

Constant Contact sharpens the edge of email marketing for Shopify merchants, positioning itself as an indispensable app in your e-commerce arsenal. This robust tool offers:

  • Drag-and-Drop Editor: Create brand-appropriate emails that stand out.
  • Real-Time Tracking: Measure opens, clicks, and sales to steer your campaigns.
  • List Growth Tools: Expand your reach with effective sign-up forms.

Imagine a Shopify storefront, a haven for organic skincare enthusiasts. With Constant Contact, they roll out campaigns that nurture and educate, turning skin-care routines into a ritual shared with subscribers. This app isn’t just about sending emails; it’s about creating a community and sparking ongoing conversations. Sync up Constant Contact with your Shopify store and watch as your email marketing sets you apart, turning your messages into memorable experiences that translate into measurable success.

Drip: Crafting Engaging Shopify Email Campaigns

Drip redefines email marketing for Shopify store owners, positioning itself as a must-have app to enrich customer relationships. It’s the ace up your sleeve for:

  • Deep Customer Insights: Unlock the stories behind your data.
  • Automated Workflows: Turn leads into loyalists on autopilot.
  • Personalized Campaigns: Speak directly to the shopper’s journey.

Imagine a Shopify boutique that curates vintage timepieces. With Drip, they orchestrate email sequences that echo the uniqueness of their collection, enticing watch enthusiasts with history-laden narratives and personalized recommendations. Drip integrates with Shopify to sync email marketing with consumer activities from click to checkout. This software is the maestro of your marketing plan, conducting every note to make your Shopify store sing in the inbox symphony.

ActiveCampaign: Advanced Email Tactics for Shopify

ActiveCampaign stands at the forefront of email marketing apps, seamlessly integrating with Shopify to elevate e-commerce ventures. Renowned for its:

  • Customer Experience Automation: Create a personalized journey for every customer.
  • Advanced Segmentation:  Hone in on niche markets with precision targeting.
  • Sales Automation: Sync up with Shopify to convert leads without lifting a finger.

Imagine a Shopify artisanal bread shop; ActiveCampaign enables them to send out savory email content that aligns with customers’ previous purchases and taste preferences, bread-baking tips, and timed discounts, all automated to hit the inbox at peak craving times. ActiveCampaign isn’t just an app; it’s the backbone of a strategic email marketing approach, designed to nurture Shopify customers and keep them coming back for more. This tool doesn’t just support your Shopify store; it helps it thrive.

SmartrMail: Elevating Email Intelligence on Shopify

SmartrMail propels Shopify stores ahead with its nimble email marketing app, ensuring messages aren’t just sent but resonate and convert. Here’s the lowdown on SmartrMail:

  • Quick Email Templates: Fire off emails that capture your brand’s vibe.
  • Personalized Automation: Craft journeys unique to each customer.
  • Actionable Insights: Pivot with data that points you in the right direction.

Picture a Shopify wine shop uncorking the full potential of email marketing with SmartrMail. They pour out personalized recommendations based on browsing history, sip by sip, engaging oenophiles with tales of vineyards and vintage notes. This app intertwines sophistication with Shopify’s robust framework, making email marketing not just another task, but a cornerstone of business strategy. SmartrMail doesn’t just help Shopify stores keep up—it helps them stay ahead.

Amplified: Mastering Cart Abandonment and Popups on Shopify

Amplified: Abandon Cart, Popup, the Shopify app, is a marketing maestro, turning lost opportunities into sales with strategic email prompts. This app serves as a Shopify store’s silent salesman:

  • Engaging Popups: Captures interest with timely offers.
  • Smart Email Retargeting: Re-engages shoppers who left items behind.
  • Seamless Shopify Sync: Integrates effortlessly, for smooth operation.

A Shopify store peddling bespoke candles can use Amplified to spark a reminder in customers’ inboxes, rekindling their initial interest with a scent-filled email that tempts them back. Amplified is a conversion engine that combines Shopify’s simplicity and email marketing’s reach. With this tool, every abandoned cart is a potential sale—not a lost cause. It’s the nudge shoppers need, delivered right when it counts.

Avada Email Marketing & SMS: Multichannel Mastery for Shopify

Avada Email Marketing & SMS stands as a powerhouse in the Shopify ecosystem, a marketing app designed to amplify your reach and deepen customer connections. This robust tool is a game-changer for Shopify sellers:

  • Unified Messaging: Fuse email and SMS marketing in one streamlined campaign.
  • Targeted Automation: Trigger messages based on customer actions.
  • Effortless Integration: Syncs with Shopify for real-time insights.

Imagine a Shopify store for handcrafted soaps—Avada Email Marketing & SMS enables them to bubble up interest with email newsletters and SMS alerts, dishing out flash sales and soapy stories straight to customer phones and inboxes. This app boosts Shopify sales with targeted, timely, and haptic marketing. Embrace Avada and watch your Shopify store’s marketing thrive across every inbox and screen.

Reputon Customer Reviews App: Leveraging Feedback in Shopify Email Marketing

Reputon Customer Reviews App for Shopify is a marketing catalyst, harnessing the power of customer feedback to build brand trust and amplify sales. This app is pivotal for Shopify retailers:

  • Streamlined Review Collection: Snag feedback effortlessly post-purchase.
  • Trust-Building Widgets: Showcase glowing testimonials right on your site.
  • Email Follow-ups: Engage customers to share their experiences.

A Shopify store specializing in handcrafted pottery uses Reputon to glaze over any customer hesitation by displaying authentic reviews, bolstering their marketing with the voice of satisfied buyers. By integrating with Shopify, Reputon turns customer emails into a bridge, connecting buyers’ positive experiences with potential customers, ensuring that every review helps to craft the store’s reputation. It’s not just an app—it’s a reputation architect for Shopify stores, turning happy customers into your most powerful marketing tool.

Justuno: Captivating Email & SMS Pop-Ups for Shopify

Justuno – Email & SMS Pop ups stands as a pivotal app for Shopify stores, driving marketing efforts with its smart engagement tools. This app shines by:

  • Capturing Leads: Convert visitors with compelling pop-ups.
  • Segmentation Features: Tailor messages to fit customer profiles.
  • Intuitive Design: Set up in minutes, engage for a lifetime.

For the Shopify store owner peddling gourmet teas, Justuno’s pop-ups are the secret to growing their email list, enticing tea lovers with a quiz that brews up personalized recommendations, delivered via email or SMS. This isn’t just another marketing app; it’s a Shopify store’s silent salesperson, working round-the-clock to ensure every visitor is an opportunity, not just a click. Justuno taps into the heart of marketing—building connections that fuel Shopify success, one pop-up, one email, one SMS at a time.

AWeber Email by Combidesk: Streamlining Email Processes on Shopify

AWeber Email by Combidesk injects new vigor into Shopify marketing, syncing seamlessly with stores to streamline email campaigns. It’s a standout app for:

  • Efficient Syncing: Keeps your Shopify and email lists in harmony.
  • Automated Campaigns: Rolls out emails that resonate with your audience.
  • Actionable Analytics: Sharpens your marketing moves with clear insights.

Imagine a Shopify storefront specializing in handcrafted leather goods. AWeber Email by Combidesk empowers them to stitch together a series of welcome emails, product stories, and care tips that land in customers’ inboxes at just the right time. This app isn’t just about sending emails—it’s about crafting narratives that weave into the fabric of the brand story, enhancing the Shopify experience with each send. AWeber Email by Combidesk is the tool that turns Shopify stores into marketing storytellers, connecting with customers one email at a time.


After our thorough dive into the “15 Best Email Marketing Apps for Shopify (2024),” it’s evident that the perfect email marketing software can transform your Shopify store. From Plerdy’s sleek automations to the dynamic analytics of other top-tier services, these apps offer a plethora of features tailored for the Shopify ecosystem. They’re not just tools; they’re the backbone of a robust email marketing strategy.

Each app brings something unique to the table – be it Mailchimp’s user-friendly interface, Klaviyo’s advanced segmentation, or Omnisend’s multi-channel capabilities. They make email marketing easy to start, manage, and scale. With these apps, you’re not just sending emails; you’re creating an experience, engaging customers, and driving sales.

Now, don’t just take our word for it. Test drive these apps – many offer free trials or freebies for the first few months. Try Plerdy’s SEO & UX solutions and boost your Shopify store’s performance. These programs will improve your email marketing whether you’re a startup or an ecommerce veteran. Check them out, pick your favorites, and start crafting emails that convert. Remember, the right app could be just the ticket to unlocking your Shopify store’s full potential.

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